MAX2623EUA ,Monolithic Voltage-Controlled OscillatorsApplications866MHz to 868MHz European ISM Band PART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGE(MAX2622)MAX2622EUA -40° ..
MAX262ACWG ,Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active FiltersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
N' = +5V, V' = -5V, CLK, = CLKB = 1 5V 350kHz for the MAX260 and 1.5M ..
MAX262BCNG ,Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active FiltersApplications
pP Tuned Filters
Anti-Aliasing Filters
Digital Signal Processing
Adaptive Filter ..
MAX262BCNG+ ,Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active FiltersApplicationsMAX260AMRG -55°C to +125°C CERDIP 1%µP-Tuned FiltersMAX260BMRG -55°C to +125°C CERDIP 2 ..
MAX262BCWG ,Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active FiltersFeatures
. Filter Design Software Available
t Microprocessor Interface V
. 64-Step Center Freque ..
MAX262BENG ,Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active FilterslVI/l X I/VI
Microprocessor Programmable
MAX5949BESA ,-48V Hot-Swap Controllers with External RSENSEELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 0V, V = 48V, T = -40°C to +85°C. Typical values are at T = +25°C, un ..
MAX5949BESA+ ,-48V Hot-Swap Controllers with External RSENSEFeaturesThe MAX5949A/MAX5949B are hot-swap controllers that♦ Allow Safe Board Insertion and Removal ..
MAX5952AEAX+ ,High-Power, Quad, PSE Controller for Power-Over-EthernetApplicationsPower-Sourcing Equipment (PSE)Switches/RoutersMidspan Power InjectorsPin Configuration ..
MAX5952AEAX+T ,High-Power, Quad, PSE Controller for Power-Over-EthernetELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V = 32V to 60V, V = 0V, V to V = +3.3V, all voltages are referenced to ..
MAX5952AUAX+ ,High-Power, Quad, PSE Controller for Power-Over-Ethernetapplications.♦ Open-Drain INT SignalThe MAX5952 provides four operating modes to suit dif-ferent sy ..
MAX5954LETX+ ,Single PCI Express, Hot-Plug Controllerapplications. The device provides hot-plug♦ Hot Swaps 12V, 3.3V, and 3.3V Auxiliary for a control f ..
Monolithic Voltage-Controlled Oscillators
General DescriptionThe MAX2622/MAX2623/MAX2624 self-contained volt-
age-controlled oscillators (VCOs) combine an integrat-
ed oscillator and output buffer in a miniature 8-pin
µMAX package.
The inductor and varactor elements of the tank circuits
are integrated on-chip, greatly simplifying application of
the part. In addition, the center frequency of oscillation
and frequency span are factory preset to provide a
guaranteed frequency range versus control voltage. An
external tuning voltage controls the oscillation frequency.
The output signals are buffered by an amplifier stage
matched on-chip to 50Ω.
The MAX2622/MAX2623/MAX2624 operate from a
+2.7V to +5.5V supply voltage and require only 8mA of
supply current. In shutdown mode, the supply current is
reduced to 0.1µA.
Applications866MHz to 868MHz European ISM Band
DECT 1/2 Frequency LO (MAX2623)
902MHz to 928MHz ISM Band, ±10.7MHz IF
902MHz to 928MHz ISM Band, 45MHz to
70MHz IF (MAX2624)
FeaturesFully MonolithicGuaranteed PerformanceOn-Chip 50ΩOutput MatchWide Choice of Frequencies
855MHz to 881MHz (MAX2622)
885MHz to 950MHz (MAX2623)
947MHz to 998MHz (MAX2624)+2.7V to +5.5V Single-Supply OperationLow-Current Shutdown ModeSmaller than Modules (8-Pin µMAX Package)
Monolithic Voltage-Controlled Oscillators
Ordering Information
Typical Operating Circuit
Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet.
Monolithic Voltage-Controlled Oscillators
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Typical Operating Circuit, VCC= +2.7V to +5.5V, VTUNE= 1.4V, VSHDN= 2V, OUT = unconnected, TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless
otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC= +3V, TA= +25°C.) (Note 1)
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Typical Operating Circuit,VCC= +2.7V to +5.5V, VTUNE= 0.4V to 2.4V, VSHDN= 2V, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical
values measured at VCC= +3V.) (Note 1)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Note 1:Specifications are production tested at TA= +25°C. Limits over temperature are guaranteed by design and characterization.
Note 2:Tuning gain is measured at VTUNE= 0.4V with a 0.2V step to 0.6V. At low VTUNE, tuning gain is highest.
Note 3:Measurements taken on MAX262_ EV kit.
VCCto GND..............................................................-0.3V to +6V
TUNE, SHDNto GND.................................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
OUT to GND...............................................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.6V)
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
8-Pin µMAX (derate 5.7mW/°C above TA = +70°C).....457mW
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°C
Monolithic Voltage-Controlled OscillatorsSHUTDOWN SUPPLY CURRENT
Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC= +3.0V, VTUNE= 0.4V to 2.4V, VSHDN= 2V, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Detailed Description
OscillatorThe MAX2622/MAX2623/MAX2624 VCOs are imple-
mented as an LC oscillator topology, integrating all of
the tank components on-chip. This fully monolithic
approach provides an extremely easy-to-use VCO,
equivalent to a VCO module. The frequency is con-
trolled by a voltage applied to the TUNE pin, which is
internally connected to the varactor. The VCO core
uses a differential topology to provide a stable frequen-
cy versus supply voltage and improve the immunity to
load variations. In addition, there is a buffer amplifier
following the oscillator core to provide added isolation
from load variations and to boost the output power.
Output BufferThe oscillator signal from the core drives an output
buffer amplifier. The amplifier is constructed as a com-
mon-emitter stage with an integrated on-chip reactive
output match. No external DC blocking capacitor is
required, eliminating the need for any external compo-
nents. The output amplifier has its own VCCand GND
pins to minimize load-pulling effects. The amplifier
boosts the oscillator signal to a level suitable for driving
most RF mixers.
Applications Information
Tune InputThe tuning input is typically connected to the output of
the PLL loop filter. The loop filter is presumed to pro-
vide an appropriately low-impedance source. It may
incorporate an extra RC filter stage to reduce high-fre-
quency noise and spurious signals. Any excess noise
on the tuning input is directly translated into FM noise,
which can degrade the phase-noise performance of the
oscillator. Therefore, it is important to minimize the
noise introduced on the tuning input. A simple RC filter
with low corner frequency is needed during testing in
order to filter the noise present on the voltage source
driving the tuning line.
Layout IssuesAlways use controlled impedance lines (microstrip,
coplanar waveguide, etc.) for high-frequency signals.
Always place decoupling capacitors as close to the
VCCpins as possible; for long VCClines, it may be nec-
essary to add additional decoupling capacitors located
further from the device. Always provide a low-induc-
tance path to ground, and keep GND vias as close to
the device as possible. Thermal reliefs on GND pads
are notrecommended.
Monolithic Voltage-Controlled Oscillators
Pin Description
Monolithic Voltage-Controlled OscillatorsFigure 1. Typical Application Circuit
Monolithic Voltage-Controlled Oscillators
Package Information