MAX2406EEP ,Low-Cost Downconverter with Low-Noise AmplifierApplicationsPWT1900/DCT1900DCS1800/PCS1900PHS/PACSDECT________________Functional Diagram __________ ..
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Low-Cost Downconverter with Low-Noise Amplifier
________________General DescriptionThe MAX2406 low-noise amplifier (LNA)/downconverter
mixer is designed for use over a wide range of frequen-
cies and is optimized for communications systems
operating at a frequency of 1.9GHz. Applications
include PWT1900/DCT1900, DCS1800/PCS1900, PHS,
and DECT. This device includes an LNA, a downcon-
verter mixer, and a local-oscillator (LO) buffer in a low-
cost, plastic surface-mount package. At 1.9GHz, the
LNA has 2.5dB typical noise figure and a -9.5dBm input
third-order intercept point (IP3). The downconverter
mixer has a low 9.1dB noise figure and a 4.5dBm input
IP3. Image and LOfiltering are implemented off-chip for
maximum flexibility.
The MAX2406 has a differential IF port that can be used
in a single-ended configuration by tying the unused
side to VCC. The LO buffer can be driven differentially
or in a single-ended configuration with only -10dBm of
LO power. Power consumption is 60mW in receive
mode, and typically drops to less than 1µW in shut-
down mode.
For transceiver applications, the MAX2410 or
MAX2411A both offer a transmitter along with a similar
____________________________FeaturesIntegrated LNA/Downconverter 3.2dB Combined Receiver Noise Figure:
2.5dB (LNA)
9.1dB (mixer)-12.5dBm Combined Receiver Input IP3:
-9.5dBm (LNA)
4.5dBm (mixer)LO Buffer+2.7V to +5.5V Single-Supply Operation60mW Power ConsumptionLow-Power Shutdown Mode
Low-Cost Downconverter
with Low-Noise Amplifier
__________________Pin Configuration
________________Functional Diagram
Low-Cost Downconverter
with Low-Noise Amplifier
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= 2.7V to 5.5V, RXEN = 2V, LNAIN = RXMXIN = open, LNAOUT pulled up with 100Ωto VCC, IF and IFpulled up with 50Ωto
VCC, TA= -40°C to +85°C. Typical values are at TA= +25°C and VCC= 3.0V, unless otherwise noted.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Note 1:Guaranteed by design and characterization.
Note 2:1.9GHz and 1.901GHz tones at -30dBm per tone.
Note 3:1.9GHz and 1.901GHz tones at -21.5dBm per tone.
Note 4:Mixer operation is guaranteed to this frequency. For optimum gain, adjust IF output match. See the IF Output Impedance
(single ended) vs. Frequency graph in the Typical Operating Characteristics.
Note 5:Time from RXEN = low to RXEN = high, until the combined receive gain is within 1dB of its final value. Measured with 47pF
blocking capacitors on LNAIN and LNAOUT.
Note 6:At this LO drive level, the mixer conversion gain is typically 1dB lower than with -10dBm LOdrive.
VCCto GND................................................................-0.3V to 6V
LNAIN Input Power...........................................................15dBm
LO, LOInput Power..........................................................10dBm
RXMXIN Input Power........................................................10dBm
RXEN Voltage to GND................................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
RXEN Current........................................................................5mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
QSOP (derate 9.1mW/°C above +70°C) ......................727mW
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature.........................................-65°C to +165°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
PRXMXIN= -21.5dBm, PLO= -10dBm, differential IF operation, 50Ωsystem, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Low-Cost Downconverter
with Low-Noise Amplifier
__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(MAX2406EVKIT, Rev. B, VCC= 3.3V, RXEN = VCC, ƒLO= 1.5GHz, ƒLNAIN= ƒRXMXIN= 1.9GHz, PLNAIN= -30dBm,
PRXMXIN= -21.5dBm, PLO= -10dBm, differential IF operation, 50Ωsystem, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Low-Cost Downconverter
with Low-Noise Amplifier
____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(MAX2406EVKIT, Rev. B, VCC= 3.3V, RXEN = VCC, ƒLO= 1.5GHz, ƒLNAIN= ƒRXMXIN= 1.9GHz, PLNAIN= -30dBm,
PRXMXIN= -21.5dBm, PLO= -10dBm, differential IF operation, 50Ωsystem, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
_______________Detailed DescriptionThe following sections describe each of the blocks in
the MAX2406 Functional Diagram.
The MAX2406 consists of four major components: a low-
noise amplifier (LNA), a downconverter mixer, a local-
oscillator (LO) buffer, and a power-management block.
Low-Noise AmplifierThe LNA is a wideband, single-ended cascode amplifi-
er that can be used over a wide range of frequencies.
Refer to the LNA Gain vs. Frequency graph in the
Typical Operating Characteristics. Its port impedances
are optimized for operation around 1.9GHz, requiring
only a 1pF shunt capacitor at the LNA input for a VSWR
of better than 2:1 at the input and output. As with every
LNA, the input match can be traded off for better noise
Receive MixerThe receive mixer is a wideband, double-balanced
design with excellent noise figure and linearity.
RF InputsThe RXMXIN input is typically connected to the LNA
output through an off-chip filter providing enhanced
flexibility. This input is externally matched to 50Ω. See
Figure 1 for an example matching network for 1.9GHz,
and the Rx Mixer Input Impedance vs. Frequency
graph in the Typical Operating Characteristics.
Low-Cost Downconverter
with Low-Noise Amplifier
______________________________________________________________Pin Description
LO InputsThe LO and LOpins are internally terminated with 50Ω
resistors. See the Typical Operating Characteristicsfor
a plot of LO Port Return Loss vs. Frequency. AC couple
the local-oscillator signal to these pins. If a single-
ended LO source is used, connect LOto ground.
IF Output PortThe receive mixer output appears on the differential IF
and IFpins. These open-collector outputs each require
an external inductor to VCCfor DC biasing. This port
typically requires a matching network for coupling to an
external IF filter. For single-ended operation, connect
the unused side (typically IF) to VCC, and decouple it to
ground with a 1000pF capacitor. Figure 1 shows exam-
ples of single-ended and differential IF port connec-
tions. Refer to the IF and IFOutput Impedance vs.
Frequency plot in the Typical Operating Characteris-
tics. At lower IF frequencies, a shunt resistor across the
pull-up inductor (in single-ended applications) or
across IF and IF(in differential applications) can be
used to set the IF impedance.
Power-Down ControlPulling RXEN low places the MAX2406 in shutdown
mode. Power-down is guaranteed with a control voltage
at or below 0.6V. The device exits shutdown in 0.5µs
__________Applications Information
Extended Frequency RangeThe MAX2406 has been characterized at 1.9GHz for
use in PCS applications; however, it operates over a
much wider frequency range. The LNA gain and noise
figure, as well as receive mixer conversion gain, are
plotted over a wide frequency range in the Typical
Operating Characteristics. When operating the device
at frequencies other than those specified in the specifi-
cation table, it may be necessary to design or alter the
matching networks on LNAIN, RXMIXIN, IF, and (if
used) IF. In some cases, the internal broadband output
match on LNAOUT may have to be supplemented by
an external matching circuit. The Typical Operating
Characteristicsprovide port-impedance data vs. fre-
quency for use in designing a matching network. The
Low-Cost Downconverter
with Low-Noise AmplifierFigure 1. MAX2406 Typical Operating Circuit