MAX2511EEI ,Low-voltage IF transceiver with limiter and RSSI.ApplicationsLIMIN 1 28 VREFPWT1900 Wireless Handsets and CZ 2 27 MIXOUTBase StationsCZ 3 26 GNDPACS ..
MAX2511EEI+ ,Low-Voltage IF Transceiver with Limiter and RSSIApplicationsLIMIN 1 28 VREFPWT1900 Wireless Handsets and CZ 2 27 MIXOUTBase StationsCZ 3 26 GNDPACS ..
MAX251CPD ,+5V Powered Isolated RS-232 Drivers/ReceiversGeneral Description
The MAX250 and MAX251 chip set form the heart of a
complete, electrically i ..
MAX251CSD ,+5V Powered Isolated RS-232 Drivers/Receiversfeatures include single +5V operation,
a low power shutdown mode, and output enable control
for t ..
MAX251CSD+ ,5V, Isolated, RS-232 Driver ReceiverWmvnweDem
" If Po wered
Isolated RS-232 Drivers/Receivers
MAX251EPD ,+5V Powered Isolated RS-232 Drivers/Receivers19-2002; Rev 0; 1989
[VI llXI/I/l
+5V Po wered
Isolated RS-232 Drivers/Receivers
MAX5908EEE+ ,Low-Voltage, Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/Power SequencersApplicationsTOP VIEWBasestation Line CardsIN1 1 8 IN2Network Switches or RoutersSENSE1 2 7 SENSE2So ..
MAX5908UEE ,Low-Voltage / Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/Power Sequencersfeatures like startup current regulation and currentMAX5907EEE* -40°C to +85°C 16 QSOPglitch protec ..
MAX5908UEE ,Low-Voltage / Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/Power SequencersFeaturesThe MAX5904–MAX5909 dual hot-swap controllers Safe Hot Swap for +1V to +13.2V Powerprovid ..
MAX5908UEE+ ,Low-Voltage, Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/Power SequencersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V _ = +1V to +13.2V provided at least one supply is higher than +2.7V, V ..
MAX5908UEE+T ,Low-Voltage, Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/Power SequencersFeaturesThe MAX5904–MAX5909 dual hot-swap controllers ♦ Safe Hot-Swap for +1V to +13.2V Powerprovid ..
MAX5909EEE ,+1V to +13.2V, Low-voltage, dual hot-swap controller/power sequenceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V _ = +1V to +13.2V provided at least one supply is higher than +2.7V, V ..
Low-voltage IF transceiver with limiter and RSSI.
_______________General DescriptionThe MAX2511 is a complete, highly integrated IF trans-
ceiver for applications employing a dual-conversion
architecture. Alternatively, the MAX2511 can be used
as a single-conversion transceiver if the RF operating
frequency ranges from 200MHz to 440MHz.
In a typical application, the receiver downconverts a
high IF/RF (200MHz to 440MHz) to a 10.7MHz low IF
using an image-reject mixer. Functions include an
image-reject downconverter with 34dB of image sup-
pression followed by an IF buffer that can drive an off-
chip IF filter; an on-chip limiting amplifier offering 90dB
of monotonic received-signal-strength indication (RSSI);
and a robust limiter output driver. The transmit image-
reject mixer generates a clean output spectrum to mini-
mize filter requirements. It is followed by a 40dB
variable-gain amplifier that maintains IM3 levels below
-35dBc. Maximum output power is 2dBm. A VCO and
oscillator buffer for driving an external prescaler are
also included.
The MAX2511 operates from a 2.7V to 5.5V supply and
includes flexible power-management control. Supply
current is reduced to 0.1µA in shutdown mode.
For applications using in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q)
baseband architecture for the transmitter, Maxim offers
a corresponding transceiver product: the MAX2510.
The MAX2510 has features similar to those of the
MAX2511, but upconverts I/Q baseband signals using
a quadrature upconverter.
________________________ApplicationsPWT1900 Wireless Handsets and
Base Stations
Wireless Handsets and Base Stations
400MHz ISM Transceivers
IF Transceivers
Wireless Data Links
____________________________FeaturesSingle +2.7V to +5.5V SupplyComplete Receive Path:
200MHz to 440MHz (first IF) to
8MHz to 13MHz (second IF)Limiter with Differential Outputs (adjustable level)RSSI Function with 90dB Monotonic Dynamic
Range Complete Transmit Path:
8MHz to 13MHz (second IF)to
200MHz to 440MHz (first IF)On-Chip Oscillator with Voltage Regulator
and BufferAdvanced System Power Management
(four modes)0.1µA Shutdown Supply Current
Low-Voltage IF Transceiver
with Limiter and RSSI
__________________Pin Configuration
Typical Operating Circuit appears at end of data sheet.
Low-Voltage IF Transceiver
with Limiter and RSSI
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= +2.7V to +5.5V, 0.01µF across CZ and CZ; TANK = TANK; MIXOUT tied to VREF through a 165Wresistor; GC open, RXIN =
RXIN; TXOUT = TXOUT= VCC; TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA= +25°C.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
VCCto GND.............................................................-0.3V to 8.0V
VCCto Any Other VCC........................................................±0.3V
TXIN, TXINInput Voltage............................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
TXIN to TXINDifferential Voltage....................................±300mV
RXIN, RXINInput Voltage........................................-0.3V to 1.6V
TANK, TANKVoltage...............................................-0.3V to 2.0V
LIMIN Voltage.............................(VREF - 1.3V) to (VREF + 1.3V)
LIMOUT, LIMOUTVoltage..............(VCC- 1.6V) to (VCC+ 0.3V)
RXEN, TXEN, GC Voltage...........................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
RXEN, TXEN, GC Input Current............................................1mA
RSSI Voltage...............................................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C)
QSOP (derate 11mW/°C above 70°C)...........................909mW
Operating Temperature Range
MAX2511EEI......................................................-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +165°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
Low-Voltage IF Transceiver
with Limiter and RSSI
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(MAX2511 test fixture, VCC= +3.0V, RXEN = TXEN = low, 0.01µF across CZ and CZ, MIXOUT tied to VREF through 165Wresistor,
TXIN, TXINtied to VREF through 50W resistor, TXOUT and TXOUTloaded with 100Wdifferential, GC open, LIMOUT, LIMOUTloaded
with 2kWdifferential, TANK and TANKdriven with -2.5dBm from a 100Ωsource; OSCOUT AC-terminated with 50W, 330pF at RSSI
pin, 0.1µF at VREF pin, Rx inputs and Tx outputs differentially coupled, PRXIN, RXIN= -28dBm (200Wsystem), fRXIN, RXIN= 425MHz,
fLO = 435.7MHz, fTXIN, TXIN= 10.7MHz, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Low-Voltage IF Transceiver
with Limiter and RSSI
Note 1:Guaranteed by design and characterization.
Note 2:Driving RXIN or RXINwith a power level greater than the 1dB compression level forces the input stage out of its linear
range, causing harmonic and intermodulation distortion. The RSSI output increases monotonically with increasing input
levels beyond the mixer’s 1dB compression level.
Note 3:Assuming the supply voltage has been applied, this includes settling of the limiter offset correction and the Rx or Tx bias
stabilization time. Guaranteed by design.
Note 4:LIMOUT, LIMOUTloaded with 2kWdifferential. With no load, the output swing is approximately twice as large.
Note 5:The RSSI maximum intercept is the maximum input power (over a statistical sample of parts) at which the RSSI output is 0V.
This point is extrapolated from the linear portion of the RSSI voltage versus limiter input power. This specification and the
RSSI slope define the ideal behavior of the RSSI function (the slope and intercept of a straight line), while the RSSI relative
error specification defines the deviations from this line. See the RSSI Output Voltage vs. Limiter Input Power graph in the
Typical Operating Characteristics.
Note 6:The RSSI relative error is the deviation from the best-fitting straight line of RSSI output voltage versus limiter input power.
A 0dB relative error is exactly on this line. The limiter input power range for this test is -75dBm to +5dBm from 50W. See the
RSSI Relative Error graph in the Typical Operating Characteristics.
Note 7:Operation outside this frequency range is possible but has not been characterized. At lower frequencies, it might be
necessary to overdrive the oscillator with an external signal source.
Note 8:If a larger output level is required, a higher value of load resistance (up to 100W) may be used.
Note 9:This assumes that the supply voltage has been applied, and includes the settling time of VREF, using the Typical
Operating Circuit.
Note 10:Using two tones at 10.7MHz and 10.8MHz, 50mVp-p per tone at TXIN, TXIN. See Typical Operating Characteristics.
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(MAX2511 test fixture, VCC= +3.0V, RXEN = TXEN = low, 0.01µF across CZ and CZ, MIXOUT tied to VREF through 165Wresistor,
TXIN, TXINtied to VREF through 50W resistor, TXOUT and TXOUTloaded with 100Wdifferential, GC open, LIMOUT, LIMOUTloaded
with 2kWdifferential, TANK and TANKdriven with -2.5dBm from a 100Ωsource; OSCOUT AC-terminated with 50W, 330pF at RSSI
pin, 0.1µF at VREF pin, Rx inputs and Tx outputs differentially coupled, PRXIN, RXIN= -28dBm (200Wsystem), fRXIN, RXIN= 425MHz,
fLO = 435.7MHz, fTXIN, TXIN= 10.7MHz, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Low-Voltage IF Transceiver
with Limiter and RSSI
__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(MAX2511 test fixture, VCC= +3.0V, 0.01µF across CZ and CZ, MIXOUT tied to VREF through 165Wresistor, TXIN, TXINtied to VREF
through 50W resistor, TXOUT and TXOUTloaded with 100Wdifferential, GC open, LIMOUT, LIMOUTloaded with 2kWdifferential,
TANK and TANKdriven with -2.5dBm from a 100Ωsource; OSCOUT AC-terminated with 50W, 100pF at RSSI pin, 0.1µF at VREF pin,
Rx inputs and Tx outputs differentially coupled, PRXIN, RXIN= -28dBm (200Wsystem), fRXIN, RXIN= 425MHz, fLO = 435.7MHz, fTXIN,
TXIN= 10.7MHz, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Low-Voltage IF Transceiver
with Limiter and RSSI
____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(MAX2511 test fixture, VCC= +3.0V, 0.01µF across CZ and CZ, MIXOUT tied to VREF through 165Wresistor, TXIN, TXINtied to
VREF through 50W resistor, TXOUT and TXOUTloaded with 100Wdifferential, GC open, LIMOUT, LIMOUTloaded with 2kWdiffer-
ential, TANK and TANK driven with -2.5dBm from a 100Ωsource; OSCOUT AC-terminated with 50W, 100pF at RSSI pin, 0.1µF at
VREF pin, Rx inputs and Tx outputs differentially coupled, PRXIN, RXIN= -28dBm (200Wsystem), fRXIN, RXIN= 425MHz, fLO = 435.7MHz,
fTXIN, TXIN= 10.7MHz, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Low-Voltage IF Transceiver
with Limiter and RSSI
____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(MAX2511 test fixture, VCC= +3.0V, 0.01µF across CZ and CZ, MIXOUT tied to VREF through 165Wresistor, TXIN, TXINtied to
VREF through 50W resistor, TXOUT and TXOUTloaded with 100Wdifferential, GC open, LIMOUT, LIMOUTloaded with 2kWdiffer-
ential, TANK and TANK driven with -2.5dBm from a 100Ωsource; OSCOUT AC-terminated with 50W, 100pF at RSSI pin, 0.1µF at
VREF pin, Rx inputs and Tx outputs differentially coupled, PRXIN, RXIN= -28dBm (200Wsystem), fRXIN, RXIN= 425MHz, fLO = 435.7MHz,
fTXIN, TXIN= 10.7MHz, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Low-Voltage IF Transceiver
with Limiter and RSSI
____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(MAX2511 test fixture, VCC= +3.0V, 0.01µF across CZ and CZ, MIXOUT tied to VREF through 165Wresistor, TXIN, TXINtied to
VREF through 50W resistor, TXOUT and TXOUTloaded with 100Wdifferential, GC open, LIMOUT, LIMOUTloaded with 2kWdiffer-
ential, TANK and TANK driven with -2.5dBm from a 100Ωsource; OSCOUT AC-terminated with 50W, 100pF at RSSI pin, 0.1µF at
VREF pin, Rx inputs and Tx outputs differentially coupled, PRXIN, RXIN= -28dBm (200Wsystem), fRXIN, RXIN= 425MHz, fLO = 435.7MHz,
fTXIN, TXIN= 10.7MHz, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)