MAX177CNG ,CMOS 10-Bit A/D Converter with Track-and-HoldApplications
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Audio and Telecom Processing
High Accuracy Proc ..
MAX177CNG+ ,CMOS, 10-Bit A/D Converter with Track and HoldFeatures
The MAX177 is a complete CMOS sampling 10-bit 12-Bit Resolution and 10-Bit Linearity
ana ..
MAX178ACNG ,Calibrated 12-Bit ADC with T/H and ReferenceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +15V, Vcc = +5\/, Vss = -5V, REFIN = +5 OV, all specifications ..
MAX178ACNG ,Calibrated 12-Bit ADC with T/H and ReferenceFeatures
. Continuous Transparent Calibration of Offset
and Gain
. True 12-Bit Performance w ..
MAX178ACNG+ ,Calibrated, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +15V, Vcc = +5\/, Vss = -5V, REFIN = +5 OV, all specifications ..
MAX178ACNG+ ,Calibrated, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceGeneral Description
The MAX178 is a complete, calibrated 12-bit A/D con-
verter (ADC) which inc ..
MAX4615CSD ,Low-Voltage, High-Speed, Quad, SPST CMOS Analog SwitchesGeneral Description ________
MAX4615CUD ,Low-Voltage, High-Speed, Quad, SPST CMOS Analog SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX4614/MAX4615/MAX4616 quad, low-voltage,♦ Fast Switching Times high-speed, single-pol ..
MAX4615CUD+ ,Low-Voltage, High-Speed, Quad, SPST CMOS Analog SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX4614/MAX4615/MAX4616 quad, low-voltage,♦ Fast Switching Times high-speed, single-pol ..
MAX4615CUD+ ,Low-Voltage, High-Speed, Quad, SPST CMOS Analog SwitchesGeneral Description ________
MAX4616CUD ,Low-Voltage, High-Speed, Quad, SPST CMOS Analog SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX4614/MAX4615/MAX4616 quad, low-voltage,♦ Fast Switching Times high-speed, single-pol ..
MAX4616CUD+ ,Low-Voltage, High-Speed, Quad, SPST CMOS Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +5V Supply(V+ = +5V ±10%, V = 2.4V, V = 0.8V, T = T to T , unless ..
CMOS 10-Bit A/D Converter with Track-and-Hold
AVH/ll 2t I] /M]
CMOS 10-Bit A/D Converter
with Track-and-Hold
_------- General Description Features E
The MAX177 is a complete fiyfe sampling 10-bit . 12-BitResolutlon and10-BitLinearily
analog-to-digital converter (AD ) that combines an .
on-chip track-and-hold and voltage reference along . 8.33ps Conversion Time
with high conversion speed and low power consump- . Internal Analog Track-Hold .5
tion. A conversion time of 8.33ps includes settling time .
for the track-and-hold. An internal buried zener refer- . 6MHz Full Power Bandwidth s.
ence provides low drift with low noise. . On-Chip i40ppm/°C Voltage Reference
The MAX177 accepts -2.511 to +2.5V inputs. External . High Input Resistance (SOOMQ)
components are limited to only decoupling capacitors
forthe power supply and reference voltages. On-chip . 100ns Data Access Time
clock circuitry can either be driven from an external t 180mW (Max) Power Consumption
clock source or a crystal. . 24 Lead Narrow DIP and Wide so Packages
The MAX177 employs a standard microprocessor inter-
face. Three-state data outputs can be configured for . "
8- or 12-bit data buses. Data access and bus release _-_-------- Ordering Information
timing specs are compatible with most popular micro- .
processors without resorting to wait states. PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE ERROR
. . 1 T2 o ;.s +
Applications MAX 77CNG 0 C to +70 C Plastic DIP ll LSB
MAX177CWG 0°C to +70°C Wide so i1 LSB
MAX177C/D 0°C to +70°C Dice" Il LSB
MAX177ENG -401 t'850C Plastic DIP 1l LSB
MAX177EWG -40''C to +85°C Wide SO :1 LSB
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Audio and Telecom Processing
High Accuracy Process Control
High Speed Data Acquisition
MAX177MRG 55°C to +125oC CERDIP f1 LSB
" - * All devices - 24 lead packages
Functional Diagram .. Consult factory for dice specifications.
m m - - Pin Configuration
' 1m Imx-Hum 14mm Top View
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IVI I] X I IVI Maxim Integrated Products 1
MAXIM is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products
CMOS 10-Bit A/D Converter
with Track-and-Mold
van to DGND .............................. -0.3V to +7V Operating Temperature Ranges
l/ss to DGND ............................. +0.3V to -17V MAX177C ............................... 0°C to s70''C
AGND to DGND ...................... -O.3V to Vroro +0.3V MAX177E ............................. -40°C to +85°C
AINto AGND .............................. -151lto +15V
Digital Input Voltage to DGND
Digital Output Voltage to DGND ........
(Pins 4-11, 13-16, 18, 22)
-O.3V to Voo f 0.3V
-0.3V to VDD +0.3V
MAX177M ..........................
Storage Temperature Range ............
Power Dissipation (any Package)
Derates Above +75°C by ..................... 10mW/°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 seconds)
-55''C to +125°C
-65"C to +160°C
........ 1000mW
........ +300°C
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratin s" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and
functional operation of the device at these or any other con irions above ttmstt Indicared in the optrrational sections of the specifications is not
implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions tor extended periods may affect device reliability,
(Va, = +5V i5%, Vss = -11.4V to -15.75V, Slow Memory Mode, T, 2 TMIN to TMAX, fCLK -- 1.5MHz unles§ otherwise noted.)
Resolution 12 Bits
No Missing Code Resolution 10 Bits
Integral Non-Linearity INL 0.05 %FSR
Offset Error (Note 1) - - 18 mV
Full Scale Error (Note 2) TA = 25°C, Includes Reference Error 104 %
Full Scale Tempco (Notes 3, 4) Excludes Internal Reference Drift 15 ppm/“C
Conversion Time tconv Synchronous Elg'ilgf:ycgl::s) 'lie ps
DYNAMIC ACCURACY (Va, = 5V, Vss = 15V, Sample Rate = 100kHz)
rs,ignoa,ltitg,N/iigyr1d S/(N+D) 10kHz Input Signal , TA = 25°C 64 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion THD 10kHz Input Signal, TA = 25°C -72 dB
'sit,t,esTlrie, or 10kHz Input Signal, TA = 25°C -72 dB
Full quer _ In Sample Mode, 6 Jr
Sampling Bandwidth Under-Sampled Waveform
Input Voltage Range -2 5 +2.5 V
Input Leakage Current d5 pA
Input Capacitance (Note 4) 20 pF
Trackaold . 1 ps
Acquisition Time
VREF Output Voltage TA - 25°C -4.98 -5.00 -5.02 V
Wee Output Tempco (Note 5) i45 ppm/°C
Reference Load Sensitivity f),Cselzsange: 0 to 5mA 0.005 0.02 %/mA
Output Sink Current 5 mA