MAX260BCWG ,Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active FiltersApplications
pP Tuned Filters
Anti-Aliasing Filters
Digital Signal Processing
Adaptive Filter ..
MAX260BCWG+ ,Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active FiltersFeaturesThe MAX260/MAX261/MAX262 CMOS dual second-♦ Filter Design Software Availableorder universal ..
MAX260BENG ,Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active FiltersApplications
pP Tuned Filters
Anti-Aliasing Filters
Digital Signal Processing
Adaptive Filter ..
MAX260BENG+ ,Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active FiltersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS+ -(V = +5V, V = -5V, CLK = CLK = ±5V 350kHz for the MAX260 and 1.5MHz fo ..
MAX260BEWG+ ,Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active FiltersMAX260/MAX261/MAX26219-0352; Rev 2; 7/02Microprocessor ProgrammableUniversal Active Filters
MAX2611EUS ,DC-to-Microwave / Low-Noise AmplifierApplications ________________Ordering InformationSatellite ReceiversPART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGETV ..
MAX5941BCSE ,IEEE 802.3af-Compliant Power-Over-Ethernet Interface/PWM Controller for Power DevicesApplicationsMAX5941BCSE 0°C to +70°C 16 SO 50IP PhonesWireless Access NodesPin ConfigurationInterne ..
MAX5941BESE ,IEEE 802.3af-Compliant Power-Over-Ethernet Interface/PWM Controller for Power DevicesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V = (GND - V ) = 48V, GATE = PGOOD = PGOOD = OPEN, V- tied t ..
MAX5941BESE+T ,IEEE 802.3af-Compliant Power-Over-Ethernet Interface/PWM Controller for Power DevicesFeaturesThe MAX5941A/MAX5941B integrate a complete power♦ Powered Device InterfaceIC for powered de ..
MAX5942AESE ,IEEE 802.3af power-over-ethernet interface/PWM controller for power deviceFeaturesThe MAX5942A/MAX5942B integrate a complete power Powered Device InterfaceIC for powered d ..
MAX5942BCSE ,IEEE 802.3af Power-Over-Ethernet Interface/PWM Controller for Power DevicesFeaturesThe MAX5942A/MAX5942B integrate a complete power Powered Device InterfaceIC for powered d ..
MAX5942BCSE+ ,IEEE 802.3af Power-Over-Ethernet Interface/PWM Controller for Power DevicesFeaturesThe MAX5942A/MAX5942B integrate a complete power ♦ Powered Device InterfaceIC for powered d ..
Microprocessor Programmable Universal Active Filters
Microprocessor Programmable
General Description
The MAX260/261/262 CMOS dual second-order universal
switched-capacitor active filters allow microproéessor
control of precise filter functions. No external com-
ponents are required for a variety of bandpass, low-
pass, highpass, notch and allpass configurations. Each
device contains two second-order filter sections which
place center frequency, Q, and filter operating mode
under programmed control.
An input clock, along with a 6-bit to program input,
determine the tilter's center or corner frequenca
without affecting other filter parameters. The filter
is also programmed independently. Separate clock
inputs for each filter section operate with either a
crystal, RC network, or external clock generator.
The MAX260 has superior offset and DC specifications
than the MAX261 and MAX262 and a center frequency
(to) range ot 7.5kHz. The MAX261 handles center
frequencies to 57kHz while the MAX262 extends the
center frequency ran e to 140kHz by employing lower
clock-to-fo ratios. Al devices are available in 24-pin
DIP and small outline packages in commercial, ex-
tended, and military temperature ranges.
pP Tuned Filters
Anti-Aliasing Filters
Digital Signal Processing
Adaptive Filters
Signal Analysis
Phase-Locked Loops
Functional Diagram
1 l l l _
lap L-J
Fourth-Order Bandpass Filter
Universal Active Filters
Filter Design Software Available
Microprocessor Interface _
64-Step Center Frequency Control
123-Step 0 Control
Independent Q and to Programming
Guaranteed Clock to to Ratlo-1 % (A grade)
75kHz to Range (MAX262)
Single HN and Atiht Operation
Ordering Information
MAX260ACNG tPC to t70''C Plastic DIP 1%
MAX260BCNG 0°C to o70"C Plastic DIP 2%
MAX260AENG -40't to +85°C Plastic DIP 1%
MAX260BENG -40°C to +BS°C Plastic DIP 2%
MAX260ACWG 0°C to m70''C Wide SO 1%
MAX260BCWG 0°C to '70''C Wide so 2%
MAX260AMRG -55''C to +125°C CERDIP 1%
MAX260BMRG -55''C to +125''C CEHDIP 2%
MAX261ACNG 0°C to +70°C Plastic DIP 1%
I All devices-M-pin packages 0.3" wide packages
Ordering Information Continued on Last Page
Pin Configuration
Top View
Maxim Integrated Pmducb '.
MAXI!" is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products,
Microprocessor Programmable
Universal Active Filters
Total Supply Voltage (V' to VO ..................... 15V Operating Temperature
Input Voltage, any pin ............... ir-0.3V to V'+0.3V MAX260/261/262XCXG .................. 0°C to +70°C
Input Current, any pin .......................... 150mA MAX260/261/262XEXG ................ -40''C to HMi''C
Power Dissipation MAX260/261/262XMXG ............... -55''C to +125°C
Plastic DIP (aerate 8.33mW/°C above 70''C) ... 660mw Storage Temperature ................... -65°C to +160°C
CERDIP (derate 12.5mW/“C above 70°C) ..... 1000mW Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) ....... '300''C
Wide so (derate 11.8mW/°C above 70°C) ..... 944mW
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permansnr damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and
functional operation of (he devrce at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the specification is not
implied. Exposure to absolute Maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect the device reliability.
- --HN, V = -W, CLKA= CLK =1 5V 350kHz for the MAX260 and l, 5MHz for the MAX261/62, chK/io
139.80 for MAX262. Filter Mo e l, T, = +25°C unless otherwise noted,)
199.49for MAX260/61 and
MAX260/ 26 1/ 262
10 Center Frequency Range See Table 1
Maximum Clock Frequency See Table 1
fCLK/fo Ratio Error (Note 1) TA a TMIN to TMAX MAX260A 10.2 *1,0
MAX260B 10.2 12.0 %
MAX261/62A 10.2 11.0
MAX261/628 10.2 12.0
to Temperature Coefficient -5 ppm/° C
Q Accuracy (deviation from T, = TMIN to TMAX
ideal continuous filter) Q - 0.5 to 16 MAX260A KI t5
(Note 2) Q = 0.5 to 16 MAX260B kl 110
Q = 32 MAX260A 12 110
Q = 32 MAX260B' f2 +15
Q 2 64 MAX260A 14 115
Q = 64 MAX260B :4 122 %
Q = 0.5 to 16 MAX261/62A 11 :5
Q = 0.5 to 16 MAX261/62B 11 110
Q = 32 MAX261/62A 12 110
Q = 32 MAX261/62B 12 115
Q = 64 MAX261/62A t4 115
Q , 64 MAX261/62B 14 122
Q Temperature Coefficient +20 ppml°C
DC Lowpass Gain Accuracy MAX260A 10.1 10.2
MAX260B 10.1 10.3 dB
MAX261/62A 10.1 +0.25
MAX261/62B 10.1 10.5
Gain Temperature Coefficient MAX260 -5
Lowpass (at DC.) MAX261/62 -5 ppm/°C
Bandpass (at to) MAX260/61/62 +20
Offset Voltage At Filter TA = TMIN to TMAX, Q = 4
Outputs-LP, BP, HP de 1 MAX260A 10.05 10.25
(Note 3) MAX260B 10.15 10.45
MAX261A +0.40 +0.90
MAX261B 10.80 11.60
MAX262A 10.40 10.90
MAX262B 10.80 11.60 V
Mode 3 MAX260A 10.075 10.30
MAX260B 10.075 10.50
MAX261A 10.50 1100
MAX261B 10.90 11.60
MAX262A 10.50 11.00
MAX262B +0.90 11.60
Offset Voltage Temperature k/io = 100.53, O: 4 o
Coefficient ht TM,N to TMM t0.75 mV/ C
2 All A X l IVI