MAX172BCWG ,Complete 10s CMOS 12-Bit ADCApplications
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
High Accuracy Process Control
High Speed Data Acq ..
(VDD = +5V i 5%, Vss = -12V or -15V , 5%; Slow Memory Mode; T, = TMIN ..
MAX172BCWG+ ,Complete 10µs CMOS 12-Bit ADC19-0437; Rev f,' 2/91
lVl/J X I/Vl
Complete 10,us CMOS 12-Bit ADC
MAX172BENG+ ,Complete 10µs CMOS 12-Bit ADCFeatures
. 12-Bit Resolution and Linearity
. 10ps Conversion Time
. No Missing Codes
. On-Chip ..
MAX172BEWG+ ,Complete 10µs CMOS 12-Bit ADCApplications
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
High Accuracy Process Control
High Speed Data Acq ..
MAX1733EUK ,Low-Voltage / Step-Down DC-DC Converters in SOT23ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +2.7V to +5.5V, SHDN = IN, T = 0°C to +85°C. Typical values are at T ..
MAX4560CPE ,15kV ESD-Protected / Low-Voltage / CMOS Analog Multiplexers/SwitchesApplications' Low Crosstalk: < -93dB (50Ω)Battery-Operated Equipment' High Off-Isolation: < -96dB ( ..
MAX4560EEE+ ,±15kV ESD-Protected, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers SwitchesApplications♦ Low Crosstalk: < -93dB (50Ω)Battery-Operated Equipment♦ High Off-Isolation: < -96dB ( ..
MAX4560ESE+ ,±15kV ESD-Protected, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers SwitchesApplications♦ Low Crosstalk: < -93dB (50Ω)Battery-Operated Equipment♦ High Off-Isolation: < -96dB ( ..
MAX4561EUT+ ,±15kV ESD-Protected, Low-Voltage, SPDT/SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesApplicationsMAX4514/MAX4515High-ESD EnvironmentsOrdering InformationBattery-Powered SystemsSOTTEMP ..
MAX4561EUT+T ,±15kV ESD-Protected, Low-Voltage, SPDT/SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +5V Supply(V+ = +4.5V to +5.5V, V = +2.4V, V = +0.8V, T = T to T ..
MAX4562CEE ,Serially Controlled / Clickless Audio/Video SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +5V Supply (continued)(V+ = +5V ±5%, T = T to T , unless otherwis ..
Complete 10s CMOS 12-Bit ADC
-_--_----- General Description
The MAX172 is a complete 12-Bit analog-to-digital
converter (ADC) that combines high speed, low power
consumption, and an on-chip voltage reference. The
conversion time is 10ps. The buried zener reference
provides low drift and low noise performance.
External component requirements are limited to only
decoupling capacitors for the power supply and refer-
ence voltages. On-chip clock circuitry is also included
which can either be driven from an external source,
or in stand-alone applications, can be used with a
The MAX172 uses a standard microprocessor interface
architecture._Three-state data outputs are controlled
by Read (RD) and Chip Select (CS) inputs. Data
access and bus release times of 90 and 75ns respec-
tively ensure compatibility with most popular micro-
processors without resorting to wait states.
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
High Accuracy Process Control
High Speed Data Acquisition
Electro-Mechanical Systems
- ----------_ Functional Diagram
mm vw "
l: lr l
AVH/il Pt [LAM]
Complete 10,us CMOS 12-Bit ADC
. 12-Bit Resolution and Linearity
. 10ps Conversion Time
. No Missing Codes
. On-Chip Voltage Reference
. 90ns Access Time
. 215mW Max Power Consumption
. 24-Lead Narrow DIP Package
. Pin-for-Pin AD7S72 Replacement
Ordering Information
MAX172ACNG 0°C to +70°C Plastic DIP w LSB
Tiia)ascNG 0°C to ‘70°c Plastic DIP 11 LSB
MAX172ACWG 0''C to '70''C Wide SD iv; LSB
MAX172BCWG 0°C to +70°C Wide s 0 tl LSB
MAx17éCC7o 0°C to +70°C Dice" +1 LSB
MAX172AING -25°C to +85°C Plastic DIP ~v.» LSB
MAX172BING -25°C to 085°C Plastic DIP ll LSB
MAX172AMRG -55''C to 'l25''C CERDIP ' C. LSB
MAX172BMRG -55°C to +125°C CERDIP FI LSB
. All devices - 24 lead packages
.. Consult factory for dice specifications
Pin Configuration
= ,--"F
mm J1it'dlf" " “w E E V:
MAX172 WW AGND [E E ausv
DH [2 El trs
_E m we I: CE) M
cqunnL --'t-s D9 g wmxuw E] HBEN
wnlc MAX772
-a2r, us T E] CLK OUT
''"T"" - liibFti IV E E CLOCK IN
mm J L’ f In M E Es) DU/B
titll, -] mmsmt J uncx '7 m 001 U5 E El "V9
mums 'g'/ll BsclbrhTIm - m m M E 3] il/l0
[ l I I I
4--)r L“-J" lt UL!" [mun IE E] IB/ll
an as m M mm mm
IVI A X I IVI Maxim Integrated Products 1
Arl/IXI/VI is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.
MAX“! 72
Complete fOps CMOS 12-Bit ADC
l/oo to DGND ............................. -0 3V to 07V Operating Temperature Ranges
Vss to DGND ............................. +0.3V to -17V MAX172XC ............................. 0°C to '70oC
AGND to DGND .................... -0 3V, VDD ' J3V MAX172XI ........................... -25"C to 435°C
AIN lo AGND ............................ -15V to +15V MAX172XM ........................ 65°C to +125vC
Digital lnput Voltage to DGND ........ -0.3V. Von ' 0 3V Storage Temperature Range ........... -65''C to 460°C
(Pins 17, 19-21) Power Dissipation (any Package) to +75°C ..... 1000mW
Digital Output Voltage to DGND ...... -0 3V, Voo + 0.3V Derates Above +75°C by .................. 10mW/°C
(pins 4-11. 13-16, 18, 22) Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 seconds) ....... o300°C
Stresses above those Ilsled under "Absolufe Maxtmum Rahngs" may cause permanent damage to me dewce These are stress ratings only, and
luncnona/ operation ot the deoce at these or any other conditions above those rndrcaled In the operational sections of me specmcahons IS not
rmplre0 Exposure to absolute manmum ranngs conditions for extended periods may affect dewce relta0tltty
(VDD = +5V i 5%, Vss = -12V or -15V l 5%; Slow Memory Mode; T, = TMIN to TMAX unless otherwise noted, ico, -" 125MHz)
Resolution 12 Bits
MAX172A TA : 25°C +£
Integral NonLinearity INL ',1tf11,7ijhi/A1 :33 LSB
MAX172B fl
Differential NonLinearity DNL Guaranteed Monotonic Over Temp. -+_" 7L
MAX172B T/eil, _ili1,
Offset Error (Note 1) TA ; ii; MAX 7+8 LSB
MAX172A T: _ Ts,, to TMAx £4
_--- - MAX1728 T, I 25°C 7 7 7 7.15 - -
Full Scale Error (Note 2) - LSB
MAX172A T, : 25''C HO
Full Scale Tempco (Notes 3. 4) - .45 ppm/°C
hnpul Voltage Range 0 5 7 7‘
Input Current AIN = ov to +5v 7 3 5 3x77
vw Output Voltage TA _- 25°C -5 2 -5 Js" -5 3 TH
VREF Output Tempco (Note 5) 40 ppm/oC
Output Current Sink Capability (Note 6) 500 pA
Input Low Voltage " ' " HBEN, CLKIN 08 V77
Input High Voltage vIH es. 'CD, HBEN, CLKIN 2.4 - -
Input Capacitance (Note 7) cIN Es. R70, HBEN, CLKIN 10 pF
Input Current IIN gEkIRND HBEN VIN _ 0 to Vor, :gg pA
Output Low Voltage VOL D11-D0/8, EUSY, CLKOUT ISM : 16mA 04
Output High Voltage Vo., D11-DO/B, W6v, CLKOUT ISOURCE = 200PA 4
2hp State Leakage ILKG D11-DO/8. Va,, 2 0V to Vrrry <10 pA
'Fite2a'r2,"ifdtt"/ Cor,, 15 i S
2 IVl/le/Vl