MAX251ESD ,+5V Powered Isolated RS-232 Drivers/ReceiversFeatures
. Isolated Data Interface
. Single +5V Supply
. Uses Low Cost Optocouplers
. 5pW ..
MAX251ESD+ ,5V, Isolated, RS-232 Driver ReceiverWmvnweDem
" If Po wered
Isolated RS-232 Drivers/Receivers
MAX251ESD+T ,5V, Isolated, RS-232 Driver ReceiverELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: MAX250
Power Chssputar;
Prashc DI? (devam /mW/ C above 70C)
MAX252BCHL ,Complete, +5V-Powered, Isolated, Dual RS-232 Transceiver ModuleELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(Vcc = +5V :1O%,TA = TM1N10 TMAX, unless otherwise noted )
- 1 -
MAX252BEHL ,Complete, +5V-Powered, Isolated, Dual RS-232 Transceiver ModuleApplications
High-Noise Environments
Automatic Test Equipment
Differential Ground Potentials
MAX2537ETI , Quadruple-Mode PCS/Cellular/GPS LNA/Mixers
MAX5910ESA+ ,+65V Simple Swapper Hot-Swap SwitchesApplications *Future product—contact factory for availability.IP PhonesPower-Over-LANPower-Over-MDI ..
MAX5911ESA ,48V Simple Swapper Hot-Swap SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX5911/MAX5912 are fully integrated hot-swap Provides Safe Hot Swap for -16V to -65V ..
MAX5911ESA ,48V Simple Swapper Hot-Swap SwitchesApplicationsDGND 4 5 ENABLEIP Phones Internet AppliancesNetwork Routers Power-Over-LAN8 SONetwork S ..
MAX5911ESA+ ,-48V, Simple Swapper Hot-Swap SwitchesApplicationsDGND 4 5 ENABLEIP Phones Internet AppliancesNetwork Routers Power-Over-LAN8 SONetwork S ..
MAX5912ESE ,48V Simple Swapper Hot-Swap SwitchesELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS(V = -48V, AGND = DGND = 0, UVLO = open circuit, V = +3.3V, and T = -40°C ..
MAX5912ESE+ ,-48V, Simple Swapper Hot-Swap SwitchesELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS(V = -48V, AGND = DGND = 0, UVLO = open circuit, V = +3.3V, and T = -40°C ..
+5V Powered Isolated RS-232 Drivers/Receivers
19-2002, Rev 0: 1989
General Description
The MAX250 and MAX251 chip set form the heart of a
complete, electrically Isolated, RS-232 dual transmit-
ter/receiver, By combimng many functions on two chps,
the cost and complexity required for an isolated oigital
interface us greatly reduced Four tw cost optocouplors.
four capacitors, a diode and a small pot-core type trans-
former are all that are required to comolete a 19.2k baud
transceiver, Faster data rates are possible by using h1gh
speed optocouplers. In addition to the drivirg and receiv-
" lf Powered
Isolated 85-232 Drivers/Receivers
. Isolated Data Interface
. Single +5V
. Uses Low Cost Oplocouplers
. 5pW Low Power Shutdown
. 2 Transmitters and 2 Receivers
Ordering Information
ing circulry for the optocouplers, the chip set includes a PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE'
push-put transformer driver to supply power to the MAX25OCPD o C to +70 C 14 Lead Plashc DIP
interfaces isolated s1de. MAX250CSD O C to +70 C 14 Lead sp, -
Other convenient features include single CN operation, MAX25OC/D O C ( +70 C che _
a tow power shutdown mode, and output enable control MAX250EPD -40 C to +85 C 14 Lead Plastic DIP
for three-state operation. Tne MAX250 and MAX251 are k MAXZSOESD MO Crto +85 C 14 l cad Sp
supplied in 14 lead DIP, 14 lead small outline and 20 MAX250EJD -40 C10 +85 C 14 Lead CFRDIP
leadleSS chp Gamer packages, MAXQSOMJD 755C to +1sz ld Lead CERDoP
Ihe MAX252 has all the required components for H8232 MAX250MLP -55 , to +1250 20 Lead LCC
communication in a single package MAX251CPD 0 C to +70‘C 14 Lead Ptasjp DIP
. " MAX251CSD _ CC to +70 C 14 Lead so
Applications MAX251C/D 0 c to +700 - _r0icc -
- MAX251EPD -40C to r85 C 14 Lead Ptastlc DIP ,
High Noise Data Communcations MAX25IFSD -40C to +85 C 141 ead SO
Industrial Communications MAX251EJD -40 C to +85 C 14 LeacLCERDP
. _ - 'Ti' 14
Data mks To Analog Circuits MAX251Mqu 55‘C10 +1.31: 7 Leag CERDIP
_ MAX251MLP E5 C to +1250 20 Lead ADC
Bridge Ground DiMrentals . Maxrm reserves me ugh! Io shp Ceranm‘ parkagus m iwu 0/ CEHDJP
Pin Configurations
Top View E [d 's' i i
Hwy; 4 l8 Wow
“w 5 lr" WW
NO 6 Maw 15 NO
T2111 7 15 mm
T219“; 14 mum
's, :2 yh' )
“UN 4 18 Wm
WM 5 It' "3m.
NO 6 Mat 113 NC
911051. 15 mm
Wm B 14 R "
O - : 2' 'C'
3 b- a E u
b ca 2 LI 2
IVI/JXI/vl 15 a registered trademark of Maxm Integrated Products.
Maxim Integrated Products
MAX 250/MAX 25 1
+Stf Powered
Isolated 35-232 Drivers/Receivers
Power Dsspahon
S l V II ‘V _ , T ., T V 7.. 7.7. ,. 6V Plastic DIP (derate 7mW/ C above 70 C). 375mW
l C'i'g no age CC 0 3Vt v 0 3V CERDIP (derate 95mW/“C above 70 C) .675mW
npu 0 ages _ ------- _ - o( CC f V ) Small Outline (derale /mW/T above 70 C) .. 375an
Output Drive Current. D1, D2 ..... _ _ _ 240mA LCC (derme 7rrNOC above 70 C) 375mW
Output Drive Voltage, D1, D2 _ _ _ ' T V _ Va, + 6V Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 seconds) +3000
Opto Driver pins Tum, Thom Rum and RZOUT may be Storage lemperature .65 C Io +160 C
shorted one at a tme indefinitely to Vcc or GND
Stresses above those USIE’U under “Absolule Maximum Ratings" may cause pcrmanenl damage Io me Jewry These at slwss mlmgs only and luncI/ona/
operallon of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated m the operational section ol me SpeCr/KTH’IOH IS no! mphed E musum (o atwsoluln
manmum rallng cond/I/ons for extended periods may affect dewce reirabOy
(Vcc = SV t10%, TA = Full Temperature Range unless otherwise noted.)
_su_oroiy_volla_s2e, Range 71c: -rov-,:,,' Tim; 7 - - J J - ll 4 - - E les V 7
_-fl't1e2up-pryc-urri211, la: D1. D2 (EL7 7 - 7 7 g - 7 + 701’ l 7 O 5 1 mA
Shutdown I t _ Shutdown TA = 400 to +85 C 1 10 I A
Supply Current cs TA = -5SC t0 +1250 l J 100 "
'_lt_'-''-", 7 7 Ir-err-vsp/Lip-i-rcs-Coy-ct 7 7 7 - 7 7 7 Pr, x I l. “A
%Swnch Frequency ch = W, TA = 25C 100 f 200 l 2/5 KHz
ON Resustance - T T
PowerDriver I rDsz) A125 mA i L 25 j 50 J ll
'I-e-ae""-'"')----)-----)-----.------)-, -) ( IO l pA
ZenerC‘amoVoltage l Vc, w r tVcc A 6 8 d 10 ( V
77 - -- 77 7 7 7 _ - I
Pull-up Current l ‘- Vac = 5V. Vw " (JV, f .
L Input source la, l TA = 25 C 2 J C3 6 l pA
777777 ---'------------t--- 7 7 -
Current - 7 '
OutputSource " lc, _ Vor - 1 4V, Tr, - 25 C _ 5 l -8 -15 l mA
TTL/CMOS Output _ V fl I - 3 2mA _ l C 4 l V
Vodage Low l UL (DUI - V i- _
-,rrr,i,7,rp,t.rT--l--el"-------- 7 - -
Lrifihireu" crf1'" k-nyr---1OrrnA l 2.4 " l V
r--"-'"-------- - --e-------- i - - §
Input Logic l 7
Threshold High _ V‘H TN Row. EN, Shutdown l l 1_8 2 4 _ v
_---------.---- -----------h------ - .
In uILo IC -
T/ls/r-f/fi Low _ " l Tri, ROW. EN Shutdown _ 0 a _ 1 3 _ v
IEILysleEIsr - 7 - C/jr-s' T_ g - - - - 7 7 F7 7 7 _05_ j V
Leakage Current l 7 _ l
lnout and Output " _ (EN or Shutdown) - Vac 7 I 10 l pA
\nputCapacilance _" Cm _ C [ b I pF
lVl/l X I IVI