MAX250ESD+T ,5V, Isolated, RS-232 Driver ReceiverWmvnweDem
" If Po wered
Isolated RS-232 Drivers/Receivers
MAX2510EEI ,Low-Voltage IF Transceiver with Limiter/RSSI and Quadrature Modulatorfeatures four operating30MHz (max) 2nd IFmodes for advanced system power management.Supply current ..
MAX2510EEI+ ,Low-Voltage IF Transceiver with Limiter RSSI and Quadrature ModulatorApplications___________________Pin ConfigurationPWT1900, Wireless Handsets, and Base StationsTOP VI ..
MAX2510EEI+T ,Low-Voltage IF Transceiver with Limiter RSSI and Quadrature ModulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(MAX2510 test fixture; V = +3.0V; RXEN = TXEN = low; 0.01µF across CZ and ..
MAX2510EEI-T ,Low-Voltage IF Transceiver with Limiter RSSI and Quadrature Modulatorfeatures four operating30MHz (max) 2nd IFmodes for advanced system power management.Supply current ..
MAX2511 ,Low-Voltage IF Transceiver with Limiter and RSSIApplicationsLIMIN 1 28 VREFPWT1900 Wireless Handsets and CZ 2 27 MIXOUTBase StationsCZ 3 26 GNDPACS ..
MAX5904ESA-T ,Low-Voltage, Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/Power SequencersApplicationsPin Configurations®PCI-Express
MAX5904USA ,Low-Voltage / Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/Power SequencersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V _ = +1V to +13.2V provided at least one supply is higher than +2.7V, V ..
MAX5904USA ,Low-Voltage / Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/Power SequencersMAX5904–MAX590919-2238; Rev 2; 11/03Low-Voltage, Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/PowerSequencers
MAX5904USA ,Low-Voltage / Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/Power SequencersApplicationsTOP VIEWBasestation Line CardsIN1 1 8 IN2Network Switches or RoutersSENSE1 2 7 SENSE2MA ..
MAX5904USA+ ,Low-Voltage, Dual Hot-Swap Controllers/Power Sequencersfeatures like startup current regulation and currentMAX5906UEE 0°C to +85°C 16 QSOP E16-1glitch p ..
MAX5905ESA ,+1V to +13.2V, Low-voltage, dual hot-swap controller/power sequenceFeaturesThe MAX5904–MAX5909 dual hot-swap controllers Safe Hot Swap for +1V to +13.2V Powerprovid ..
5V, Isolated, RS-232 Driver Receiver
integrated, WilNt2Si0llMINt2S'il
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct
at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at www.maximintegrated.com.
WilNt2Si0lUilNt2S ,
+51! Powered
isolated HS-232 Drivers/Receivers
Power Dnsspano"
S l V l" V , , ..... _ _ . T ' . . _ T 6V Plastic DIP (deraic mW/ C above 70 C) ' 375mW
I ’9”; ,0 aoc, Ci, 0 3V v .. 0 3:] CtRDlP (aerate 9 5mW/ C above 70 C) . 575me
"W 0 3995 5- ------ . to( Cf ' . ) Small Crctrne(derate 7mW/Cat)0ve 70(2) _ 375mw
Output Dr, ve Current, DI. L/ T T . , , . _ . 240mA LC C (c, ',eralc 7mW/" C above 70' C) 3/5mw
Output Drive Voltage DI, D2 V ' _ T . ch, + iiV Lead Ierrryeraturc (Soluenng 10 seco‘us) _ _ +300 C
Opto Dnuer puns T 1w, T2. ma. Rm; and R2crs, may be Storage Temperature ' . 65 C lo 5 160' C
shorted one at a time maefmileéy to Va, or GND
Suesses abc, VC Ihosp " (0d unoet A050! uh Maximum Haltngs may cause pcmmnenl damage In: Hm dovw :lvese am 5m- tih' 'Hlviipts' uni), qua Iunuuuw
operanonollhs devact allhese or any other C' rmdmonsabove those Il‘dzcalvd In tho operasnorWsc'c,Wzri oi ';tisvecnrcatioro tS. mi rimmed L wf’S' m to, msqurn
mawmm ranng condmaus IO! ewendcd periods may aI/ec! dewcc rollalnmy
(Veg - 5V +10% Tn - Furl Tempe'amro Range unless otherw‘se noted.)
Suptry Voltage Range i Over ,TFvp. i, l 5 5 l V
Operatmg Supply Current l Pr; C. DI, D2 c)rwr], v...) l 0.1 l s l mA
Shutdown p ,N _ Shutdown IA = MO" C to "SFC: l 1 l 10 I A
Supply Curven! i s....' I Tr_ - ll" (cd, to +125 'iii", l 100 1 P
Input Currevts Ies, :gucm l, irfui= GND '.o #Vrr, _ O 001 I “A
Swnch Frequency l 'o: D , =5v T: _ 35 C , 100 200 2 5 I m:
cc, - CL, -------- I - ---.----- 1 A ' - - -
'tlt,,',"),",',':)" I r93» JN l A: 25 mA I _ " 5o 1 ft
--- ---" l-- ------ 7 -----_ H --.- l l
'tr t l n
Leakage Cwmnl - - _l_ _ - - - I A - _ ' IC) i pA
loner C 3er Voltage l Ws I w r. l VIN; A f [ IO l V
----_--- ------ ------_ ---e-H ------_ _ - ——‘-—1 - --- --, i I - -
puiI-up Curved: , Vcc - 5V. Vm - OV, " I
Input somce l r., _ TA 25 C ( 2 l 3 _ 6 pA
J - - - i - -r- - __ k T - - 7 i _
Current _ " ' - - . - - - W
Omoul Source Iv, l/ou - 1 4V, Th - 25 C b _ 8 A 15 mA
, WL/CMOSOulpu! ( _ . -' _ _ I
Voitage Low _ V11 , '01.. 3/2mA l , C) 4 _ V
- --- - 'v - - J - - _ 7 - f- - W ' V
TTL/CMOS Oo'. put I _ - q _ , ,
Vollage ngn V(.H lou, - . I Om/l l 2.4 _ l F V
lnoul I oglc . h . , 1 . _
Trtreshnld I ligh I V H Tm, 'tRau, EN s is'.C90Wrl ' I 18 2.4 V
- - i -r- - r 5 5 - '-- - ,
Illegghg'ggiow VAL _ T n. Hum. CN, Shutdown L O 8 T 1 3 _ I V
- - --- - r -- - k - - i l - - A5 t - -
’r‘put Hysleresm l VHIYS C) 5 _ V
- - 5 5 -e-- 5 - - - 5 - - ~— w - l l
Lcaxage Current - " - , _ ,
Inoul and Output _ l (EN ur Sthr:aown) - V:.:: , 10 “A
37m: Capacitance _ Cum b ( p'r
- - l -------" ----- -
2 Maxim Integrated