MAX3212EAI ,+2.7V to+3.6V-Powered / 1A Supply Current / 3-Driver/5-Receiver / True RS-232TransceiverFeaturesThe MAX3212 uses Maxim’s new proprietary Auto- BETTER THAN BIPOLAR!Shutdown mode to reduce ..
MAX3212EAI ,+2.7V to+3.6V-Powered / 1A Supply Current / 3-Driver/5-Receiver / True RS-232TransceiverMAX3212*19-0312; Rev 0; 9/94+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS ..
MAX3212EAI+ ,+2.7V to +3.6V Powered, 1µA Supply Current, 3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 TransceiverMAX3212*19-0312; Rev 0; 9/94+2.7V to +3.6V-Pow ered, 1μA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True R ..
MAX3218CAP ,1A Supply Current / 1.8V to 4.25V-Powered RS-232 Transceiver with AutoShutdownApplicationsBattery-Powered EquipmentSubnotebook ComputersTOP VIEWLXGND1 20PDAsINVALIDV+2 19Hand-He ..
MAX3218CAP ,1A Supply Current / 1.8V to 4.25V-Powered RS-232 Transceiver with AutoShutdownELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Circuit of Figure 1, V = 1.8V to 4.25V, C1 = 0.47µF, C2 = C3 = C4 = 1µF, ..
MAX3218CAP+ ,1µA, 1.8V to 4.25V RS-232 Transceiver with AutoShutdown™ApplicationsBattery-Powered EquipmentSubnotebook ComputersTOP VIEWLXGND1 20PDAsINVALIDV+2 19Hand-He ..
MAX6443US29L+T ,µP Reset Circuits with Long Manual Reset Setup PeriodFeatures● Single or Dual-Supply Voltage MonitorsThe MAX6443–MAX6452 low-current microprocessor rese ..
MAX6444US16K/V+T ,µP Reset Circuits with Long Manual Reset Setup PeriodApplications/V denotes an automotive qualified part. *Future product—contact factory for availabili ..
MAX6445UK23L-T ,2.313 V, mP reset circuit with long manual reset setup periodFeaturesThe MAX6443–MAX6452 low-current microprocessor Single- or Dual-Supply Voltage Monitorsrese ..
MAX6454UT29S ,uP Supervisors with Separate VCC Reset and Manual Reset OutputsFeaturesThe MAX6453–MAX6456 are low-power, dual-voltage Precision Factory-Set Reset Thresholds Fro ..
MAX6454UT46S-T ,4.625 V, mP supervisor with separate Vcc reset and manual reset outputFeaturesThe MAX6453–MAX6456 are low-power, dual-voltage Precision Factory-Set Reset Thresholds Fro ..
MAX6455UT16S+T ,µP Supervisors with Separate VCC Reset and Manual Reset OutputsApplicationsRESET 1 6 MR RESET 1 6 MR● Set-Top Boxes ● Consumer ElectronicsMAX6453 MAX6455● DVD Pla ..
+2.7V to+3.6V-Powered / 1A Supply Current / 3-Driver/5-Receiver / True RS-232Transceiver
_______________General DescriptionThe MAX3212 uses Maxim’s new proprietary Auto-
Shutdown mode to reduce supply current to 1µA. The
MAX3212, with 3 RS-232 drivers and 5 RS-232 receivers,
is intended for 2.7V to 3.6V-powered EIA/TIA-232E and
V.28/V.24 serial interface. True RS-232 levels are main-
tained across the operating range. A guaranteed data
rate of 235kbps provides compatibility with popular soft-
ware for communicating with personal computers.
Supply current is reduced to 1µA with Maxim’s new
AutoShutdown feature. When the MAX3212 does not
sense a valid signal level on the receiver inputs, the on-
board power supply and drivers shut down. This occurs
if the RS-232 cable is disconnected or if the transmit-
ters of the connected peripheral are turned off. The sys-
tem turns on again when a valid level is applied to any
RS-232 receiver input. As a result, the system saves
power without changes to the existing software.
A second power-management feature is incorporated to
permit automatic shutdown when the RS-232 connection
is valid but inactive. In this case, a transition detector
facilitates shutdown when the receivers are presented
with stationary RS-232 levels for long periods.
Three-state drivers are provided on receiver outputs so
that multiple receivers, generally of different interface
standards, can be wire-ORed at the UART. The
MAX3212 is available in 28-pin SO and SSOP packages.
________________________ApplicationsNotebook and Palmtop Computers
Battery-Powered Equipment
______________Ordering Information
BETTER THAN BIPOLAR!1µA Supply Current Using AutoShutdownOperates from Single +2.7V to +3.6V Supply28-Pin SSOP or Wide SO PackagesMeets All EIA/TIA-232E & EIA/TIA-562 SpecificationsMouse Driveability–GuaranteedLow-Cost, Surface-Mount External Components235kbps Guaranteed Data Rate–
LapLink™Compatible+5V Logic CompatibleComplementary Receiver Output Always ActiveFlow-Through Pinout
+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,
3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver
Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet.* Patent pending
__________Typical Operating Circuit19-0312; Rev 0; 9/94
+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,
3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= 2.7V to 3.6V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Supply Voltages
VCC.....................................................................-0.3V to +4.6V
V+............................................................(VCC- 0.3V) to +7.4V........................................................................-7.4V to +2.0V
LN..............................................................-0.3V to (V+ + 1.0V)
LP.......................................................(V- - 1.0V) to (V+ + 0.3V)
Input Voltages
T_IN, EN, FORCEON, FORCEOFF.....................-0.3V to +7.0V
Output Voltages
R_OUT, R5OUTB, INVALID, TRAN............-0.3V to (V+ + 0.3V)
Short-Circuit Duration, T_OUT....................................Continuous
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
Wide SO (derate 11.76mW/°C above +70°C)...............941mW
SSOP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C).....................640mW
Operating Temperature Ranges
MAX3212C_ I.......................................................0°C to +70°C
MAX3212E_ I....................................................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,
3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VCC= 2.7V to 3.6V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
TIMING CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= 2.7V to 3.6V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,
3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver
__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC= 3.3V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
vs. DATA RATEMAX3212-01
DATA RATE (kbps)
SUPPLY CURRENT (mA)10015020025015
_______________Detailed DescriptionThe MAX3212 line driver/receiver is intended for 3V-
powered EIA/TIA-232E and V.28/V.24 communications
interfaces where 3 drivers and 5 receivers are required.
The operating voltage range extends from 3.6V down to
2.7V while still maintaining true RS-232 and EIA/TIA-562
transmitter output voltage levels.
The circuit comprises three sections: power supply,
transmitters, and receivers. The power-supply section
converts the supplied 3V to about ±6.5V, to provide
the voltages necessary for the drivers to meet true RS-
232 levels. External components are small and inex-
The transmitters and receivers are guaranteed to oper-
ate at data rates of 235kbps.
The MAX3212 is equipped with Maxim’s new propri-
etary AutoShutdown circuitry. This achieves a supply
current of 1µA by shutting down the device when the
RS-232 cable is disconnected or when the connected
peripheral transmitters are turned off. While shut down,
all receivers can remain active or can be disabled
under logic control. A complementary receiver remains
active in all cases, enabling a system incorporating the
MAX3212 to remain shut down and still monitor incom-
ing RS-232 activity.
Three-state drivers on all receiver outputs are provided
so that multiple receivers, generally of different inter-
face standards, can be wire-ORed at the UART.
Switch-Mode Power SupplyThe switch-mode power supply uses a single inductor
with two inexpensive diodes and two capacitors to
generate ±6.5V from the 2.7V to 3.6V input. The Typical
Operating Circuitshows the complete circuit for the pow-
er supply.
Use a 15mH inductor with a saturation current rating of at
least 350mA and under 1Wresistance. Use 1N6050
diodes or equivalent. Surface-mount equivalents for the
1N6050 include the Motorola MMBD6050LT1, Philips
PMBD6050, and Allegro (formerly Sprague) TMPD6050LT.
For C1 and C2, use ceramic capacitors with values no
less than indicated in the Typical Operating Circuit.
These capacitors determine the ripple on V+ and V-, but
+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,
3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver
______________________________________________________________Pin Description
MAX3212not the absolute voltages. Increasing the size of C1 and
C2 increases the time V+ and V- take to reach their final
value. Bypass VCCto GND with at least 0.33mF close to
the MAX3212. Increase this to 4.7mF if there are no other
VCCsupply bypass components less than 6 inches
(15cm) away from the MAX3212.
Component suppliers are listed in Table 1.
RS-232 DriversAll three drivers are identical and deliver EIA/TIA-232E
and EIA/TIA-562 output voltage levels when VCCis be-
tween 2.7V and 3.6V. When FORCEOFFis driven low or
when the AutoShutdown circuitry senses invalid voltage
levels at all receiver inputs, the drivers are disabled
and the outputs are forced into a high-impedance
RS-232 ReceiversThe MAX3212 receivers convert RS-232 signals to
CMOS-logic output levels. All receivers have one in-
verting three-state output. Receiver 5 also has a com-
plementary (noninverting) output. In shutdown, all five
inverting receivers can be either active or inactive
under logic control.
The complementary output (R5OUTB) is always active,
regardless of the state of EN or the part’s shutdown sta-
tus. R5OUTB can monitor RS-232 activity while the
other receivers are high impedance. This allows Ring
Indicator to be monitored without forward biasing other
devices connected to the receiver outputs. This is ideal
for systems where the UART’s VCCis set to 0V in shut-
down. (See Figure 2.)
Enable ControlThe EN input has two functions: It allows enabling/dis-
abling of the receivers, and it is used to reset the transi-
tion detector.
Driving EN low places five inverting receiver outputs
(R_OUT) into a high-impedance state. R5OUTB is
always active, regardless of the state of EN or the part’s
shutdown status (Table 2). EN has no effect on T_OUT.
EN also resets the transition detector. Drive EN high and
then low to reset the TRAN output low. TRAN goes high
when a transition occurs on any receiver input.
+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,
3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver
Table 1. Suggested Component Suppliers
Table 2. AutoShutdown Logic