MAX3206EETC ,Low-Capacitance / 2/3/4/6-Channel / 15kV ESD Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data InterfacesApplicationsMAX3204EEBT-T -40°C to +85°C 3 x 2 UCSP*-6USB VideoMAX3204EETT -40°C to +85°C 6 Thin ..
MAX3206EETC+T ,Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD-Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data InterfacesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +5V ±5%, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at ..
MAX3207EAUT+ ,Dual, Quad, and Hex High-Speed Differential ESD-Protection ICsApplicationsMAX3207EAUT+T 2 ABVG DVI Input/Output ProtectionMAX3208EAUB+ 4 — Set-Top BoxesMAX3208EA ..
MAX3207EAUT+T ,Dual, Quad, and Hex High-Speed Differential ESD-Protection ICsapplications. The MAX3205E is aMAX3208EATE+ -40°C to +125°C 16 TQFN-EP* six-channel device for cell ..
MAX3207EAUT-T ,Dual, Quad, and Hex High-Speed Differential ESD-Protection ICsFeaturesThe MAX3205E/MAX3207E/MAX3208E low-capaci- ♦ Low Input Capacitance of 2pF Typicaltance, ±15 ..
MAX3208EAUB+ ,Dual, Quad, and Hex High-Speed Differential ESD-Protection ICsMAX3205E/MAX3207E/MAX3208E19-3361; Rev 3; 7/10Dual, Quad, and Hex High-SpeedDifferential ESD-Protec ..
MAX6423XS22-T ,2.243 V, Low-power, SC70/SOT mP reset circuit with capacitor-adjustable reset timeout delayFeaturesThe MAX6340/MAX6421–MAX6426 low-power micro- Monitor System Voltages from 1.6V to 5Vproces ..
MAX6423XS29+T ,Low-Power, SC70/SOT µP Reset Circuits with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout DelayMAX6340/MAX6421– Low-Power, SC70/SOT µP Reset Circuits MAX6426 with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Time ..
MAX6424UK21 ,Low-Power, SC70/SOT µP Reset Circuits with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout DelayApplications● Portable EquipmentTypical Operating Circuit, Selector Guide, and Ordering ● Battery-P ..
MAX6424UK21-T ,Low-Power, SC70/SOT µP Reset Circuits with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout DelayFeaturesThe MAX6340/MAX6421–MAX6426 low-power micropro- ● Monitor System Voltages from 1.6V to 5Vce ..
MAX6424UK29+T ,Low-Power, SC70/SOT µP Reset Circuits with Capacitor-Adjustable Reset Timeout DelayGeneral Description Beneits and
MAX6424UK29-T ,2.998 V, Low-power, SC70/SOT mP reset circuit with capacitor-adjustable reset timeout delayApplications MAX6426 Pin Compatible with PST92XXPortable EquipmentBattery-Powered Computers/Contro ..
Low-Capacitance / 2/3/4/6-Channel / 15kV ESD Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data Interfaces
General DescriptionThe MAX3202E/MAX3203E/MAX3204E/MAX3206E are
low-capacitance ±15kV ESD-protection diode arrays
designed to protect sensitive electronics attached to
communication lines. Each channel consists of a pair of
diodes that steer ESD current pulses to VCCor GND.
The MAX3202E/MAX3203E/MAX3204E/MAX3206E pro-
tect against ESD pulses up to ±15kV Human Body
Model, ±8kV Contact Discharge, and ±15kV Air-Gap
Discharge, as specified in IEC 61000-4-2. These
devices have a 5pF capacitance per channel, making
them ideal for use on high-speed data I/O interfaces.
The MAX3202E is a two-channel device intended for
USB and USB 2.0 applications. The MAX3203E is a
triple-ESD structure intended for USB On-the-Go (OTG)
and video applications. The MAX3204E is a quad-ESD
structure designed for Ethernet and FireWire™ applica-
tions, and the MAX3206E is a six-channel device
designed for cell phone connectors and SVGA video
All devices are available in tiny chip-scale (UCSP™)
and thin QFN packages, and are specified for -40°C to
+85°C operation.
USB 2.0Cell Phones
EthernetSVGA Video Connections
FeaturesHigh-Speed Data Line ESD Protection
±15kV—Human Body Model
±8kV—IEC 61000-4-2, Contact Discharge
±15kV—IEC 61000-4-2, Air-Gap DischargeTiny UCSP Package AvailableLow 5pF Input CapacitanceLow 1nA (max) Leakage CurrentLow 1nA Supply Current+0.9V to +5.5V Supply Voltage Range2-, 3-, 4-, or 6-Channel Devices Available
Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD
Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data Interfaces
Ordering Information19-2739; Rev 1; 5/03
*UCSP reliability is integrally linked to the user’s assembly
methods, circuit board material, and environment. Refer to the
UCSP Reliability Notice in the UCSP Reliability section for more
**EP = Exposed pad.
Selector Guide
Pin Configurations appear at end of data sheet.FireWire is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
UCSP is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
ypical Operating Circuit
Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD
Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data Interfaces
(VCC= +5V ±5%, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC= +5V and TA= +25°C.) (Note 2)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Note 2:Limits over temperature are guaranteed by design, not production tested.
Note 3:Idealized clamp voltages (L1 = L2 = L3 = 0) (Figure 1 ); see the Applications Informationsection for more information.
Note 4:Guaranteed by design. Not production tested.
VCCto GND...........................................................-0.3V to +7.0V
I/O_ to GND................................................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
2 ×2 UCSP (derate 3.0mW/°C above +70°C)..............239mW
3 ×2 UCSP (derate 3.4mW/°C above +70°C)..............273mW
3 ×2 UCSP (derate 3.9mW/°C above +70°C)..............308mW
3 ×3 UCSP (derate 4.7mW/°C above +70°C)..............379mW
6-Pin Thin QFN (derate 24.4mW/°C above +70°C)....1951mW
12-Pin Thin QFN (derate 16.9mW/°C above +70°C)..1349mW
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Junction Temperature .....................................................+150°C
Bump Temperature (soldering) (Note 1)
Infrared (15s)................................................................+220°C
Vapor Phase (60s)........................................................+215°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C
Note 1:The UCSP devices are constructed using a unique set of packaging techniques that impose a limit on the thermal profile the
device can be exposed to during board-level solder attach and rework. This limit permits the use of only the solder profiles
recommended in the industry-standard specification, JEDEC 020A, paragraph 7.6, Table 3 for IR/VPR and Convection
Reflow. Preheating is required. Hand or wave soldering is not allowed.
Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD
Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data Interfaces
Typical Operating Characteristics
(VCC= +5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Pin Description
Detailed Description
The MAX3202E/MAX3203E/MAX3204E/MAX3206E are
diode arrays designed to protect sensitive electronics
against damage resulting from ESD conditions or tran-
sient voltages. The low input capacitance makes these
devices ideal for high-speed data lines. The
MAX3202E, MAX3203E, MAX3204E, and MAX3206E
protect two, three, four, and six channels, respectively.
The MAX3202E/MAX3203E/MAX3204E/MAX3206E are
designed to work in conjunction with a device’s intrinsic
ESD protection. The MAX3202E/MAX3203E/MAX3204E/
MAX3206E limit the excursion of the ESD event to
below ±25V peak voltage when subjected to the
Human Body Model waveform. When subjected to the
IEC 61000-4-2 waveform, the peak voltage is limited to
±60V when subjected to Contact Discharge and ±100V
when subjected to Air-Gap Discharge. The device that
is being protected by the MAX3202E/MAX3203E/
MAX3204E/MAX3206E must be able to withstand these
peak voltages plus any additional voltage generated by
the parasitic board.
Applications Information
Design Considerations
Maximum protection against ESD damage results from
proper board layout (see the Layout Recommendations
section and Figure 2). A good layout reduces the para-
sitic series inductance on the ground line, supply line,
and protected signal lines.
The MAX3202E/MAX3203E/MAX3204E/MAX3206E ESD
diodes clamp the voltage on the protected lines during
an ESD event and shunt the current to GND or VCC. In
an ideal circuit, the clamping voltage, VC, is defined as
the forward voltage drop, VF, of the protection diode
plus any supply voltage present on the cathode.
For positive ESD pulses:= VCC+ VF
For negative ESD pulses:= -VF
In reality, the effect of the parasitic series inductance
on the lines must also be considered (Figure 1).
For positive ESD pulses:
For negative ESD pulses:
where IESDis the ESD current pulse.
Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD
Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data Interfaces
Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD
Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data Interfaces
During an ESD event, the current pulse rises from zero
to peak value in nanoseconds (Figure 3). For example,
in a 15kV IEC-61000 Air-Gap Discharge ESD event,
the pulse current rises to approximately 45A in 1ns
(di/dt = 45 x 109). An inductance of only 10nH adds an
additional 450V to the clamp voltage. An inductance of
10nH represents approximately 0.5in of board trace.
Regardless of the device’s specified diode clamp volt-
age, a poor layout with parasitic inductance significantly
increases the effective clamp voltage at the protected
signal line.
A low-ESR 0.1µF capacitor must be used between VCC
and GND. This bypass capacitor absorbs the charge
transferred by an +8kV IEC-61000 Contact Discharge
ESD event.
Ideally, the supply rail (VCC) would absorb the charge
caused by a positive ESD strike without changing its
regulated value. In reality, all power supplies have an
effective output impedance on their positive rails. If a
power supply’s effective output impedance is 1Ω, then
by using V = I ×R, the clamping voltage of VCincreas-
es by the equation VC= IESDx ROUT. An +8kV IEC
61000-4-2 ESD event generates a current spike of 24A,
so the clamping voltage increases by VC= 24A ×1Ω,
or VC= 24V. Again, a poor layout without proper
bypassing increases the clamping voltage. A ceramic
chip capacitor mounted as close to the MAX3202E/
MAX3203E/MAX3204E/MAX3206E VCCpin is the best
choice for this application. A bypass capacitor should
also be placed as close to the protected device as
±15kV ESD Protection
ESD protection can be tested in various ways; the
MAX3202E/MAX3203E/MAX3204E/MAX3206E are
characterized for protection to the following limits:±15kV using the Human Body Model±8kV using the Contact Discharge method speci-
fied in IEC 61000-4-2±15kV using the IEC 61000-4-2 Air-Gap Discharge
ESD Test Conditions
ESD performance depends on a number of conditions.
Contact Maxim for a reliability report that documents
test setup, methodology, and results.
Human Body Model
Figure 4 shows the Human Body Model, and Figure 5
shows the current waveform it generates when dis-
charged into a low impedance. This model consists of
a 100pF capacitor charged to the ESD voltage of inter-
est, which is then discharged into the device through a
IEC 61000-4-2
The IEC 61000-4-2 standard covers ESD testing and
performance of finished equipment. The MAX3202E/
MAX3203E/MAX3204E/MAX3206E help users design
equipment that meets Level 4 of IEC 61000-4-2.
The main difference between tests done using the
Human Body Model and IEC 61000-4-2 is higher peak
current in IEC 61000-4-2. Because series resistance is
lower in the IEC 61000-4-2 ESD test model (Figure 6)
the ESD-withstand voltage measured to this standard is
generally lower than that measured using the Human
Body Model. Figure 3 shows the current waveform for
the ±8kV IEC 61000-4-2 Level 4 ESD Contact
Discharge test.
The Air-Gap Discharge test involves approaching the
device with a charged probe. The Contact Discharge
method connects the probe to the device before the
probe is energized.
Layout Recommendations
Proper circuit-board layout is critical to suppress ESD-
induced line transients. The MAX3202E/MAX3203E/
MAX3204E/MAX3206E clamp to 100V; however, with
improper layout, the voltage spike at the device is
much higher. A lead inductance of 10nH with a 45A
current spike at a dv/dt of 1ns results in an ADDITION-450V spike on the protected line. It is essentialthat
the layout of the PC board follows these guidelines:Minimize trace length between the connector or
input terminal, I/O_, and the protected signal line.Use separate planes for power and ground to reduce
parasitic inductance and to reduce the impedance to
the power rails for shunted ESD current.Ensure short ESD transient return paths to GND
and VCC.Minimize conductive power and ground loops.Do not place critical signals near the edge of the
PC board.Bypass VCCto GND with a low-ESR ceramic capac-
itor as close to VCCas possible.Bypass the supply of the protected device to GND
with a low-ESR ceramic capacitor as close to the
supply pin as possible.
UCSP Considerations
For general UCSP package information and PC layout
considerations, refer to Maxim Application Note 263,
Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Package.
___________________UCSP Reliability
The UCSP represents a unique packaging form factor
that may not perform equally to a packaged product
through traditional mechanical reliability tests. UCSP
reliability is integrally linked to the user’s assembly meth-
ods, circuit-board material, and usage environment.
The user should closely review these areas when con-
sidering use of a UCSP. Performance through operat-
ing life test and moisture resistance remains
uncompromised as it is primarily determined by the
wafer-fabrication process. Mechanical stress perfor-
mance is a greater consideration for a UCSP. UCSPs
are attached through direct solder contact to the user’s
PC board, foregoing the inherent stress relief of a pack-
aged product lead frame. Solder-joint contact integrity
must be considered. Table 1 shows the testing done to
characterize the UCSP reliability performance. In con-
clusion, the UCSP is capable of performing reliably
through environmental stresses as indicated by the
results in the table. Additional usage data and recom-
mendations are detailed in the UCSP application note,
which can be found on Maxim’s website at
Chip Information
MAX3202E: 4
MAX3203E: 6
MAX3204E: 8
MAX3206E: 12
Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD
Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data Interfaces
Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD
Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data Interfaces
Table 1. Reliability Test Data
Functional Diagrams
Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD
Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data Interfaces
Pin Configurations