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MAX280CWE+-MAX280EPA+,5th-Order, Zero-Error, Butterworth, Switched-Capacitor Lowpass Filter

MAX280CWE+ ,5th-Order, Zero-Error, Butterworth, Switched-Capacitor Lowpass FilterGeneral Description
The MAX280/MXL1062 are 5th
MAX280EPA ,5th Order, Zero DC Error, Lowpass FilterApplications
Anti-Aliasing Filter
Data Loggers
Digital Voltmeters
Weigh Scales
Strain Gauges
MAX280EPA+ ,5th-Order, Zero-Error, Butterworth, Switched-Capacitor Lowpass FilterELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(V' = +5V. V' = AN, TA -- 25°C. unless otherwise specified, AC output ..
MAX281ACPA+ ,5th Order, Zero Error, Bessel, Switched Capacitor Lowpass FilterELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(V+ = HN, V- = -5V, TA = +25° C. unless otherwise noted, AC output meas ..
MAX281ACWE ,Zero-Error, Bessel Lowpass FilterPin Description
FB External capacitor couples to the chip COSC Clock ..
MAX281BCPA ,Zero-Error, Bessel Lowpass FilterFeatures
The MAX281 is a tith-order aII-pole instrumentation
lo pass filter with n DC error. Th ..
MAX606ESA ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converters for Flash Memory/PCMCIA CardsApplicationsPCMCIA CardsMemory CardsTypical Operating CircuitSingle PCMCIA Slot ProgrammingDigital ..
MAX606ESA+ ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converter for Flash Memory PCMCIA CardsFeaturesThe MAX606/MAX607 are the smallest CMOS, step-up♦ Lowest-Height Circuit (1.35mm max)DC-DC c ..
MAX606EUA ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converters for Flash Memory/PCMCIA CardsMAX606/MAX60719-0459; Rev 1; 1/99Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converters for Fl ..
MAX606EUA ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converters for Flash Memory/PCMCIA CardsFeaturesThe MAX606/MAX607 are the smallest CMOS, step-up' Lowest-Height Circuit (1.35mm max)DC-DC c ..
MAX606EUA ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converters for Flash Memory/PCMCIA CardsFeaturesThe MAX606/MAX607 are the smallest CMOS, step-up' Lowest-Height Circuit (1.35mm max)DC-DC c ..
MAX606EUA+ ,Low-Profile, 5V/12V or Adjustable, Step-Up DC-DC Converter for Flash Memory PCMCIA CardsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 3.3V, GND = PGND = FB = 0V, SHDN = IN, T = 0°C to +85°C, unless othe ..
5th-Order, Zero-Error, Butterworth, Switched-Capacitor Lowpass Filter
19-0873, Rev 3. 8/95
2hlALil] Diet l] AW]
Sth Order, Eero DC Error, Lowpass Finer
General Description
The MAX280/MXL1062 are 5th-order all-pole instrumen-
tation Iowpass filters with no DC error. The filter uses an
external resistor and capacitor to isolate the integrated
circuit from the DC signal path, thus providing excellent
DC accuracy.
The resistor and capacitor, along with the on-chip 4th-
order switched capacitor filter, form a 5th-order low-
pass filter. Two MAX280/MXL1062s can be cascaded
to form a 10th-order Iowpass filter.
The filter cutoff frequency is set by an internal clock
which can be externally driven. The clock to cutoff-
frequency ratio is 100:1, allowing clock ripple to be
easily removed.
The MAX280 is an enhanced version of the MXL1062.
Lowpass Filter with No DC Error
Low Passband Noise
DC to 20kHz Cutoff Frequency
5th Order All Pole Filter
lntemal or External Clock
Cascadable for Higher Order Rollo"
Buffered Output Available
. 8-Pln DIP or 16-Pln SOIC
Ordering Information
Enchancements include tighter specifications on the l— PART TEMP.RANGE PIN-PACKAGE
internal clock oscillator frequency and the buffer ampli- MAX280CPA 0°C to +70°C 8 Lead Plastic DIP
fier offset voltage. . . MAX280CWE 0°C to +70°C 16 Lead-Wide so
Applications MAX280EPA M(Y'C to +85°C a Lead Plastic DIP
Anti-Aliasing Filter MAX280EWE -4CY'C to +85°C 16 Lead Wide so
Data Loggers MAX280MJA -55"C to +125°C 8 Lead CERDIP
Di ital Voltmeters _ MXL1062CN8 -40°C to +85°C 8 Lead Plastic DIP
'l MXL1062CJ8 -40°C to +85°C 8 Lead CERDIP
Weigh Scales MXL1062CS 40°C to +85°C 16 Lead Wide so
Strain Gauges MXL1062MJ8 -55°C to +125°C 8 Lead CERDiP
Typical Operating Circuit Pin Configurations
Top View
INPUT ' W ' I - OUTPUT v- [I MAX280 I] w
L FB OUT ---d RATIO l: El Cosc
---- OUTPUT [
+ - WC CE V 511 tUC
MAX280 N/C CE ‘3] R/C
v' _ +5v FB E _ E Burr
51t v- C ' AGND CE MAAIM E om
- osc - It- E MAX280 E P'
l T we I: E] m
= = WC (E E WC
Lowpass Filter 16-Pin O.300 SO
Maxim Integrated Products 1
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at
1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at .
MAX280/MXH. 11 062
Sth Order, Eero DC Error, Lowpass Filter
Total Supply Voltage (V+ to V-) Fr-rr.'.'...'-.''.''....-..-.....--.-......... 18V
Input Voltage at Any Pin ..................... V- -0.3V s N/IN s V+ +0.3V
Operating Temperature
MAX280CXX/MXL10620 ..................................... 0°C to +70°C
MAX280EXX ....................... __vv ..... -40°C to +85°C
MAX280MXX/MXL1062M .............................. -55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range --ww-rr-rw.--. -65°C to +160°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering, 10sec) .............. _.+3000C
Power Dissipation
Plastic DIP (derate 6.25mW/°C above 70°C) ............... 500mW
CERDIP (derate 8.00mWp'C above 70°C) ................... 640mw
SO (derate 9,52mW/°C above 70°C) 'P'..'.''''''...',..,..--,. 762mW
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratin .t." may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and
functional operation of the device at these or any other con mans above those indicated In the operational sections of the specification is not
implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(V' = HN, V' = -5V, TA = 25'C, unless otherwise specified, AC output measured at pin 7, Figure I.)
Operating Supply Voltage
Dual Supply 12.375 18.0 V
Single Supply 4.75 16.0
Cosc (Pin 5 to VO = 100pF
Power Supply Current TA = 25''C 5.0 7.0 mA
TA = Tum to TMAX 5.0 10.0
Input Frequency Range 0-20 kHz
Filter Gain at fCLK = 100kHz, Pin 4 at V‘
C = 0.01pF, R = 25.78k0
fm = 0 0
fm = 0.5tc (Note 1) -0.02 -0.3
fm = fc TA = TMIN to TMAX -2 -3 dB
fm = 2fc TA = Tum to TMAX -28 -30
fm = 4tc TA = Tum to TMAX -54 -60
Clock to Cutoff Frequency Ratio foot = 100kHz, Pin 4 at V' 100 l 1
fax/tc C = 0.01pF, n = 25.7810
Filter Gain at {m = 16kHz tcck = 400kHz, Pin 4 at V'
C = 0.01PF, R = 6.5m M6 -52 dB
TA = TMm to TMAX
tcut/ft: Tempco Same as above 10 ppm/°C
. . . Pin 7 buffered with an ext op
Filter Output (Pin 7) DC Swing amp TA = Tum to me $3.5 $3.8 V
Clock Feedthrough 10 mVpp
Bias Current TA = 25"C p A
TA = Tum to TMAX
Offset Voltage JLIAEeQL; "__ "-. 'tw mV
Voltage Swing R1 = 20kft TA = Tue: to TMAX A3.5 I3.8 V
Short Circuit Current Source/Sink 30/2 mA
Cosc (Pin 5 to fr .3“: if:.-'. Is,
. vo = 100PF 2
Internal Oscillator Frequency kHz
EA = TMIN to TMAx f g
csc (Pin 5 to z-.. - -' _ _ _ _ -
W) = 100pF MXL1062 15 35 65
Max Clock Frequency 4 MHz
Cosc Input Sink/Source Current TA = Tum to TMAX 25 80 PA
Note 1: tc is the frequency where the gain is -3dB with respect to the input signal.
Note 2: The external or driven clock frequency is divided by either 1, 2, or 4 depending upon the voltage at pin 4. When pin 4 =
W, chK/tc = 100; when pin 4 = GND, tcut/tc = 200; pin 4 = t tcor/fc = 400.
[VII] X I/Vl