MAX323CSA ,Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog SwitchesMAX323/MAX324/MAX32519-0347; Rev 1; 10/97Precision, Single-Supply,SPST Analog Switches_____________ ..
MAX323CSA ,Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX323/MAX324/MAX325 are precision, dual, ' Low On-Resistance (R ), 60Ω max (33Ω typ)ON ..
MAX323CSA ,Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +5V Supply(V+ = 5V ±10%, GND = 0V, V = 2.4V, V = 0.8V, T = T to T ..
MAX323CSA ,Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog SwitchesApplicationsMAX323C/D 0°C to +70°C Dice*Battery-Operated Systems Sample-and-Hold CircuitsMAX323EPA ..
MAX323CSA/T ,Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog SwitchesMAX323/MAX324/MAX32519-0347; Rev 1; 10/97Precision, Single-Supply,SPST Analog Sw itches____________ ..
MAX323CSA+ ,Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog SwitchesApplicationsMAX323C/D 0°C to +70°C Dice*Battery-Operated Systems Sample-and-Hold CircuitsMAX323EPA ..
MAX679EUA+ ,Regulated 3.3V Charge PumpApplicationsPART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGEMAX679C/D 0°C to +70°C Dice*Miniature EquipmentMAX679EUA -4 ..
MAX679EUA+T ,Regulated 3.3V Charge PumpFeaturesThe MAX679 step-up, regulated charge pump gener-♦ Regulated 3.3V ±4% Outputates a 3.3V ±4% ..
MAX680 ,+5V to ±10V Voltage Convertersapplications include: ±6V from 3V Lithium Cell Battery-OperatedEquipment_________Typical Operating ..
MAX680 ,+5V to ±10V Voltage ConvertersFeaturesThe MAX680/MAX681 are monolithic, CMOS, dual♦ 95% Voltage-Conversion Efficiencycharge-pump ..
MAX680 ,+5V to ±10V Voltage Convertersapplications that need both positive and_______________Ordering Informationnegative voltages genera ..
MAX6801UR29D3+T ,3-Pin, Low-Power µP Reset CircuitsApplications PART TEMP RANGE PIN-PA CK A G EComputers3 SOT23MAX6800UR_ _D_-T -40°C to +125°CContro ..
Precision, Single-Supply, SPST Analog Switches
_______________General DescriptionThe MAX323/MAX324/MAX325 are precision, dual,
SPST analog switches. They are single-supply devices
designed to operate from +2.7V to +16V. The MAX323
has two normally open (NO) switches, and the MAX324
has two normally closed (NC) switches. The MAX325
has one NO and one NC switch. Low power consump-
tion (5µW) makes these parts ideal for battery-powered
equipment. These switches offer low leakage currents
(100pA max) and fast switching speeds (tON= 150ns
max, tOFF= 100ns max).
When powered from a 5V supply, the MAX323 series
offers 2Ωmax matching between channels, 60Ωmax
on-resistance, and 6Ωmax RONflatness.
These switches also offer 5pC max charge injection,
and a minimum of 2000V ESD per Method 3015.7.
For equivalent devices specified for dual-supply opera-
tion, see the MAX320/MAX321/MAX322 data sheet. For
quad versions of the MAX320 series, see MAX391/
MAX392/MAX393 data sheet.
________________________ApplicationsBattery-Operated SystemsSample-and-Hold Circuits
Heads-Up DisplaysGuidance and Control Systems
Audio and Video SwitchingMilitary Radios
Test EquipmentCommunications Systems
+3V, +5V DACs and ADCsPBX, PABX
____________________________FeaturesLow On-Resistance (RON), 60Ωmax (33Ωtyp)RONMatching Between Channels <2ΩRONFlatness <6ΩMaxGuaranteed Charge Injection <5pCSingle-Supply Operation (+2.7V to +16V)Low Power Consumption, <5µWLow Leakage Current Over Temperature,
<2.5nA at +85°CFast Switching: tON<150ns, tOFF<100nsGuaranteed Break-Before-Make (MAX325 only)TTL/CMOS Logic Compatible
______________Ordering Information
Precision, Single-Supply,
SPST Analog Switches
_____________________Pin Configurations/Functional Diagrams/Truth Tables19-0347; Rev 1; 10/97
Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.* Contact factory for dice specifications.
** Contact factory for availability.
Precision, Single-Supply,
SPST Analog SwitchesVoltage Referenced to GND
V+.........................................................................-0.3V to +17V
IN_, COM_, NC_, NO_ (Note 1)..................-0.3V to (V+ + 0.3V)
Continuous Current (any terminal)......................................30mA
Peak Current, COM_, NO_, NC_
(pulsed at 1ms, 10% duty cycle max)............................100mA
ESD per Method 3015.7..................................................>2000V
Continuous Power Dissipation
Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C)..............727mW
Narrow SO (derate 5.88mW/°C above +70°C)..............471mW
CERDIP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C)...................640mW
µMAX (derate 4.10mW/°C above +70°C)......................330mW
Operating Temperature Ranges
MAX32_C_ _.........................................................0°C to +70°C
MAX32_E_ _.......................................................-40°C to +85°C
MAX32_MJA....................................................-55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +5V Supply(V+ = 5V ±10%, GND = 0V, VINH= 2.4V, VINL= 0.8V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Note 1:Signals on NC, NO, COM, or IN exceeding V+ or V- are clamped by internal diodes. Limit forward diode current to
maximum current rating.
Precision, Single-Supply,
SPST Analog Switches
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +5V Supply (continued)(V+ = 5V ±10%, GND = 0V, VINH= 2.4V, VINL= 0.8V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Precision, Single-Supply,
SPST Analog Switches
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +3.3V Supply(V+ = 3.0V to 3.6V, GND = 0V, VINH= 2.4V, VINL= 0.6V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Note 2:The algebraic convention, where the most negative value is a minimum and the most positive value a maximum, is used in
this data sheet.
Note 3:Guaranteed by design.
Note 4:ΔRON= ΔRONmax - ΔRONmin.
Note 5:Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of on-resistance as measured over the
specified analog signal range.
Note 6:Leakage parameters are 100% tested at maximum rated hot temperature and guaranteed by correlation at +25°C.
Note 7:Off Isolation = 20 log10[ VCOM⁄ (VNC or VNO)], VCOM= output, VNC or VNO= input to off switch.
Note 8:Between any two switches.
Precision, Single-Supply,
SPST Analog Switches
__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Precision, Single-Supply,
SPST Analog Switches
__________Applications Information
Logic LevelsThe MAX323/MAX324/MAX325 are TTL compatible
when powered from a single +5V supply. When pow-
ered from other supply voltages, TTL compatibility is
not guaranteed, and the logic inputs should be driven
from rail to rail. For example, with a 15V supply, IN1
and IN2 should be driven low to 0V and high to 15V.
Similarly, with a 3.3V supply, IN1 and IN2 should be dri-
ven low to 0V and high to 3.3V
Driving IN1 and IN2 rail-to-rail minimizes power con-
Analog Signal LevelsAnalog signals that range over the entire supply voltage
(V+ to GND) can be switched with very little change in
on-resistance over the entire voltage range (see Typical
Operating Characteristics). All the switches are bidirec-
tional, so NO_, NC_, and COM_ pins can be used as
either inputs or outputs.
Power-Supply Sequencing
and Overvoltage ProtectionDo not exceed the absolute maximum ratings, because
stresses beyond the listed ratings may cause permanent
damage to the devices.
Proper power-supply sequencing is recommended for
all CMOS devices. Always apply V+ before applying
analog signals or logic inputs, especially if the analog
or logic signals are not current-limited. If this sequenc-
ing is not possible, and if the analog or logic inputs are
not current-limited to <30mA, add a small-signal diode
(D1) as shown in Figure 1. If the analog signal can dip
below GND, add D2. Adding protection diodes reduces
the analog signal range to a diode-drop (about 0.7V)
below V+ (for D1), and to a diode-drop above ground
(for D2). Leakage is unaffected by adding the diodes.
On-resistance increases by a small amount at low sup-
ply voltages. Maximum supply voltage (V+) must not
exceed 17V.
Adding protection diodes causes the logic thresholds
to be shifted relative to the power-supply rails. This can
be significant when low supply voltages (5V or less) are
used. With a 5V supply, TTL compatibility is not guaran-
teed when protection diodes are added. Driving IN1
and IN2 all the way to the supply rails (i.e. to a diode-
drop higher than the V+ pin, or to a diode-drop lower
than the GND pin) is always acceptable.
Protection diodes D1 and D2 also protect against
some overvoltage situations. With Figure 1’s circuit, if
the supply voltage is below the absolute maximum rat-
ing, and if a fault voltage up to the absolute maximum
rating is applied to an analog signal pin, no damage
will result. For example, with a +5V supply, analog sig-
nals up to ±8V will not damage the circuit of Figure 1.
If only a single fault signal is present, the fault voltage
can rise to +17V or to -12V without damage occurring.
_____________________Pin DescriptionFigure 1. Overvoltage Protection Using Two External Blocking