MAX358CWE+T ,Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: HI-508A/509A (See facing page for MAX358/359.)
Supplies 2 +15V, -15V ..
MAX358EPE+ ,Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexersApplications
Data Acquisition Systems
Industrial and Process Control Systems
Avionics Test E ..
MAX358EWE ,Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexerFeatures
. Improved 2nd Source (See "Maxim
Advantage" on 3rd and 5th page)
. All Switches Off wi ..
MAX358EWE+ ,Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexersGeneral Description
Maxim's Hl-508A and MAX358 are 8 channel single-
ended (1 of 8) multiplexer ..
MAX358MJE ,Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: MAX358/359 (See facing page for HI-508A/509A.)
Specifications below ..
MAX359CPE ,Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexerApplications
Data Acquisition Systems
Industrial and Process Control Systems
Avionics Test E ..
(Circuit of Figure l, VBATT1 = VBATT2 = 2.5V, ILOAD = 0mA, TA = TMIN ..
MAX722CSE+ ,3.3V/5V Palmtop Computer and LCD Power-Supply Regulatorapplications that reqUIre a MAX722ESE -40°C to +85''C 16 Narrow SO
+12Voutputvoltage, refertothe M ..
The MAX722 and MAX723 CMOS power-supply ICs cre- . Low 0.9V to 5.5V Battery Input Range ..
MAX7231AFIPL ,Triplexed LCD Decoder/DriversFeatures
. MAX7231 drives 8 digits/7 segments; parallel
input format; 2 annunciators per digi ..
MAX7231BFIPL ,Triplexed LCD Decoder/DriversGeneral Description
The MAX7231/32/33/34 family of integrated circuits
is a complete line of tr ..
MAX7231BFIPL ,Triplexed LCD Decoder/Drivers7 --'----
Fault-Protected Analog Multiplexers
'9-044g,-r2ev0,,4/88 AAUt%ibClLAbh]
FauIt-Protected Analog Multiplexer
General Description - Features
Maxim's HI-508A and MAX358 are 8 channel single- Improved 2nd Source (See "Maxim
ended (1 of 8) multiplexers with fault protection Advantage" on 3rd and Sth page)
Maxim's HI-509A and MAX359 are 4 channel differ- All Switches Off with Power Supplies Off
ential (2 of 8) multiplexers with fault protection.
Using a series N-c.h.,an.nel, P-channel, .rHianrlel On Channel Turns OFF it Overvoltage Occurs
structure, these multiplexers provide significantly Only Nanoemperes ot Input Current under All
the Maxim fault-protected multiplexer are inadver- Fault Conditions
tently turned off while input voltages are still applied,
only a few nanoamperes of leakage current will flow Operates from LF4.5 to :18V Supplies
into the inputs. This protects not only the multiplexer All Digital Inputs are TTL and CMOS
protects the sensors or signal sources which drive
the multiplexer.
protection structure has two significant advantages
over the simple current limiting protection scheme
.90 066 0
improved fault protection. If the power supplies to
Latchup-prool Construction
all channels in the multiplexer are turned off, and
and the circuitry driven by the multiplexer, but also Compatible
The Maxim series N-channel, P-channel, N-channel
- .6 .6 E— Ordering Information
gt tpehfir'at generattioh faulthproteloted '/gelt1',1e,'/tnrtss" PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE
Irs, e ax1m pro ection sc eme imits au t currents O 0
to nanoamp leakage values rather than many milli- MAX358CPE 0 C to +75 C 16 Lead Plasm DIP
amperes. This prevents damage to sensors or other MAX358CWE 0°C to ”5°C 16 Lead Wide so
sensitive signal sources. Second, the Maxim fault- MAX358COE 0°C to +75°C 16 Lead CERDIP
protected multiplexers can Withstand a continuous MAX358EPE -40"C to +8500 16 Lead Plastic DIP
t35V overvoltage, unlike the first generation which 0 o _
has a continuous overvoltage limitation of about MAX358EWE 40 C to +85 C 16 Lead Wioe so
l-ION/ imposed by power dissipation considerations. MAX358EJE 40°C to +85°C 16 Lead CERDIP
All digital inputs have logic thresholds of 0.8V and MAX358MJE -550C to +125oC 16 Lead CERDIP
2.4V, ensuring _both TTL and CMOS compatibility MAX358C/D" 0°C to +75°c Dice
without requiring pullup resistors. Break-before- MAX359CPE 0°C to +7500 16 Lead plashc DIP
make operation IS guaranteed, Power supply currents a o V
have been reduced and typical power dissipation is MAX359CWE 0 Cto -75 C 16 Lead Wide so
less than 2 milliwatts. MAX359CJE 0''C to 45°C 16 Lead CERDIP
Applications MAX359EPE -40oC to +85°C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
Data Acquisition Systems MAX359EWE -40oC to +85°C 16 Lead Wlde so
. MAX359EJE -40°C t +85°C 16 Le d CERDIP
Industrial and Process Control Systems o ea -
A . ' T . MAX359MJE 65°C to 425°C 16 Lead CERDIP
V'On'cs tst Equipment MAX359C/D" 0°C to ~75°c Dice
Signal Routing between Systems (Ordering tnformatitm is continued on last page.)
"The substrate may be allowed to float or be tied to V'
(Jl CMOS).
Pin Configuration
A0 LE E A] A0 LTd Ti] Al
‘Vsurm "i',C1(" E GNU 'Vsumv 1: lgfxgggw E 'hum,
Ill, [I HI 508A E ‘VSUPPU m” — H1509A E llhi,
m2 E - El IN5 ltia E - El llla,
1113 E E th, mu E E Ilia,
Ill, [I E IN; "lo 7 E] Ilia
uur [E] a ma oo, a a nun,
The"Max1m Advantage" '51grulies an upgraded quality level At no additional cost we offer a second-source dewce that IS sub/ecl tty the following guaranteed
performance over temperature along wrlh lighter test specifications on many ke/parameters, anddewce enhancements. when needed thal result in improved
performance Without changing the furrctoroahty.
MAXIM Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
VGOSIVBOS'IH ‘698/ 89820751!
MAX358/359, HI-508A/509A
FauIt-Protected Analog Multiplexer
Voltage between Supply PIns .......................... +44V
vr r22V
Digital Input Overvoltage:
V 1 '.lP.....P-F..l..FF..... +4V
Vero VA l supp:y(- ) ................................... -4V
Analog Input Ovelrvoltage with Multiplexer Power On:
Vs ppl (+) ...................................... +20V
VS l u y ...................................... -20V
Su upp
Analog Input Overvoltage with Multiplexer Power Off:
Vs {VSUppIy(:) ..
Continuous Current, S or D ............................ 20mA
Peak Current, s or D
(Pulsed at1ms, 10% duty cycle max) .,.
Power Dissipation (Note 1) (CERDIP)
Operating Temperature Range:
MAX358/359M; HI-508A/509A-2, -8 ...... -55''C to +125°C
MAX358/359C: HI-508A/509A-5 ............ . 0°C to +75°C
MAX358/359E -40''C to 185°C
Storage Temperature Range ................. -6y'C to 1150°C
Nole1: Derate 12, 8m1N/''C above TA : +75°C
. 40mA
Stresses above those listed under 'Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the aewce. These are stress ratings only and IuncI/onal
operanon of the deVIce at these or any other condnions above those indicated In the operational sections of the specmcauons Is not Implied Exposure to
absolute maxImum rahng condmons for extended periods may affect devrce ralia0dtty.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: Hl-508A/509A (See facing page for MAX358/359.)
Supplies = +15V. -15V,' VAH (Logic Level High) = +4.0V. VAC (Logic Level Low) I *0.8V (unless otherwise noted).
-55°C to +125°C 0°C to +75°C
V VD = t10V,ls :100uA +25°C IQ 1.5 1.5 18
ON Resistance rrosioro VAL = 0.8V, vAH = 4V Full IS 1.8 1.8 2 0 kit
OFF Input Leakage I Vs = t10V, VD = T-UN r25''C 0.03 0.03 nA
Current S(OFF) VEN = 0.8V (Note 2) Full 50 50
VD - t10V, VS = T10V r25"C 0.1 0.1
$531“ Leakage 1mm, VEN-- 0.3v Hl-508A Full 200 200 nA
u (Note 2) Hl-509A Full 100 100
ty-ci, (rt - V:10V (Note 2) +25°C 0.1 0.1
gaginnel Leakage Ioioro (/EN HI- 508A Full 200 200 nA
VAL: o. 8V HI-509A Full 100 100
Analog Signal Range VAN Full -15 +15 -15 +15 V
Differential, OFF _
Output Leakage Current |DIFF (HI-509A only) Full 50 50 i nA
Output Leakage Current I D = 0V '25''C 4.0 4.0 nA
(wuth Overvoltage) DtOFFr Analog Overvoltage = t33V Full 2.0 PA
Input Low Threshold VAL (Note 3) l Full 0.8 OB V
Input High Threshold VAH Full 4.0 4.0
Input Leakage VA 2 4V or 0V
Current (High or Low) l" (Note 4) Full IO 10 1 PA
Access Time IA r25''C 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 M5
Break-Before-Make Delay toN-tore tN' "l: gagsggov *25°C 25 80 25 80 ns
u- l, 2
25°C 300 500 300
Enable Delay (ON) tOMEN) +Full 1000 1000 ns
25°C 300 500 300
Enable Delay (OFF) 10mm, Tf/ 1000 1000 ns
Settling Time (0.1%) a " 1.2 -
L (0.01%) tssrr '25 C 3.5 3.5 ps
Note 2; Ten nanoamps is the practical lower limit for high speed measurement in the production test envuonment
Note 3: To drive from DTL/TTL Circuits, Ikfl pulI-up resistors to +5.0V supply are recommended.
Note 4: Digital Input leakage is primarily due to the clamp diodes. Typical leakage Is less than 1nA at +25°C.
2 lVI/J X I All