MAX311EWN ,CMOS RF/Video MultiplexersApplications
Video Switching and Crosspoint Systems
Automatic Test Equipment
Medical Ultrasoun ..
MAX311EWN+ ,8-Channel, CMOS RF Video MultiplexerlVI/l X I [VI
CMOS RF/Video Multiplexers
MAX3120CUA ,Low-Profile, 3V, 120レA, IrDA Infrared TransceiverApplicationsMAX3120ESA -40°C to +85°C 8 SOPersonal Digital Assistants (PDAs)Palmtop ComputersCell P ..
MAX3120ESA ,Low-Profile, 3V, 120レA, IrDA Infrared Transceiverapplications by requiring a minimum of external compo-' 10nA Shutdown Supply Currentnents: photodio ..
MAX3120ESA+ ,Low-Profile 3V, 120µA IrDA Infrared TransceiverApplicationsMAX3120ESA -40°C to +85°C 8 SOPersonal Digital Assistants (PDAs)Palmtop ComputersCell P ..
MAX3120EUA ,Low-Profile, 3V, 120レA, IrDA Infrared TransceiverELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +3.0V to +5.5V, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. Typical values ..
MAX6368PKA29+T ,SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable GatingFeaturesThe MAX6365–MAX6368 supervisory circuits simplify ♦ Low +1.2V Operating Supply Voltage (V o ..
MAX6368PKA31+T ,SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable GatingMAX6365–MAX6368 19-1658; Rev 5; 10/11SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuitswith Battery Backup an ..
MAX6368PKA31-T , SOT23, Low-Power μP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gating
MAX6368PKA46+T ,SOT23, Low-Power µP Supervisory Circuits with Battery Backup and Chip-Enable Gatingfeatures.MAX6365Devices are available in both leaded and lead(Pb)-free packaging.GND 3 6 OUTSpecify ..
MAX6369KA ,Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timersapplications:● Industrial Controllers● Watchdog startup delay: provides an initial delay ● Critical ..
MAX6369KA/V+T ,Pin-Selectable Watchdog TimersMAX6369–MAX6374 Pin-Selectable Watchdog Timers
CMOS RF/Video Multiplexers
AVH/ll 2t I] 2d'ly'il
CMOS RF/Video Multiplexers
General Description
Maxim's MAX31O and MAX311 are CMOS monolithic
analog multiplexer/demultiplexers designed for use
with signal frequencies ranging from DC through
video. The MAX310 is a I-of-e multiplexer while the
MAX311 is for 2-of-8 (4 channel differential)
A key feature of the MAX310/311 is extremely high
off isolation at high frequencies. The isolation of
each off channel to the output is guaranteed to be
-66dB at 5MHz. The input signal range is +12V to
-15V with :15V power supplies while power con-
sumption is typically 1.1mW.
All control inputs are fully compatible with TTL and
CMOS logic. Decoding is in standard BCD format
and an Enable input is also provided to simplify
. -76dB Typical Ott Isolation at SMHz
. -83dB Typlcal "All Channel Orr' Isolation at 5MHz
. Phase Shift Match Between Channels, <1°
at 5MHz
. Break-Before-Make Switching
. Wide Supply Range, :t4.5V to i16.5V and
Single Supply
. Symmetrical, Bi-directional Operation
. Latch-Up Proof Construction
Ordering Informa tion
cascading of devices. The MAX310 and MAX311 will F PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE
operate with nearly any power supply combination "MAX310c/D 0°C to , 70"C Dice
which totals less than 36V (V+ - V-) including single 0 m A
supply operation at +12V, +15V, and +28V with v- MAX31OCPE 0 Cto +70 C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
connected to GND. MAX31OCWN trCto -7ouc 18 Lead Wide so
A I i . MAX310EPE 40''Cto 1 85°C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
. . pp cations MAXSIOEWN -40"Cto t 85'C 18 Lead Wide to
Video Switching and Crosspoint Systems MAX310EJE -40'Cto + 85"C 16 Lead CERDIP
Automatic Test Equipment MAX310MJE -55''Cto i 125'C 16 Lead CERDIP
Medical Ultrasound Phased Array Systems MAX311CO (rcto -70'C Dice
Data Logging of High Frequency Signals MAX311CPE CC to v 70C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
Digital Signal Processing MAX311CWN 0uCto -70"C 18 Lead Wide so
MAX311EPE - 40%:10 _ 85"C 16 Lead Plastic DIP
_ Pin Configuration MAX311EWN -40u'Cto +850 18 Lead Wide so
MAX311EJE -40'Cto + 8YC 16 Lead CERDIP
l Top View MAX311MJE -55T) to + 125C 16 Lead CERDIP l
i s l: v Ts] C V - W -
1 I 15 Gun s, 1 1s cm: r ical 0 ratin Circuit
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s, cc E um s, CE :1 OUT - _
Se CE CEI ll- Se EC El v- [I @1211:
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a g- - .
48 j 3ng Ff [l No Insertion Loss, 8 Channel Mux
[VI A XI/VI Maxlm Integrated Products 1
MAXIM IS a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.
I- I- 8/0!- EXVW
CMOS RF/Video Multiplexers
Voltage referenced to V' Operating Temperature Range
V+ "'".-l.t...--r...r.. MAX3100. MAX3110 ......................... 0°C to +70°C
GND ................ MAX31OE, MAX311E ......... . -40''C to '85'C
Digital Inputs .................................... V' to V‘ MAX310M, MAX311M ..................... -55''C to +125°C
Input Current Power Dissipation (16-Pin packages)
S and COMMON OUT ...__FrFm.q.....r..t.g.t..... t-50mA CERDIP (derate10mW/°C above +75°C) ............ 750mW
All pins except S and COM, OUT ......... . t30mA Plastic DIP (derate 7.35mW/°C above +75''C) ........ 550mw
Lead Temperature +300°C Small Outline (derate 9mW/°C above 05°C) ........ 550mW
Storage Temperature .PlF_FP.P..FF.FF. -65''C to +150°C
Stresses listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may be applied (ans at a nme) to dawces without resulting m permanent damage. These are stress
ratings only, and functional operation of the device ttt these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the spscdications
15 not Implied. Exposure to absolule maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(Over Temperature V" = +15V, v- = -15V, GND = 0V unless otherwise indicated)
. W. V---t15V -15 +12
Analog Signal Range V+. V‘ = t5V -5 +2 V
VIN = t5V, IOUT = 10mA
Channel ON Resistance RON TA = +25''C 150 250 fl
Over Temp. 300
ON Resistance Match ARON VIN = tSV. low = 10mA 6 %
Figure10.TA = +25°C 0.4 10
OFF Input Leakage Current laom Over Temp 3 100 nA
Figure11,TA = +25°C 0.8 10
1FaF2uel',uut,rent Imam MAX310 Over Temp. 20 100 nA
9 MAX311 OverTemp. 1o 50
Figure 12, TA = 425°C 1 10
Egghingj'nem IDmN, MAX310 Over Temp. 30 200 nA
g MAX311 OverTemp. 15 100
Input Low Threshold VAL V+/V- = t15V, t5V 0.8 V
Input High Threshold VAH v+/v- = :15v, :5V 2.4 v
Input Current (Logic) IA VA = 0V or 5V :10 pA
_ Figure 7; TA = +25°C 0.6 1.5
Access Time tAcc Over Temp. 2.0 MS
Fi ure 8; T, - +25°C 0.3 1.0
Enable Delay ON or OFF 15.,me g ttver' Temp. 2.0 us
Break-Betore-Make Delay ION-topp Figure 9 30 100 ns
OFF Isolation, Single ' . - - -
Channel to OUT ISOsc Figure 3; TA - -25''C 66 76 dB
F Figure 4, 5, TA = +25°C
g',cs/2'tlrd)lj ISOAc MUX Disabled, EN = HhlN -63 dB
MUX Enabled, EN = +2.4V -58
Adjacent Channel Crosstalk ISOx Figure 6, TA = +25''C -72 dB
Channel Input Capacitance TA = +25°C, Vm = 10mVnws 10 MHz
OFF State CS(OFF] 5 pF
ON State Csevn 45
Channel Output Capacitance TA = +25°C:
OFF State cmom EN = HMV, MAX310 38
MAX311 20 pF
ON State Cmom EN = +2.4V, MAX31O 57
MAX311 40
Charge Injection 0 Figure 13, TA = +25°C 110 PC
Supply Current; V+ I+ - 75 200
V' l- EN, AO, A1, A2 - 0V or +5V 0,1 100 uA
Supply Voltage Range TA = +25°C :45 :165 V
2 All]! Xl/Vl