MAX2471EUT-T ,10MHz to 500MHz VCO Buffer Amplifiers with Differential OutputsApplicationsBIASActive Baluns OUTGeneral-Purpose Buffers/AmplifiersIN50ΩOUTPin Configuration50ΩGNDV ..
MAX2472EUT+ ,500MHz to 2500MHz, VCO Buffer AmplifiersApplicationsBIASIF/RF OscillatorsOUT2General-Purpose Buffers/AmplifiersMAX2472INTypical Operating C ..
MAX2473EUT+T ,500MHz to 2500MHz, VCO Buffer AmplifiersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX2472(Typical Operating Circuits, V = +3V, P = -25dBm, IN driven from ..
MAX2473EUT-T ,500MHz to 2500MHz VCO Buffer AmplifiersApplicationsBIASIF/RF OscillatorsOUT2General-Purpose Buffers/AmplifiersMAX2472INTypical Operating C ..
MAX248CQH ,+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/ReceiversMAX220–MAX24919-4323; Rev 9; 4/00+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers
MAX249CQH ,+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/ReceiversGeneral Description ________
MAX5900ACEUT+T ,-100V, SOT23/TDFN, Simple Swapper Hot-Swap ControllersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = -9V to -100V, GND = 0, ON/OFF open circuit, T = -40°C to +85°C, unle ..
MAX5900ACEUT-T ,100 V, SOT23 simple swapper hot-swap controllerApplications Pin ConfigurationTelecom Line Cards Network Switches Requires No External Sense Resis ..
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MAX5900LBEUT-T ,100 V, SOT23 simple swapper hot-swap controllerFeaturesThe MAX5900/MAX5901 are SOT23 hot-swap controllers Wide -9V to -100V Operation that allow ..
MAX5900NNEUT ,-100V, SOT23/TDFN, Simple Swapper Hot-Swap ControllersApplications Pin ConfigurationTelecom Line Cards Network Switches Requires No External Sense Resis ..
10MHz to 500MHz VCO Buffer Amplifiers with Differential Outputs
General DescriptionThe MAX2470/MAX2471 are flexible, low-cost, high-
reverse-isolation buffer amplifiers for applications with
discrete and module-based VCO designs. Both feature
differential 50Ωoutputs for driving a single differential
(balanced) load or two separate single-ended (unbal-
anced) 50Ωloads. The MAX2470 offers a single-ended
input and has two selectable frequency ranges of oper-
ation: 10MHz to 500MHz and 10MHz to 200MHz. The
MAX2471 offers a differential input and operates from
10MHz to 500MHz. The MAX2470/MAX2471 also feature
high input impedance for maximum flexibility, enabling
them to be used with a variety of oscillator topologies.
High reverse isolation combined with low supply current
make them ideal for applications requiring high perfor-
mance with low power.
These devices are also ideal for use as active baluns.
The MAX2470 converts a single-ended input to a differ-
ential output. The MAX2471 is useful as a differential
buffer stage or to convert from a differential input to two
single-ended outputs.
The MAX2470 operates from a single +2.7V to +5.5V
supply. At -5dBm output power, it consumes 5.5mA in
the high-frequency range and only 3.6mA in the
low-frequency range. The MAX2471 operates from a
+2.7V to +5.5V single supply andconsumes 5.5mA.
Both devicesare available in ultra-small SOT23-6 plas-
tic packages, requiring minimal board space.
ApplicationsCellular and PCS Mobile Phones
ISM-Band Applications
Active Baluns
General-Purpose Buffers/Amplifiers
Features+2.7V to +5.5V Supply Range Input Frequency Range
High: 10MHz to 500MHz (MAX2470/2471)
Low: 10MHz to 200MHz (MAX2470)>14dB Power Gain at 200MHz64dB Typical Reverse Isolation at 200MHzLow-Distortion Output DriveUltra-Small SOT23-6 PackageHigh Input ImpedanceSingle-Ended (MAX2470) or Differential
(MAX2471) Inputs
10MHz to 500MHz VCO Buffer Amplifiers
with Differential Outputs
Typical Operating Circuits
Pin Configuration
Ordering Information
10MHz to 500MHz VCO Buffer Amplifiers
with Differential Outputs
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Typical Operating Circuit, VCC= +2.7V to +5.5V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC= +3V, = +25°C.) (Note 1)
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX2470(VCC= +3V, HI/LO= VCC, all outputs are differentially measured between OUT and OUTdriving a 50Ωload through a 180°hybrid,= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
VCCto GND..............................................................-0.3V to +7V
IN to GND......-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V) or 3.7V (whichever is lower)INto IN..................................................................-2.2V to +2.2V
HI/LOto GND.............................................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
Continuous Power Dissipation
SOT23-6 (derate 8.7mW/°C above +70°C)...................696mW
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec )............................+300°C
10MHz to 500MHz VCO Buffer Amplifiers
with Differential Outputs
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX2471(Typical values are measured at VCC= +3V, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 8)
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX2470 (continued)(VCC= +3V, HI/LO= VCC, all outputs are differentially measured between OUT and OUTdriving a 50Ωload through a 180°hybrid,= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Note 1:Limits are 100% production tested at TA= +25°C. Limits over the entire operating temperature range are guaranteed by
design and characterization but are not production tested.
Note 2:The part has been characterized over the specified frequency range. Operation outside of this range is possible but not
Note 3:Gain specified for POUT= -5dBm.
Note 4:Voltage gain measured with no input termination and no output load.
Note 5:Output VSWR is a single-ended measurement for each OUT and OUT.
Note 6:OUT to IN isolation with OUTterminated with 50Ω.
Note 7:Input terminated with 50Ω.
Note 8:Unless otherwise noted: all inputs are differentially measured between IN and INdriven by a 50Ωload through a 180°
hybrid; all outputs are differentially measured between OUT and OUTdriving a 50Ωload through a 180°hybrid.
10MHz to 500MHz VCO Buffer Amplifiers
with Differential Outputs
Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC= +3.0V, MAX2470 output and MAX2471 input and output measurements taken differentially, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise
10MHz to 500MHz VCO Buffer Amplifiers
with Differential Outputs
Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VCC= +3.0V, MAX2470 output and MAX2471 input and output measurements taken differentially, TA= +25°C unless otherwise
_______________Detailed Description
Bandwidth Control CircuitryThe MAX2470 features a logic-controlled bias circuit
which optimizes the performance for input frequencies
from 10MHz to 500MHz (HI/LO= VCC) and 10MHz to
200MHz (HI/LO= GND). Operating with HI/LO= GND
significantlyreduces power consumption.
__________Applications Information
Input ConsiderationsThe MAX2470/MAX2471 offer high-impedance inputs,
ideal for low-distortion buffering of a VCO. For applica-
tions with discrete transistor-based oscillator designs,
simply AC-couple the oscillator directly to the inputs.
The buffer’s high input impedance results in minimal
loading on the oscillator. For still higher real input
impedance and reduced loading effects, match the
inputs with a shunt-L matching circuit followed by a
series blocking capacitor. For use with 50ΩVCO mod-
ules, terminate the buffer input(s) with a 50Ωshunt
resistor followed by a series-blocking capacitor. This
provides a very stable 50Ωtermination and increases
reverse isolation. For those applications needing both
high gain and good input match, reactively match the
buffer inputs to 50Ωwith simple two-element matching
circuits followed by a series blocking capacitor.
Output ConsiderationsThe MAX2470 and MAX2471 incorporate fully differen-
tial output stages capable of driving an AC-coupled
100Ωdifferential load or two AC-coupled 50Ωsingle-
ended loads. This is ideal for applications that require
the oscillator to drive two application circuits (e.g. mixer
and PLL) simultaneously. The high output-to-output iso-
lation ensures minimal interaction between multiple
load circuits.
Layout and Power-Supply BypassingA properly designed PC board is essential to any RF/
microwave circuit. Be sure to use controlled impedance
lines on all high-frequency inputs and outputs. Bypass
the power supply with decoupling capacitors as close to
the VCCpins as possible. For long VCClines (inductive), it
may be necessary to add additional decoupling capaci-
tors located further away from the device package.
Proper grounding of GND is essential. If the PC board
uses a topside RF ground, connect GND directly to it.
For a board where the ground plane is not on the com-
ponent side, the best technique is to connect GND to
the board with a plated through-hole (via) to the ground
plane close to the package.
10MHz to 500MHz VCO Buffer Amplifiers
with Differential Outputs
Pin Description