MAX182BEWI ,Calivrated 4-Channel 12-Bit ADC with T/H and RefernceGeneral Description
The MAX182 is a complete, calibrated 4-channel 12-bit
A/D converter (ADC) w ..
MAX182BEWI+ ,Calibrated, 4-Channel, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +15V, Vcc = +5V, VSS = -5V, REFlN = +512V, all specdications T ..
MAX1830EEE ,3A / 1MHz / Low-Voltage / Step-Down Regulators with Synchronous Rectification and Internal SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX1830/MAX1831 constant-off-time, pulse-width- ±1.5% Output Accuracymodulated (PWM) s ..
MAX1830EEE+ ,3A, 1MHz, Low-Voltage, Step-Down Regulators with Synchronous Rectification and Internal SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX1830/MAX1831 constant-off-time, pulse-width-♦ ±1.5% Output Accuracymodulated (PWM) s ..
MAX1830EEE+T ,3A, 1MHz, Low-Voltage, Step-Down Regulators with Synchronous Rectification and Internal SwitchesApplications that forward bias the diode should take care not to exceed the IC’spackage power dissi ..
MAX1830EEE-T ,3A, 1MHz, Low-Voltage, Step-Down Regulators with Synchronous Rectification and Internal SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V = V = +3.3V, FBSEL = GND, T = 0°C to +85°C, unless otherwi ..
MAX4715EXK-T ,0.4 / Low-Voltage / Single-Supply SPST Analog Switches in SC70ApplicationsPower RoutingBattery-Operated EquipmentAudio and Video Signal RoutingLow-Voltage Data-A ..
MAX4716EXK+T ,0.4Ω, Low-Voltage, Single-Supply SPST Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +3V Supply(V+ = +2.7V to +3.6V, V = +1.4V, V = +0.5V, T = T to T ..
MAX4716EXK-T ,0.4 / Low-Voltage / Single-Supply SPST Analog Switches in SC70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +3V Supply(V+ = +2.7V to +3.6V, V = +1.4V, V = +0.5V, T = T to T ..
MAX4717EBC ,4.5Ω/20Ω, 300MHz Bandwidth, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSPFeatures♦ USB 1.1 Signal Switching CompliantThe MAX4717/MAX4718 low-voltage, low on-resistance(TID ..
MAX4717EBC+ ,4.5Ω/20Ω, 300MHz Bandwidth, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSPFeatures♦ USB 1.1 Signal Switching CompliantThe MAX4717/MAX4718 low-voltage, low on-resistance(TID ..
MAX4717EBC+T ,4.5Ω/20Ω, 300MHz Bandwidth, Dual SPDT Analog Switches in UCSPApplicationsOrdering InformationUSB 1.1 Signal Switching CircuitsPIN/BUMP- TOPPART TEMP RANGEBatter ..
Calivrated 4-Channel 12-Bit ADC with T/H and Refernce
2fllAl 2a3CllsdllA]
Calibrated 4-Channel 12-Bit ADC
with TIMI and Reference
General Description
The MAX182 is a complete, calibrated 4-channel 12-b'r!
A/D converter (ADC) which includes a precision voltage
reference. track-and-hold, and conversion clock, Inter-
nal caiibration circuitry maintainstrtje12-bitperformaruce
overihe full operating lempera'rure range Without external
adjustments, In addition, each 60ps converSion includes
an auto-zero cycle which reduces zero errors to typically
below 100W
CHIP SELECT, READ, and WRITE inputs are ihciuded for
easy microprocessor Interfacing without aoditionai iogic
2 byte, 12bit cor‘versior data is p'ovided over ah 8tit
tnree-siate outoui bus. Either byte rray be read iirsi
Iwo address bits control the 4-Channel Input multiplexer,
The MAX182's anadg input range is 0V to +5V when
usmg a +5V reference. Al, four nigh-impedance nput
channels have exceilem matching (typica y 0.05 LSB).
The MAX182A's internal reference accuracy is 450.3%.
while the MAX1828 E intended for use with an external
Digital-Signal Processing
Audio and Telecom Processing
High-Speed Data Acquisition
High-Accuracy Process Control
Pin Configuration
F eatures
. Continuous Transparent Calibration of Offset
and Gain
. True 12-Bit Performance without Adjustments
. T/H Front End and Internal Reference
. Four High-lmpedance Input Channels
. DC and Dynamically Specified
. Zero Error Typically <100pV
. Standard Microprocessor interface
. 28-Pin DIP and Wide SO Packages
Ordering Information
MAX18AC§ 7 (R1670 C - y/Sorrel,;, r
TAAXW28C57 - on: io Q70 C 28 Plastic DIP
FAxjisTAcvsT Tc io F, C 28 Wide SO'
WYBZBCWI -r, (11:70 b" 28 Wide sc
m7 13qu (Of-". 10,31,573 ’28 'oTierT, l
_ Mi182BeP_l 7410 (224-85 ll 28 Piaslic DIP
MAX182AEWI MO C to +850 28 Wlde scr
m/iAx182BEvW -40 " +85 04 728 vWe sr.
7MAX782AVIVT 7755 C ( +125 C 7 2cirurs.
i @8@Ji 7651210 +125} 28 CERDIP'
_ Consuit factory.
“ Consult factory for dice specmcaiions
Functional Diagram
V l CAI' Vivi Vs} Vii,
. - t I I .r
CA ll 223i Vrjr) i 28 J/ ,
i 2 - 'n',
AINO i2 27] Va!» C,",)," 3 - L i 1'grl"' f" mow
ANI , _
AW F E Rmu: ATI l Moy -] ,k a
AM i: MAXIM E Al AM i l j Loon,
Aim ii E A0 Qfij WW i SiSAMPLEcHUiD
A I' .L i
REFii. E 2 CM t ‘el 4
- i . b i, - 1
AGND i7 22] BUSV WW - l JLWIQAL i .
DGND I 'jr1] BYSL K - _ L f; -r l
V14, E E WR AGNU "A i EAR [W7
DB7 m E CS i T l J l mm i Iry,
g » STATE ', “AM
DEG [Q 1Q RD W u, 1rf T - -'/ ngyp‘wiil a 1 C mi
DEE: (E ii UBCILSEU _0l"aiv', _ ' f "/"rfe, E750
DB4 E E] Chi; L - , wrrh ", 22
DB3 E g 032 , J V7
i 'il 19 20 21 H
r DIP/SO fl CS ie BYSI :iisuii
/VI Pl X l/Vl Maximlnle rated Products 1
IVI I] A I All IS a reg stered Iradema'k of Maxim integrazed Products
MAX 1 82
Calibrated 4-Channel 12-Bit ADC
with TIMI and Reference
Van I0 DGND _ T T V . l) 3V. r I7V Power DISSIDaI IIon (any Dackage)
VssIoDGND __ .. TVV ,5 T TF. +03v-7v I0+75C T T T IOOOmW
AGND ( DGND V _ _ V I _ -0.3V, REFIN +0 3V DeraIe above +75 C by T _ IOIIIW/C
( I, to DGND .5 _ A _ V . V T T _ _ ( 3V + l Operating Temperature Harnges
AIN I0 AGND _ .. I _ -0.3v. Wu: 103v MAX182 E .- V TV MO C10 s85 C
DIgII tal Input Voltage Io DGND .. - -() 3V, VII +0 3V MAXIB M T __. V _ -55 C lo +125 C
DIgiIaI Ou! put VoIage to DGND V _ I -(7 3v. MIC, +0 3V Storage Temperature Eb" C10 F 150 C
Lead Temperature (Scldenng, IO sec) , . . +300 C
Stresses beyond Ihoso bstecf under ‘AbsoIIIIe Mavmum RaIIngs _ may cause pemmnen! damage In We dew u These UL” :Iresr rnotrys me INK] lIlIH'I/DIIJI
apemnan GI the dcwce 3! thesc or any OINEI IJU/IUIIIDIIS beyond (OSC IIIdlcarcd In INC OpeIaIIona/ soCIIOIIs o/ the sporI/II'aIIIIIIs IS IIaI I/IIp/Ipd E IIIIImIIv Io
{DDSOIUIL‘ III3XImIIIII IaIIng condIIIuns for cxIendod periods ma y a/Iecl dewcc renatvbly
(VDD: - -_'_1esv, 7VCC = 75V. Ll/ss--- - 5V REFIN = ‘5 OV, all specdcations TA - 7M|I\7 to MAX 7ICLK 7266677I
7 7 fAr_ehME_T_ER_, 7T7VMB70fI77 foeoCs, - _I Ill - TYP MAX I UNITS I
RWE7'II' 7f\i:::f I 1277 7 -- 17mm
I7ToIaI7Unad7IusIed 7ErIo:(NoI7cIl ici,, AINO AI7N3 7 7 71 L t1 I I88 I
DI7IIeIen7: iaI No7nII'IeaIin _rlu-, I& mi-ss/ng-e-o-s' coaes guaIameed77 7 -j 7 - tl I SB I
Full- Scale Error (Gain EI7I0r) ---i I AINO AIN3 TA-- - +25 C 7 yll'2 I I SB
Fullcscale_Tertco, 7 ---r-r-, -- I -- 7 7 7 - Ob ppm/C I
Zero _er_ror 7 _.1, AI7NO AI7N73 I77 TA = 27570 7 7 7 tl/2 I LSB I
Zero 7Temp7co 7 - 7 7 7 7 7 I 0 5 ppm/ C I
f_hanel- J:c_haTyeFi_srrFifr, - -- 7 7I7 - - tll IL
ANIgOG INPUT 7 7 - 7 7 EII
In7puI Vo7IIageI-7Iang78 7 V7REF - 7+5V7 - " I V I
_onf Chann7eI np7IIICa7paCII IrseTcr/-w, CAIN _- 7 7 7 - 8 DI I
AINO-AIN3 = 0V :0 +5V: I I
IanII Leakage Lhorrent I IAIN TA = , 25 C 10 I IIA
7 7 7 _7 TA7: TMIN Io lex, 7 7 7 I 7 100 I
7DYNAEI7C j_r:icuiAiirC--)riord, IAIN: 2 0711kHz TA = 725 C. 7Nole f_),
77SIgLal- toeye+_st_ortlon, S/(N7 I D) 7 7 7 7 _7I7/ 7 l US I
Total Harmonc Dsiortion THD 2'r'rer, %9”aI 7 I70 80 I (IS I
7Peak "Tmo,% or Spuriou_s Nose 7 _l, 7 -80 I (18 I
EFERENEINiq - 7 7 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 7 7 T
_ I -r For 7spec7IIIed peIIOIman7ce T +5 15% I I
REFIN Range VREFIN - -- - I V
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Deg7Iade7d7 'Ians7IeIac7cuIacy7 7 I - +4 7 +6 I
-Rylrdrryoiyrr-l REFIN= - I5v 7 10 l IIIA
-REFEdFraAEtulTr'u_T, - 7 7 7 - - 7 7 7 7 7 7 fl
_IvsAxr/Crrrr',rrci] 7 7 7 - 7 7 I7 7
RE7IOU 7VOIIa:ge 7 7 7 -- 7 7 I749875 +5 +5015 I v I
7RL'F7OUT7 Lemp_(C :17 7 7 7 7 7 7 _r10 7 +40 I ppm/C
Use External Reference Only7I I I