MAX281ACPA+ ,5th Order, Zero Error, Bessel, Switched Capacitor Lowpass FilterELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(V+ = HN, V- = -5V, TA = +25° C. unless otherwise noted, AC output meas ..
MAX281ACWE ,Zero-Error, Bessel Lowpass FilterPin Description
FB External capacitor couples to the chip COSC Clock ..
MAX281BCPA ,Zero-Error, Bessel Lowpass FilterFeatures
The MAX281 is a tith-order aII-pole instrumentation
lo pass filter with n DC error. Th ..
(V+ = HN, V- = -5V, TA = +25° C. unless otherwise noted, AC output meas ..
MAX2820 ,2.4GHz 802.11b Zero-IF TransceiversApplications802.11b 11Mbps WLAN+802.11b 22Mbps PBCC High-Data-Rate WLAN Ordering Information802.11a ..
MAX2820AETM ,2.4GHz 802.11b Zero-IF TransceiversMAX2820/MAX2820A/MAX2821/MAX2821A19-2493; Rev 5; 5/052.4GHz 802.11b Zero-IF Transceivers
MAX606EUA ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converters for Flash Memory/PCMCIA CardsFeaturesThe MAX606/MAX607 are the smallest CMOS, step-up' Lowest-Height Circuit (1.35mm max)DC-DC c ..
MAX606EUA ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converters for Flash Memory/PCMCIA CardsFeaturesThe MAX606/MAX607 are the smallest CMOS, step-up' Lowest-Height Circuit (1.35mm max)DC-DC c ..
MAX606EUA+ ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converter for Flash Memory PCMCIA CardsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 3.3V, GND = PGND = FB = 0V, SHDN = IN, T = 0°C to +85°C, unless othe ..
MAX607ESA ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converters for Flash Memory/PCMCIA CardsGeneral Description ________
MAX607EUA ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converters for Flash Memory/PCMCIA CardsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 3.3V, GND = PGND = FB = 0V, SHDN = IN, T = 0°C to +85°C, unless othe ..
MAX607EUA+ ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converter for Flash Memory PCMCIA CardsApplicationsPCMCIA CardsMemory CardsTypical Operating CircuitSingle PCMCIA Slot ProgrammingDigital ..
5th Order, Zero Error, Bessel, Switched Capacitor Lowpass Filter
19-2760; REV tr, 5/90
- Zero-Error; [Bowel Lampoon Ilmitor
____ concrcl mum:-
The MAX281 is a 5th-order ail-pole instrumentation
lowpase filter with no DC error. The filter uses an
external resistor and capacitor to isolate the integrated
circuit from the DC signal path, thus providing DC
_ accumcy.
The external resistor and capacitort ether with the
on-chip 4th-order switched capacitor! r form a tith-
order Bowel Iowpm filter. Bessel Iowpass filters
provide linear phase (constant grou 8 delay) response
from DC to beyond the filter cuto trequency, with
some reduction in stopband attenuation.
The filter cutofli frequency is set by a ciock which can be
Bessel Lowpm Filter with No no Error
Low Pmband Noise
DC to 20kHz Cutoff Frequency
Slh-Onder Ali-Pole Bmel Response
Cascadabie for Higher Order Rollo"
Buttered Output Available
8-Pin DIP or 18-Pln Wide so Packages
t Internal or External Clock
either Internal or extemailg1 provided. The
clock to catch requency cyratio ot gf'fll15'f, easy mng lnfonnatlon
removal of clock ripple PART TEMP RANGE PIN PACKAGE
MAX281A provides tighter spetttications than the .
MAX2818 for Internal ciock oscillator frequency and MAX281ACPA 0''C to +70°c 8 Piastic MP
MM: x; J,'tt,t',', 'll','f, bl vim” II tl i i MAX281BCPA tPCto +7ty'C 8Plastic DIP
s ave a e or app on one requiring a o , '
maximally fiat (Butterworth) amplitude response. MAX281ACWE o C to +70 C 16 Wide so
MAX281BCWE tPC to +7ty'C 16 Wide so
AttpRettthtrttt MAX281C/D tPC to +7tPC Dice
Anti-Aliasing Filters MAX281AEPA -40°c to 435°C 8 Plastic DIP
Data Loggers MAX281BEPA -40°c to +85°C 8 Plastic DIP
Digital Vo'tmeters MAX281AEWE -40°C to +85°C 16 Wide so
Weigh Scales MAX281BEWE 40°C to HW'C 16 Wide so
Strain Gauges MAX281AMJA -55''C to +125°c 8 CERDIP
1 l MAX281BMJA -55°c to +125°c 8 CERDIP
Uplcd Operating Circuit An eonffgurttttomt
TOP VIEW " II . V Emu,
[NM - ''%'iffl'st' " Jumtt CE MAX281 2] OUT
I V- a E W
IL re our - ow. mmo Ca: E cosc
MAXIM FCC. I . E nc.
MAX281V, = HN me. Ei Eil N.c.
Aano AGND ci: MAX281 El OUT
l i v-I: Eve
= = mmmmo E E cosc
N.c. E CEI as.
Gail to" free 'AttttNSBttAttttto for free samnles or literature.
Maxim integrated Products ,
[L 8’3wi
Zom-Emr, Boone! Lampoon Filter
Total Supply Voltage (W to V-) ....................... 17V Operating Temperature
Input Voltage at Any Pin . . . . V- (-0.3V) s Vm S V+ {+0.3V) MAX281_C__ ........................ APC to +70°C
Power Dlsslpatlon MAX281_.E__ ................. . . . . -40''C to o85''C
Plastic DIP (demo at 6.25mW/°C above 7tPC) . . . 500mW MAX281_M__ ................. . . . -55°C to +125°c
CERDIP (derate at 8.00mWPC above 7tPC) ..... 640mw Storage Temperature Range ............ ARP C to +180°C
SO (derate at 9.52mW/°C above 70°C) .......... 762mw Lead Temperature Range (Soldering. 10 sec.) ..... +300°C
Smsua beyond those listed under ''Atmohmy Maximum mu
functions! operation of the dovloa at these or any other condl on: beyond those Indicated In ha a
Implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating condition: for extended periods may ttttttttt device In Iablllry.
" may cause permanent dame o to the device. Thane III stress mung: only, and
rational sections of the 'petrlfltritlons Is not
(V+ = HN, V- = -5V, TA = o25''C, unless otherwise noted, AC output measured at OUT pin, Figure 1.)
Operating Supply Voltage
Dual Supply 12.375 A8 V
Single Supply 4.75 16
- cat (Pin ti to v-) = 100pF
Power Supply Current TA = Tum to Tm 5 10 mA
Input Frequency Range 0-20 kHz
Filter Gain at
fm = 0 tcut = 100.01; TA = +25°C 0
fm = Odik (Note 1) Pin 4 at V+ -O.9 -1.2
te: = ft) c = 0.thpF -2.5 -a.5 dB
tm = 21c R = 18.61kn TA = T..." to Tm -12 -14
fm = 4fc -35 -39
Clock to Cutoff Frequency Ratio fem = 100kHz, Pin 4 at W 101
fcud'c C = 0.01yF. R = 25.78kn
tcut = 400kHz, Pin 4 at V+
Filter Gain at hs = 4fe C = 0.01pF. R = 4.6516) -32 -37 dB
TA = Tum to Tsax
tcur/K Tempco Same " above 10 pprnPC
Pin 7 buffered with an ext op
Filter Output (Pin 7) DC Swing amp TA = Tum to TMAX $3.5 13.8 V
Clock Feedthrough 10 mVH,
. TA = +25°c 2 50
Bias therrent TA = Tum to TM 170 1000 pA
MAX281A 0.2 2
Offset Voltage M AX281 B 2 20 mV
Voltage Swing 20kft TA = Tum to Tm 13.5 13.8 V
Short-Circuit Current Source/Sink 30/2 mA
COSC (Pin 5 to MAX281A 31 35 39
V-) = 100pF MAX281 B 25 35 50
lntemal Oscillator Frequency TA = Tumto TMAX kHz
cosc (Pin 5 to Wags fl 355 g
H = 100pF
Max Clock Frequency 4 MHz
COSC Input Sink/Source Current TA = Tum to Tm 25 80 MA
Note 1: to Is the comer frequency of the filter.
Note 2: The external or driven clock frequency Is divlded by either1, 2, or4 depending upon the voltage at pin 4. When pin 4 = V+.
fcudlc = 101; when pin 4 = GND, tcut/tc = 202 when pin 4 = v-, tcut/tc = 404.