MAX328EPE ,Ultra-Low Leakage Monolithic CMOS Analog MultiplexersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(V+ = +15V, V- = -15V, GND = OV, TA = +25’C.ur1less otherwise noted)
MAX328ETE+T ,Ultra-Low-Leakage, Single-Ended, Monolithic, CMOS Analog MultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V+ = 15V, V- = -15V, V = 0V, T = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2 ..
MAX328EWE ,Ultra-low lealage monolithic CMOS analog multiplexer.Applications
Controt Systems
Data Logging Systems
Aircraft Heads-Up Displays
Data Acquisition S ..
MAX328EWE ,Ultra-low lealage monolithic CMOS analog multiplexer.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(V+ = +15V, V- = -15V, GND = OV, TA = +25’C.ur1less otherwise noted)
MAX328EWE+ ,Ultra-Low-Leakage, Single-Ended, Monolithic, CMOS Analog Multiplexerapplications.♦ Latchup Proof ConstructionAdding an external 40kΩ resistor to each input makesthe MA ..
MAX328EWE+T ,Ultra-Low-Leakage, Single-Ended, Monolithic, CMOS Analog MultiplexerFeaturesThe MAX328/MA329 are monolithic CMOS analog multi- ♦ Ultra-Low Off- and On-Leakage: 1pA Typ ..
MAX6946CAWE+T ,10-Port, Constant-Current LED Driver and I/O Expander with PWM Intensity ControlApplicationsOrdering InformationCellular Phones LCD BacklightsPKGPART PIN-PACKAGEPortable Equipment ..
MAX694CPA ,Microprocessor Supervisory CircuitsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(Vcc = full operating range, VBATT = 2.8V, T, = 25°C, unless otherwis ..
MAX694CPA ,Microprocessor Supervisory CircuitsApplications
Intelligent Instruments
Automotive Systems
Critical ..
MAX694CPA ,Microprocessor Supervisory CircuitsFeatures
. Precision Voltage Monitor
4.65V in MAX690, MAX691, MAX694 and MAX695
4.40V in MAX69 ..
MAX694CPA+ ,Microprocessor Supervisory CircuitsElectrical CharacteristicsV = full operating range, V = 2.8V, T = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)CC ..
MAX694EPA ,Microprocessor Supervisory CircuitsApplications
Intelligent Instruments
Automotive Systems
Critical ..
Ultra-Low Leakage Monolithic CMOS Analog Multiplexers
19-1006:fltN 1; 10/94
/M] 2fDaLAlA]
Ultra-Low Leakage
Monolithic CMOS Analog Multiplexers
General Description
The MAX828/MAX329 are monolithic CMOS analog rrjrgl-
tiplexers. The MAX328 is a single-ended, 1-of-8 device,
and the MAX329 IS a ddierential, 2-of-8 dewce.
Designed to orovide the lowest possible "on" and "oif"
leakages, these multtplexers Sthch signals from htgh
source impedance, prowding the mux operates into a
high Input tmpedahce op amp or A/D converter The
MAX328/MAX329 are pin-'or-pin replacements for the
popular DG508/DG509 th these aophcatiovs.
Adding V external 40k£2 reSIstor to each hput makes
the MAX328/MAX329 an excellent fauTt-tolerant ml-
plexer Low leakage (less than 1pA at 25C) ard 2.5K32
on resistance allow the circwt to sustain 110V AC faults
irdefih tely while maima mng an error of less thar‘ 40hv
'or normal signals (t.e , 1pA ttmes 40km
The MAX328/MAX329 work equally well wth a single
supply of 10V to 30V or dual supplies of tbv to :18V,
They a so oe"orm well wth unbalanced combinations of
supply voltage, such as +12V and -5N/ or +5V and -15VI
Low-power diss pation (1.9mW w'th :15V supplies) at
lows use of the rrultiplexers ( portable applications.
Contro Systems
Data Logg ng Systems
Aircraft Heads-Up Displays
Data Acqutsit or" Systems
Signal Routing
. Ultra-Low "Off" and "On" Leakage: 1pA Typ
. Bi-Directional Operation (Use as Mux or Demux)
. TTL and CMOS Logic Compatibility
. Analog-Signal Range Includes Power-Supply
. Switching Speeds Less Than 1.5ps
t Pin Compatible With DG508/DG509 and
. Latch-Up Prool Construction
Ordering Information
MAX328CPE dc to +7000 16 Plastic DIP
MAX328CWE 0°C to +70%: 16 Wide so
MAX328CJE 000 to +7000 16 CERDIP
MAX328C/D 0°C to +7000 pice' -
MAX328EPE 400010 +85°C _.16, Plastic '1FL,
MAX328EWE Mooc to +85%: 16 Wzde SC)
MAX328EJE -40°C to " 85°C 16 CERDIP"
MAX328MJE -55"C, to +125''C, 16 CERDIP"
Ordering information continued at end of data sheet.
. Contact factory Io! d/ce specdmanomr
" Contact factmy for ava/lablltly Subsliate may be ttt/owed In
float or be {led to Vs,
Pin Configurations
m T _ . V “T _
Typical Operating Circuit EH I [ lr'
L MAXIM l "-
./ l MAXTPE 14 MN,
"OF SCHK-JNEKSEOLENTIAL wxth 1Wil0f/lCAPAFlr' m T! , _
_ A l', /
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4 Sy 5 t; "l
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WPUT 1"‘W MAXIM - 7p
'f Jr D a , lj
: l AIAX328 AMD 4 .- (IC!
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+15'r/ ANALUGJ»; 3n; 5" DIP/SO
WW l/i/W km A EN tB'AS 'pts . V
F A0 _ ‘7‘ H
mm am or, m7 mm,“ ,lirly
mm: l /i' t MAXIM!) 'r.) tn
NI, AM cr - w“ l ”tum t
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F‘th’ l - " ‘LE
LtMuxartortcowou DIP/SO
IVIIIXI/VI MaximintegratedProduets 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
MAX 328/MAX 329
Ultra-Low Leakage
Monolithic CMOS Analog Multiplexers
Voltage Referenced to V- Operatmg Temperature Range
V+ . V ... V _ V _ _ +44V MAX328/329 C 0(3107170 C
GND T ..... _ +25V MAX328/329 E - - "'10 C In +85 C
D1glla1|npUIS(Note I), Vs, h, _ _-fV to (V+ ' 2V) MAX328/329 M 65 C 10 +125 C
Current (Any Terminal, Except S or D) 30mA Power fhsspaV (Package) (Note I)
Continuous Current s or D . _ . 10mA 167P10 CEHDIP (Nole 2) QUOWW
Peak Current, S orD 16-P1n Plasic DIP (Note 31 470mW
(Pulsed at lms, 10% Duty Cycle Max) ,. _ . _ _ 40mA 16-P1n Wlde so (Note 4) T 750mW
StorageTc-mperature _ (C; c, 10 +150 C
cS!resscei/striwiy Absoluic- Maumum Rulmgs”may De appmzmono al a 1mm) 10 dcwces wnhuuz rcss0tp rrzpmmnom 11111110911 Hukuzw 5.1112111 mm];
only. and lunclmna/ operanon of me dowco a! mese or dt y omw commlmns bcyond musv mdmaied :1: H10 0170/17/111/1 11 5111111113 .11 Hm swwln'. 1111 111 te, 01 "
unp/red F xposure {a 3030/qu max/mum raring mndrI/ons for exIe/ch peroras may affecl dewm m/mbe/Mv
(V+ = +15V, V- = -15V. GND = 0V TA = +250. unless otherwise noted)
Analog Signal Range VANALOG t15 :15 V
VD = 10V, Seq. Each
1 _ 1 5 3 5
Drain-Source ls = 100PA Swnch On 5 2 5 M2
On Resistance rDS(on) VD = -10V, VAL t 0.8V 1 0 2 5 10 _ 5
Is = 100uA VAH = 2.4V . J
GreatestChange in fDS(on) =
Drain-Source On, Ma - _ Min %
Resistance Between ArDS(on) (-ree)'v'J,-'rrl1-(/.C.)-N"r-'- 2 2
Channels DS(on) Ave
_ V =10V,V :~1OV 01 :10 0.1 10
Source Off |S(ol1) s D VEN = OV t DA
Leakage Current (Note 5) vs = -10V. VD = 10V 0.3 110 0.3 :10
Drain-Off vD:10v,vs:-10v 03 110 03 :10
Leakage MAX328 I VD = -10v. vs =10V v g OV 1.0 t10 1.0 t10 oA
Current MAX329 D(ooll) VD = 10v. vs = -10V EN - 0.3 t 10 (13 t 10 p
(Nole5) VD=-10V,Vs=10V 0.5 :10 0.5 110
Drain-On MAX328 Vs (all) = VD = 10V Seq. Each 3.0 110 3.0 110
Leakage l Vs(al1) " VD = -10V Sw1tch On 2.0 110 2,0 :10 pA
Current Dion) vs (all) = VD = 10v VAL = 0.8V IE :10 IS :10
N t 5) MAX329 - - V = 2.4V
(Note Vs(all)--VD---10V AH 1.0 :10 1.0 t10