MAX3355EEUD ,4.0 V to 5.5 V, +/- 15 kV ESD-protected USB transceiverApplicationso oMAX3454EETE -40 C to +85 C 16 Thin QFNPDAso oMAX3455EEUD -40 C to +85 C 14 TSSOPPC P ..
MAX3355EEUD ,4.0 V to 5.5 V, +/- 15 kV ESD-protected USB transceiverFeaturesThe MAX3453E–MAX3456E ±15kV ESD-protected USB- ±15kV ESD Protection on D+ and D-compliant ..
MAX3355EEUD+ ,±15kV ESD-Protected USB On-the-Go Charge Pump and Comparators in UCSPApplicationsPin Configurations appear at end of data sheet.Cell Phones MP3 PlayersPDAs Digital Came ..
MAX3355EEUD+T ,±15kV ESD-Protected USB On-the-Go Charge Pump and Comparators in UCSPELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +2.6V to +5.5V, V = +1.65V to V , C1 = 0.1µF, V decoupled with 1µF c ..
MAX335CNG ,Serial Controlled, 8-Channel SPST SwitchApplicationsMAX335MRG -55°C to +125°C 24 Narrow CERDIP**Serial Data Acquisition and Process Control ..
MAX335CWG ,Serial Controlled, 8-Channel SPST SwitchFeaturesThe MAX335 analog switch with serial digital interface' 8 Separately Controlled SPST Switch ..
MAX701ESA+ ,Power-Supply Monitor with ResetMAX700/MAX701/MAX702 Power-Supply Monitor with Reset
MAX702CPA ,Power-Supply Monitor with Resetll/l lle/VI
Power-Suppiy Monitor with Reset
(TA = 250, Vcc = +5V, CTL = GND on MAX700, unless otherwise noted,)
MAX702CSA ,Power-Supply Monitor with Resetfeatures of the MAX701 and MAX702,
the MAX7OO provides preset or adjustable voltage de-
tection s ..
MAX702CSA ,Power-Supply Monitor with Resetfeatures of the MAX701 and MAX702,
the MAX7OO provides preset or adjustable voltage de-
tection s ..
MAX702CSA ,Power-Supply Monitor with ResetELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)
(TA = 25“C, Vcc = +5V, CTL = GND on MAX700, unless otherw ..
4.0 V to 5.5 V, +/- 15 kV ESD-protected USB transceiver
General DescriptionThe MAX3453E–MAX3456E ±15kV ESD-protected USB-
compliant transceivers interface low-voltage ASICs with
USB devices. The devices fully comply with USB 1.1
and USB 2.0 when operating at full (12Mbps) and low
(1.5Mbps) speeds. The MAX3453E–MAX3456E operate
with VLas low as +1.65V, ensuring compatibility with
low-voltage ASICs.
The MAX3453E–MAX3456E feature a logic-selectable
suspend mode that reduces current consumption to
less than 40µA. Integrated ±15kV ESD protection pro-
tects the USB D+ and D- bidirectional bus connections.
The MAX3453E supports only full-speed (12Mbps)
operation. The MAX3453E/MAX3454E feature an inter-
nal 1.5kΩUSB pullup resistor and an enumeration func-
tion that allows devices to logically disconnect while
plugged in. The MAX3453E/MAX3455E provide a push-
pull bus-detect (BD) output that asserts high when
VBUS> +4.0V. The MAX3456E is pin compatible with
Micrel’s MIC2550A.
The MAX3453E–MAX3456E operate over the extended
temperature range (-40°C to +85°C) and are available
in 14-pin TSSOP and 16-pin (3mm x 3mm) thin QFN
PC Peripherals
Cellular Telephones
Data Cradles
MP3 Players
Features±15kV ESD Protection on D+ and D-
USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 (Low-Speed and Full-Speed)-
Compliant TransceiversCombined VP and VM Inputs/Outputs+1.65V to +3.6V VLLogic Supply Input for
Interfacing with Low-Voltage ASICsEnumerate Input Function (MAX3453E/MAX3454E)Powered from Li+ Battery as Low as +3.1V
(MAX3454E/MAX3456E)VBUSDetection (MAX3453E/MAX3455E)Pin Compatible with Micrel MIC2550A (MAX3456E)Internal Pullup Resistor (MAX3453E/MAX3454E)No Power-Supply Sequencing Required
±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers19-2924; Rev 1; 10/03
Ordering Information
Typical Operating Circuit appears at end of data sheet.
Pin Configurations appear at end of data sheet.
Selector Guide
±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VBUS= +4.0V to +5.5V or VTRM= +3.0V to +3.6V, VL= +1.65V to +3.6V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values
are at VBUS= +5.0V, VL= +2.5V, and TA= +25°C.) (Note 1)
VBUS, VL, D+, D- to GND.......................................-0.3V to +6.0V
VTRMto GND............................................-0.3V to (VBUS+ 0.3V)
RCV, OE, BD to GND................................-0.3V to (VL+ 0.3V)
Current (into any pin)........................................................±15mA
Short-Circuit Current (D+ and D-)...................................±150mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
14-Pin TSSOP (derate 9.1mW/°C above +70°C).........727mW
16-Pin Thin QFN (derate 14.7mW/°C above +70°C)....1176mW
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C
±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VBUS= +4.0V to +5.5V or VTRM= +3.0V to +3.6V, VL= +1.65V to +3.6V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values
±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers
Note 2:Guaranteed by design, not production tested.
Note 3:Production tested to +2.7V for VL< +3.0V.
Note 4:Including external 27Ωseries resistor.
TIMING CHARACTERISTICS(VBUS= +4.0V to +5.5V or VTRM = +3.0V to +3.6V, VL= +1.65V to +3.6V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values
are at VBUS= +5V, VL= +2.5V, and TA= +25°C.) (Note 1)
±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers
VL (V)
MAX3453E-56E toc02
MAX3453E-56E toc03
Typical Operating Characteristics(VBUS= +5.0V, VL= +3.3V, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers
±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers
±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers
±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers
±15kV ESD-Protected USB Transceivers
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX3453E–MAX3456E USB-compliant transceivers
convert single-ended or differential logic-level signals to
USB signals, and USB signals to single-ended or differ-
ential logic-level signals. The MAX3453E fully complies
with full-speed (12Mbps) operation under USB specifica-
tion 2.0. The MAX3454E–MAX3456E fully comply with
USB specification 1.1, and full-speed (12Mbps) and low-
speed (1.5Mbps) operation under USB specification 2.0.
The MAX3453E–MAX3456E operate with VLas low as
+1.65V, ensuring compatibility with low-voltage ASICs.
The MAX3453E–MAX3456E derive power from the USB
host (VBUS) or from a single-cell Li+ battery
(MAX3454E/MAX3456E) connected to VBUSor from a
+3.3V regulated supply connected to VBUSand VTRM.
The MAX3453E–MAX3456E meet the physical layer
specifications for logic-level supply voltages (VL) from
+1.65V to +3.6V. Integrated ±15kV ESD protection safe-
guards the D+ and D- USB I/O ports.
The MAX3453E/MAX3454E feature an enumerate func-
tion providing an internal 1.5kΩpullup resistor from D+
(MAX3453E/MAX3454E) or D- (MAX3454E only) to
VTRM. The enumerate function disconnects the 1.5kΩ
pullup resistor, allowing the MAX3453E/MAX3454E to
simulate a bus disconnect while powered and connect-
ed to the USB cable. The MAX3453E/MAX3455E fea-
ture a bus-detect output (BD) that asserts high if VBUS
> +4V. BD asserts low if VBUS< +3.6V. The
MAX3455E/MAX3456E require external pullup resistors
from either D+ or D- to VTRMto utilize the appropriate
bus speed. The MAX3456E is pin-for-pin compatible
with the Micrel MIC2550A.
Applications Information
Power-Supply Configurations
Normal Operating ModeConnect VLand VBUSto system power supplies (Table 1).
Connect VLto a +1.65V to +3.6V supply. Connect VBUS
to a +4.0V to +5.5V supply. Alternatively, the MAX3454E/
MAX3456E can derive power from a single Li+ battery.
Connect the battery to VBUS.
Additionally, the MAX3454E/MAX3456E can derive
power from a +3.3V ±10% voltage regulator. Connect
VBUSand VTRMto an external +3.3V voltage regulator.
VBUSno longer consumes current to power the internal
linear regulator in this configuration.