MAX182ACPI+ ,Calibrated, 4-Channel, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceFeatures
. Continuous Transparent Calibration of Offset
and Gain
. True 12-Bit Performance w ..
MAX182ACPI+ ,Calibrated, 4-Channel, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceFeatures
. Continuous Transparent Calibration of Offset
and Gain
. True 12-Bit Performance w ..
MAX182ACWI ,Calivrated 4-Channel 12-Bit ADC with T/H and RefernceGeneral Description
The MAX182 is a complete, calibrated 4-channel 12-bit
A/D converter (ADC) w ..
MAX182ACWI+ ,Calibrated, 4-Channel, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +15V, Vcc = +5V, VSS = -5V, REFlN = +512V, all specdications T ..
MAX182ACWI+ ,Calibrated, 4-Channel, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +15V, Vcc = +5V, VSS = -5V, REFlN = +512V, all specdications T ..
MAX182AEPI ,Calivrated 4-Channel 12-Bit ADC with T/H and RefernceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +15V, Vcc = +5V, VSS = -5V, REFlN = +512V, all specdications T ..
MAX4707ELT+ ,Low-Voltage, 2Ω, SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX4706/MAX4707 single-pole/single-throw ♦ Guaranteed RON(SPST) switches operate from a ..
MAX4707EXT+T ,Low-Voltage, 2Ω, SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesApplicationsMAX4706EXK-T -40°C to +85°C 5 SC70-5 AFOBattery-Operated EquipmentMAX4706EXT-T -40°C to ..
MAX4708ESE+ ,Fault-Protected, Single 8-to-1/Dual 4-to-1 MultiplexersFeaturesThe MAX4708/MAX4709 8-to-1 and dual 4-to-1 fault-pro-♦ No Power-Supply Sequencing Requiredt ..
MAX4709ESE+ ,Fault-Protected, Single 8-to-1/Dual 4-to-1 MultiplexersApplicationsMAX4708EWE -40°C to +85°C 16 Wide SOMAX4708EPE -40°C to +85°C 16 Plastic DIPData-Acquis ..
MAX470CPE ,Two-Channel, Triple/Quad RGB Video Switches and BuffersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V+ = 5V, V- = -5V, -2V ≤ V ≤ +2V, R = 75Ω, unless otherwise noted.)IN LO ..
MAX470CWE ,Two-Channel, Triple/Quad RGB Video Switches and Buffersapplications. Output amplifiers have a guaranteed out-MAX463CWG 0°C to +70°C 24 Wide SOput swing o ..
Calibrated, 4-Channel, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and Reference
2fllAl 2a3CllsdllA]
Calibrated 4-Channel 12-Bit ADC
with TIMI and Reference
General Description
The MAX182 is a complete, calibrated 4-channel 12-b'r!
A/D converter (ADC) which includes a precision voltage
reference. track-and-hold, and conversion clock, Inter-
nal caiibration circuitry maintainstrtje12-bitperformaruce
overihe full operating lempera'rure range Without external
adjustments, In addition, each 60ps converSion includes
an auto-zero cycle which reduces zero errors to typically
below 100W
CHIP SELECT, READ, and WRITE inputs are ihciuded for
easy microprocessor Interfacing without aoditionai iogic
2 byte, 12bit cor‘versior data is p'ovided over ah 8tit
tnree-siate outoui bus. Either byte rray be read iirsi
Iwo address bits control the 4-Channel Input multiplexer,
The MAX182's anadg input range is 0V to +5V when
usmg a +5V reference. Al, four nigh-impedance nput
channels have exceilem matching (typica y 0.05 LSB).
The MAX182A's internal reference accuracy is 450.3%.
while the MAX1828 E intended for use with an external
Digital-Signal Processing
Audio and Telecom Processing
High-Speed Data Acquisition
High-Accuracy Process Control
Pin Configuration
F eatures
. Continuous Transparent Calibration of Offset
and Gain
. True 12-Bit Performance without Adjustments
. T/H Front End and Internal Reference
. Four High-lmpedance Input Channels
. DC and Dynamically Specified
. Zero Error Typically <100pV
. Standard Microprocessor interface
. 28-Pin DIP and Wide SO Packages
Ordering Information
MAX18§C§7 (TC to +70 C - MMZHP’
EXWEcei - on: io Q70 C 28 Plastic DIP
7VIA@CWI7 Tc io F, C 28 Wide SO'
WYBZBCWI -r, (11:70 b" 28 Wide sc
m7 13qu (Of-". 10,31,573 ’28 'oTierT, l
_ Mi182BeP_l 7410 (224-85 ll 28 Piaslic DIP
1v1AX182AEWI MO C to s85C' 28 Wlde scr
MAX182BEVW -40 " +85 04 728 vWe sr.
7MAX782AVIVT 7755 C ( +125 C 7 2cirurs.
i @8@Ji 7651210 +125} 28 CERDIP'
_ Consuit factory.
“ Consult factory for dice specmcaiions
Functional Diagram
V l CAI' Vivi Vs} Vii,
o i t i I r
CA ll 223i Vrjr) i 28 J/ ,
i 2 - 'n',
AINO i2 27] Va!» AINO 3 - L i 1'grl"' f" mow
AINI , _
AW F E Rmu: ATI l Moy -] ,k a
AM i: MAXIM E Al AM i l j Loon,
Aim ii E A0 Qfij WW i SiSAMPLEcHUiD
A I' .L i
REFii. E 2 CM t ‘el 4
- i . b i - ,
AGND i7 22] BUSV WW - l szliiAL i .
DGND I 'jr1] BYSL K - _ L f; -r l
V14, E E WR AGNU "A i EAR [W7
DB7 m E CS i T l J 7 mm i Iry,
g » STATE ', “AM
DEG [Q 1Q RD W u, 1rf T - -'/ ngyp‘wiil a 1 C mi
DEE: (E ii UBCILSEU _0l"aiv', _ ' f "/"rfe, E750
DB4 E E] Chi; L - , wrrh ", 22
DB3 E g 032 , J V7
i 'il 19 20 21 H
DIP/SO fl CS ie BYSI :iisuii
/VI Pl X I IVI Maxim integrated Products 1
IVI I] A I All IS a reg stered Iradema'k of Maxim integrazed Products
MAX‘! 82
Calibrated 4-Channel 12-Bit ADC
with TIMI and Reference
VDI] IO DGND _ _ _ ,. .. _ l) 3V, II7V Power Dsspalon (any Package)
VsstoDGND TVV ,. , .. ___ Iosv 7v I0+75C. T .I.000mw
AGND to DGND _ ,. V _ ,2 'ai. SV REFIN +0 3V Derate above +75 C by T IOIIIW/C
VII, I0 DGND ..... _ I . _ T _ -0 3V +/V Operating TempeIaIuIe Ranges
REFINIOAGND Trr. ___ _ -03/Vyo+03V MAXI 82, C , OCIIH7OC
AIN Io AGND ... V. T T -0.3v. Va: " 3V MAX182 E .., _ . 11 C ( I85 C
DIgII tal InpuI Voltage Io DGND I. _ _ -C) 3V, vm +0 3V MAXI82 M .. I -55 C [0 +125 C
Digital Ou! pul Votage Io DGND T T V I -(13V, Wt. +0 3v Storage Temperature _65 C IO C I50 C
Lead Temper ator e (Sckoerrg, IOseC I I +300 C
Stresses beyond muse bstetf under ‘Abso/I/Ie Movmum Hatwgs' may cause pherrtmreerlt damage“ IO We acme These III SIIeSS rnlururi IIIIII and hori'teyool
operation ot the dcwce at IIIesc ctr any omer condIlIaIIs beyond those IIIdIcarcd III m0 operanona/ SQCIIDIIS o/ [he spLV‘I/II'aIIIIIIs Is tuit IIIIp/It‘d EprI5IIII‘ I(I
absolulc HISXImU/II IaIIng condIIIIIIIs for CA‘IEIIdc‘d periods may affect dewug reliability
(V00 - rleN, V502 = AN, Vss = 5V REFIN = +5 OV. ill speCIIIcaIions TA; TMIN lo IMAx 1cr-5r, -266 67kHz exlcmal unless oIhCIWIse no Ied)
Resolution "-'"T" 2 :ittjff 5’" 2 - ram
ToIaIUnadiusIed EIIoZINoIeIl io: AINO-AINS - - - ', j, -- tl I LSB I
D ‘IeIeIIIIaI Nonl)nearily DNL No tiss. ng codes guaIaIIIeedi tl LSB
FUII Scale ‘EIJIGaITEITOII - TNOTINa TA--- - e25 C i i - tll'. LSB I
Full-Scale Tcmpco - i7; - fibi mIn/C
ZeKEIIIZ 2*»27 L, I : AINOAINisIT :25Cfi_7 - T, -, ” 31/2 I LSB _
Zero Tempco T l C) 5 ppm/ C
CIIaIIIIeI Io- -iTsrrryrecis_;r/aTcihr, -- - - - - i - -- - - T - I tl/f _ LSB
IIIpuI VoIIageHange - - ‘i VVHEF = +5V O - - +57 '
2—22 __-___-___)-, . I
On; ChanneI InpuICapaCIIarIce+ CAIN -- -- -_l_-, C - , , 8 I pF
AlNO-A'N3 -- OV io +5V' I
InpuI Leakage Current I IAIN IA: = +25 C T II "A
DYNAMIC @UFECEWLM 81kHir, -iirr,i/uNr-- 2.7011kHz TA: 25 cTri NoIe 2) - - 2
SIgIIaI- -I0N0Ise + DISIOIIIOII +84“: (N + D) 2 x - - - I 707 I (18 I
Total Harmonc Dstortion I ZEIEFJHPQUE: i" I 80 I dB l
PeTak HaT'hOCFO! SpuIIouiNoIse i -r-"Dr-r-'' J , L - - 2 - - --- -80 I _rjB I
EFEENEIEUL - 2 - 2 - 2 2 2 T
I "ro," specified peIIOImance T " t5% I I
REFIN Range VREEIN - - - T, 2 I V
-- - - DegIaded _trarlritr, accuIaCy 2 +4 - sf, I
REFINInpngIIIIenI I HEFIN - ' - 11 I2 mAi
REFERENEE 05ml g -- -- -- - -- - -- I
2 - - 2 2 - - - I I
REF OUT VoIIage - - 2 - p4 9%: +5 +5 015 l V I
REEourIempIC: :1: -- 2 2 -_- - no +40 I me/C I
REFOLT Sink Cur "em t--- I IIIA
‘V—',212~2 "_-_--- --.- --;
Use Ext ernaI ReIeIence sol,