MAX2242EBC-T ,2.4GHz to 2.5GHz Linear Power AmplifierFeaturesThe MAX2242 low-voltage linear power amplifier (PA) is 2.4GHz to 2.5GHz Operating Rangedes ..
MAX2244EBL-T ,2.5GHz, 22dBm/20dBm Power Amplifiers with Analog Closed-Loop Power ControlApplicationsmethods, circuit board material, and environment. See theUCSP Reliability Notice in the ..
MAX2247EBC ,2.4GHz SiGe Linear Power AmplifierApplicationsIEEE 802.11b DSSS WLANB1 B3 B4IEEE 802.11g OFDM WLANPD_GND3 GND1OUTMAX2247HomeRF™2.4GHz ..
MAX2247EBC-T ,2.4GHz SiGe Linear Power AmplifierApplicationsIEEE 802.11b DSSS WLANB1 B3 B4IEEE 802.11g OFDM WLANPD_GND3 GND1MAX2247 OUTHomeRF™2.4GH ..
MAX225CWI ,+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/ReceiversMAX220–MAX24919-4323; Rev 9; 4/00+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232Drivers/Receivers
MAX225CWI+G36 ,+5V-Powered, Multichannel RS-232 Drivers/ReceiversElectrical Characteristics—MAX220/222/232A/233A/242/243(V = +5V ±10%, C1–C4 = 0.1µF‚ MAX220, C1 = 0 ..
MAX532BCWE+T ,Dual, Serial Input, Voltage-Output, Multiplying, 12-Bit DACApplications______________Ordering InformationAutomatic Test EquipmentArbitrary Waveform Generators ..
MAX532BEPE ,Dual, Serial-Input, Voltage-Output, 12-Bit MDACMAX53219-0046; Rev. 1; 3/94Dual, Serial-Input,Voltage-Output, 12-Bit MDAC_______________
MAX532BEPE+ ,Dual, Serial Input, Voltage-Output, Multiplying, 12-Bit DACApplications______________Ordering InformationAutomatic Test EquipmentArbitrary Waveform Generators ..
MAX532BEWE ,Dual, Serial-Input, Voltage-Output, 12-Bit MDACELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 11.4V to 16.5V, V = -11.4V to -16.5V, AGNDA = AGNDB = DGND = 0V, VRE ..
MAX532BEWE+ ,Dual, Serial Input, Voltage-Output, Multiplying, 12-Bit DACMAX53219-0046; Rev. 1; 3/94Dual, Serial-Input,Voltage-Output, 12-Bit MDAC_______________
MAX533ACEE ,2.7V, Low-Power, 8-Bit Quad DAC with Rail-to-Rail Output Buffers
2.4GHz to 2.5GHz Linear Power Amplifier
General DescriptionThe MAX2242 low-voltage linear power amplifier (PA) is
designed for 2.4GHz ISM-band wireless LAN applica-
tions. It delivers +22.5dBm of linear output power with
an adjacent-channel power ratio (ACPR) of <-33dBc
1st-side lobe and <-55dBc 2nd-side lobe, compliant
with the IEEE 802.11b 11MB/s WLAN standard with at
least 3dB margin. The PA is packaged in the tiny 3x4
chip-scale package (UCSP™), measuring only 1.5mm x
2.0mm, ideal for radios built in small PC card and com-
pact flash card form factors.
The MAX2242 PA consists of a three-stage PA, power
detector, and power management circuitry. The power
detector provides over 20dB of dynamic range with
±0.8dB accuracy at the highest output power level. An
accurate automatic level control (ALC) function can be
easily implemented using this detector circuit.
The PA also features an external bias control pin.
Through the use of an external DAC, the current can be
throttled back at lower output power levels while main-
taining sufficient ACPR performance. As a result, the
highest possible efficiency is maintained at all power
levels. The device operates over a single +2.7V to
+3.6V power-supply range. An on-chip shutdown fea-
ture reduces operating current to 0.5µA, eliminating the
need for an external supply switch.
________________________ApplicationsIEEE 802.11b DSSS Radios
Wireless LANs
2.4GHz Cordless Phones
2.4GHz ISM Radios
Features2.4GHz to 2.5GHz Operating Range+22.5dBm Linear Output Power (ACPR of <-33dBc
1st-Side Lobe and <-55dbc 2nd-Side Lobe)28.5dB Power GainOn-Chip Power DetectorExternal Bias Control for Current Throttleback+2.7V to +3.6V Single-Supply Operation0.5µA Shutdown ModeTiny Chip-Scale Package (1.5mm ✕2.0mm)
2.4GHz to 2.5GHz Linear Power Amplifier
Pin Configuration
Ordering Information
Typical Application Circuit appears at end of data sheet.UCSP is a trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
2.4GHz to 2.5GHz
Linear Power Amplifier
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC= +2.7V to +3.6V, fIN= 2.4GHz to 2.5GHz, VSHDN= VCC, RF_IN = RF_OUT = connected to 50Ωload, TA= -40°C to +85°C.
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
VCC1, VCC2to GND (no RF signal applied)..........-0.3V to +5.5V
RF Input Power...............................................................+10dBm
SHDN, BIAS, PD_OUT, RF_OUT................-0.3V to (VCC+ 0.3V)
DC Input Current at RF_IN Port.............................-1mA to +1mA
Maximum VSWR Without Damage........................................10:1
Maximum VSWR for Stable Operation.....................................5:1
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +85°C)
3✕4 UCSP (derate 80mW/°C above +85°C) ..................1.6W
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Thermal Resistance.........................................................25°C/W
Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +125°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+260°C
Continuous Operating Lifetime.....................10yrs ×0.92(TA- 60°C)
(For Operating Temperature, TA≥+60°C)
2.4GHz to 2.5GHz
Linear Power Amplifier
AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(MAX2242 Evaluation Kit, VCC= +3.3V, V= VCC, 50Ωsource and load impedance, fIN= 2.45GHz, TA= +25°C, unless other-
Note 3:Parameter measured with RF modulation based on IEEE 802.11b standard.
Note 4:Power gain is guaranteed over this frequency range. Operation outside this range is possible, but is not guaranteed.
Note 5:Output two-tone third-order intercept point (OIP3) is production tested at TA= +25°C. The OIP3 is tested with two signals at
f1 = 2.450GHz and f2 = 2.451GHz with fixed PIN.
Note 6:Min/max limits are guaranteed by design and characterization.
Note 7:The total turn-on and turn-off times required for PA output power to settle to within 0.5dB of the final value.
Note 8:Excludes PC board loss of approximately 0.15dB.
Note 9:See Typical Operating Characteristicsfor statistical variation.
2.4GHz to 2.5GHz
Linear Power Amplifier
Typical Operating Characteristics(VCC= +3.3V, fIN= 2.45MHz, RF modulation = IEEE 802.11b, VSHDN= VCC, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
p2.4GHz to 2.5GHz
Linear Power Amplifier
Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VCC= +3.3V, fIN= 2.45MHz, RF modulation = IEEE 802.11b, VSHDN= VCC, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Detailed DescriptionThe MAX2242 is a linear PA intended for 2.4GHz ISM-
band wireless LAN applications. The PA is fully charac-
terized in the 2.4GHz to 2.5GHz ISM band. The PA
consists of two driver stages and an output stage. The
MAX2242 also features an integrated power detector
and power shutdown control mode.
Dynamic Power ControlThe MAX2242 is designed to provide optimum power-
added efficiency (PAE) in both high and low power
applications. For a +3.3V supply at high output power
level, the output power is typically +22.5dBm with an
idle current of 280mA. At low output-power levels, the
DC current can be reduced by an external DAC to
increase PAE while still maintaining sufficient ACPR
performance. This is achieved by using external resis-
tors connected to the BIAS pin to set the bias currents
of the driver and output stages. The resistors are typi-
cally 8kΩ. Typically, a DAC voltage of 1.0V will give a
280mA bias current. Increasing the DAC voltage will
decrease the idle current. Similarly, decreasing the
DAC voltage will increase the idle current.
The BIAS pin is maintained at a constant voltage of
1.0V, allowing the user to set the desired idle current
using only two off-chip 1% resistors: a shunt resistor,
R2, from BIAS to ground; and a series resistor, R1, to
the DAC voltage, as shown in the Typical Application
Circuit. Resistor values R1 and R2 are determined as
VMAX= 1.0 + (1.0 ✕R1) / R2;
(ICC= 0, VDAC= VMAX) (1)
IMAX= (1.0 ✕1867) ✕(R1 + R2) / (R1 ✕R2);
(ICC= IMAX= max value, VDAC= 0)(2)
IDAC= (VDAC- 1.0) / R1(3)
IMID= (1.0 ✕1867) / R2;
(VDAC= 1.0V or floating)(4)
ICC= 1867 ✕IBIAS(5)
VMAX= is the maximum DAC voltage
IMAX= is the maximum idle current
IMID= is the idle current with VDAC= 1.0V or not
VDAC= is the DAC voltage
IDAC= is the DAC current
If no DAC is used and a constant idle current is
desired, use equation 4 to determine the resistor values
for a given total bias current. Only R2 is required.
2.4GHz to 2.5GHz
Linear Power Amplifier