MAX3313EEUB ,15kV ESD-Protected / 460kbps / 1A / RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in MAXELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +5V, C1 and C2 = 0.1µF, T = T to T . Typical values are at T = +25°C ..
MAX3313EEUB+ ,±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA, RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in µMAXfeatures a 1μA shutdown mode. Inshutdown the device turns off the charge pump, pullsOrdering Inform ..
MAX3313EEUB+T ,±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA, RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in µMAXfeatures a 1μA shutdown mode. Inshutdown the device turns off the charge pump, pullsOrdering Inform ..
MAX3313EUB+ ,±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA, RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in µMAXMAX3311E/MAX3313E19-1910; Rev 0; 1/01±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1μA,RS-232-Compatible Transceive ..
MAX3313EUB+T ,±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA, RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in µMAXApplicationsDigital CamerasPDAsTypical Operating CircuitGPSPOS+5VTelecommunicationsCBYPASS10.1μFHan ..
MAX3314ECSA+ ,±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA, RS-232-Compatible TransceiverMAX3314E19-1696; Rev 1; 3/01±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA, RS-232-Compatible Transceiver
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15kV ESD-Protected / 460kbps / 1A / RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in MAX
General DescriptionThe MAX3311E/MAX3313E are low-power, 5V EIA/TIA-
232-compatible transceivers. All transmitter outputs
and receiver inputs are protected to ±15kV using the
Human Body Model, making these devices ideal for
applications where more robust transceivers are
Both devices have one transmitter and one receiver.
The transmitters have a proprietary low-dropout trans-
mitter output stage enabling RS-232-compatible opera-
tion from a +5V supply with a single inverting charge
pump. These transceivers require only three 0.1µF
capacitors and will run at data rates up to 460kbps
while maintaining RS-232-compatible output levels.
The MAX3311E features a 1µA shutdown mode. In
shutdown the device turns off the charge pump, pulls
V- to ground, and the transmitter output is disabled.
The MAX3313E features an INVALIDoutput that asserts
high when an active RS-232 cable signal is connected,
signaling to the host that a peripheral is connected to
the communication port.
________________________ApplicationsDigital Cameras
Handy Terminals
Set-Top Boxes
FeaturesESD Protection for RS-232-Compatible I/O Pins
±15kV—Human Body Model1µA Low-Power Shutdown (MAX3311E)INVALID
Output (MAX3313E)Receiver Active in Shutdown (MAX3311E)Single Transceiver (1Tx/1Rx) in 10-Pin µMAX
±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA,
RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in µMAX
Pin Configurations19-1910; Rev 0; 1/01
Ordering Information
Typical Operating Circuit
±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA,
RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in µMAX
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
VCCto GND.............................................................-0.3V to +6V
V- to GND................................................................+0.3V to -7V
VCC+ |V-|............................................................................+13V
Input Voltages
TIN, SHDNto GND...............................................-0.3V to +6V
RIN to GND......................................................................±25V
Output Voltages
TOUT to GND................................................................±13.2V
ROUT, INVALIDto GND.....................…-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
Short-Circuit Duration
TOUT to GND.........................................................Continuous
Continuous Power Dissipation
10-Pin µMAX (derate 5.6mW/°C above +70°C)..........444mW
Operating Temperature Ranges
MAX331_ECUB.................................................0°C to +70°C
MAX331_EEUB..............................................-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature.....................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s)................................+300°C
±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA,
RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in µMAX
Note 1:Not tested—guaranteed by design.
±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA,
RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in µMAX
Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC= +5V, 0.1µF capacitors, transmitter loaded with 3kΩand CL, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Detailed Description
Single Charge-Pump Voltage ConverterThe MAX3311E/MAX3313E internal power supply has a
single inverting charge pump that provides a negative
voltage from a single +5V supply. The charge pump
operates in a discontinuous mode and requires a flying
capacitor (C1) and a reservoir capacitor (C2) to gener-
ate the V- supply.
RS-232-Compatible DriverThe transmitter is an inverting level translator that con-
verts CMOS-logic levels to EIA/TIA-232 compatible lev-
els. It guarantees data rates up to 460kbps with
worst-case loads of 3kΩin parallel with 1000pF. When
SHDNis driven low, the transmitter is disabled and put
into tri-state. The transmitter input does not have an
internal pullup resistor.
RS-232 ReceiverThe MAX3311E/MAX3313E receiver converts RS-232
signals to CMOS-logic output levels. The MAX3311E
receiver will remain active during shutdown mode. The
MAX3313E INVALIDindicates when an RS-232 signal
is present at the receiver input, and therefore when the
port is in use.
The MAX3313E INVALIDoutput is pulled low when no
valid RS-232 signal level is detected on the receiver
MAX3311E Shutdown ModeIn shutdown mode, the charge pump is turned off, V- is
pulled to ground, and the transmitter output is disabled
(Table 1). This reduces supply current typically to 1µA.
The time required to exit shutdown is less than 25ms.
Applications Information
Capacitor SelectionThe capacitor type used for C1 and C2 is not critical for
proper operation; either polarized or nonpolarized
capacitors are acceptable. If polarized capacitors are
used, connect polarity as shown in the Typical
Operating Circuit. The charge pump requires 0.1µF
capacitors. Increasing the capacitor values (e.g., by a
factor of 2) reduces power consumption. C2 can be
increased without changing C1’s value. However, do
not increase C1’s value without also increasing the
value of C2 and CBYPASSto maintain the proper ratios
(C1 to the other capacitors).
When using the minimum 0.1µF capacitors, make sure
the capacitance does not degrade excessively with
temperature. If in doubt, use capacitors with a larger
nominal value. The capacitor’s equivalent series resis-
tance (ESR) usually rises at low temperatures and influ-
ences the amount of ripple on V-.
To reduce the output impedance at V-, use larger
capacitors (up to 10µF).
Bypass VCCto ground with at least 0.1µF. In applica-
tions sensitive to power-supply noise generated by the
charge pump, decouple VCCto ground with a capaci-
tor the same size as (or larger than) charge-pump
capacitors C1 and C2.
Transmitter Output when Exiting
ShutdownFigure 1 shows the transmitter output when exiting
shutdown mode. The transmitter is loaded with 3kΩin
parallel with 1000pF. The transmitter output displays no
ringing or undesirable transients as the MAX3311E
comes out of shutdown. Note that the transmitter is
enabled only when the magnitude of V- exceeds
approximately -3V.
High Data RatesThe MAX3311E/MAX3313E maintain RS-232-compati-
ble ±3.7V minimum transmitter output voltage even at
±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA,
RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in µMAX
±15kV ESD-Protected, 460kbps, 1µA,
RS-232-Compatible Transceivers in µMAXhigh data rates. Figure 2 shows a transmitter loopback
test circuit. Figure 3 shows the loopback test result at
120kbps, and Figure 4 shows the same test at
±15kV ESD ProtectionAs with all Maxim devices, ESD-protection structures
are incorporated on all pins to protect against electro-
static discharges encountered during handling and
assembly. The MAX3311E/MAX3313E driver outputs
and receiver inputs have extra protection against static
discharge. Maxim’s engineers have developed state-of-
the-art structures to protect these pins against ESD of
±15kV without damage. The ESD structures withstand
high ESD in all states: normal operation, shutdown, and
powered down. After an ESD event, Maxim’s E versions
keep working without latchup; whereas, competing
products can latch and must be powered down to
remove latchup.
ESD protection can be tested in various ways. The
transmitter outputs and receiver inputs of the product
family are characterized for protection to ±15kV using
the Human Body Model.
ESD Test ConditionsESD performance depends on a variety of conditions.
Contact Maxim for a reliability report that documents
test setup, test methodology, and test results.
Human Body ModelFigure 5 shows the Human Body Model, and Figure 6
shows the current waveform it generates when dis-
charged into low impedance. This model consists of a
100pF capacitor charged to the ESD voltage of interest,
which is then discharged into the test device through a
Machine ModelThe Machine Model for ESD tests all pins using a
200pF storage capacitor and zero discharge resis-
tance. Its objective is to emulate the stress caused by
contact that occurs with handling and assembly during
manufacturing. Of course, all pins require this protec-
tion during manufacturing, not just RS-232 inputs and
outputs. Therefore, after PC board assembly, the
Machine Model is less relevant to I/O ports.