MAX1660EEE ,Digitally Controlled Fuel-Gauge InterfaceFeaturesThe MAX1660 digitally controlled fuel-gauge interface' 1% Accuracy over a 600µA to 4A Curre ..
MAX1660EEE+ ,Digitally Controlled Fuel-Gauge InterfaceFeaturesThe MAX1660 digitally controlled fuel-gauge interface♦ 1% Accuracy over a 600µA to 4A Curre ..
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MAX4420CSA+T ,High-Speed, 6A MOSFET Driver (Noninverting)19-0039, Rev Cl 1 1/92
High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFE T Drivers
MAX4420CSA-T ,High-Speed, 6A MOSFET Driver (Noninverting)General Description
The MAX4420, MAX4429 and MXT429 are single-output
MOSFET drivers designed t ..
MAX4420EPA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversFeatures
. TTL/CMOS Compatible (IN f 10pA)
. 4.5V to 18V Supply Range (MAX4420/MAX4429)
O 1.59 ..
MAX4420ESA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversGeneral Description
The MAX4420, MAX4429 and MXT429 are single-output
MOSFET drivers designed t ..
MAX4420ESA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET Drivers19-0039, Rev Cl 1 1/92
High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFE T Drivers
MAX4420ESA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversFeatures
. TTL/CMOS Compatible (IN f 10pA)
. 4.5V to 18V Supply Range (MAX4420/MAX4429)
O 1.59 ..
Digitally Controlled Fuel-Gauge Interface
General DescriptionThe MAX1660 digitally controlled fuel-gauge interface
executes two essential functions for rechargeable bat-
tery-pack management: fuel gauging and pack overcur-
rent protection. It accurately monitors a battery pack’s
charge and discharge current flow, and records each
using two independent, on-board Coulomb counters.
Each counter’s contents are externally accessible via a
System Management Bus (SMBus™)-compatible 2-wire
serial interface. An optional third wire interrupts the
microcontroller (µC) when the charge or discharge
counters reach a preset value, or when an overcurrent
condition (charge or discharge) occurs. In the event of
an overcurrent or short-circuit condition, the MAX1660
disconnects the load and alerts its host. The MAX1660’s
flexibility allows accurate fuel gauging for any battery
chemistry, using any desired control algorithm.
The MAX1660 operates with battery voltages from +4V
to +28V and provides two micropower shutdown
modes, increasing battery lifetime. To minimize total
parts count, the device integrates a precision 2.00V
system-reference output, a 3.3V linear-regulator output
that can supply up to 5mA to power external circuitry,
and a power-on reset output for the system µC. The
MAX1660 is available in a 16-pin QSOP package.
________________________ApplicationsSmart-Battery PacksBattery-Pack Fuel Gauging
Battery-Pack Overcurrent Digital Current-Sense
Industrial-Control SystemAnalog-to-Digital
____________________________Features1% Accuracy over a 600µA to 4A Current Range
(RSENSE= 30mΩ)5µV Input Offset Voltage (28µV max)SMBus 2-Wire (plus optional interrupt)
Serial Interface2.00V Precision System Reference Output3.3V Linear-Regulator Output Powers External
CircuitryTwo Micropower Shutdown ModesIndependent 32-Bit Charge and Discharge
Coulomb CountersBattery-Overcharge/Overdischarge ProtectionBattery Short-Circuit/Overcurrent ProtectionOn-Board Power MOSFET Drivers80µA Quiescent Current<1µA Shutdown CurrentSmall 16-Pin QSOP Package
(same board area as 8-pin SO)
Digitally Controlled
Fuel-Gauge Interface19-1308; Rev 1; 10/98
SMBus is a trademark of Intel Corp.
___________________________________________________Typical Operating Circuit
Digitally Controlled
Fuel-Gauge Interface
= 0°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical valuesare at TA= +25°C.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
BATT, ODO, OCO, SHDNto GND.........................-0.3V to +30V
SCL, SDA, INT, RSTto GND....................................-0.3V to +6V
REF, ODI, OCI to GND..................................-0.3V to (VL + 0.3V)
VL to GND................................................................-0.3V to +6V
CS to GND...................................................................-2V to +6V
AGND to GND.............................................................-1V to +1V
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
16-Pin QSOP (derate 8.3mW/°C above +70°C).............667mW
Operating Temperature Range...........................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +165°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
Digitally Controlled
Fuel-Gauge Interface
= 0°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical valuesare at TA= +25°C.)
= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2)
Digitally Controlled
Fuel-Gauge Interface
(VSHDN= VBATT= 12V, VSCL= VSDA= 3.6V, CREF= 10nF, CVL= 0.1µF, TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2)
= 0°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Digitally Controlled
Fuel-Gauge Interface
Note 1:OCI and ODI are MOSFET inputs. Minimum and maximum limits are for production screening only. Actual performance is
indicated in typical value.
Note 2:Specifications to -40°C are guaranteed by design, not production tested.
(TA= -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2)
Figure 1. SMBus Serial-Interface Timing—Address
Figure 2. SMBus Serial-Interface Timing—Acknowledge
Digitally Controlled
Fuel-Gauge Interface
__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics
(VBATT= VSHDN= 12V, CREF= 10nF, CVL= 0.1µF, TA= +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
_______________Detailed Description
The MAX1660 measures the cumulative charge into
(charging) and out of (discharging) the system battery
pack and stores the information in one of two internal,
independent charge and discharge counters. It
achieves battery-pack overcharge and overdischarge
protection through a powerful digital compare function
that interrupts the host CPU when the charge or dis-
charge counter reaches a host-programmed value. The
device also informs the host of changes in the direction
of current flow and protects the battery pack from
short-circuit and overcurrent conditions.
The MAX1660 incorporates a 2-wire System Man-
agement Bus (SMBus™)-compliant serial interface,
allowing access to charge/discharge counters and
internal registers. An optional third wire provides an
SMBALERT#-compliant interrupt signal, or it may be used
as a simple,stand-alone host interrupt.
Coulomb-Counting Interface
The MAX1660’s Coulomb-counting interface monitors
the charge flowing in either the charging or discharging
direction, and counts the Coulombs of charge by incre-
menting either the charge counter (CHGCOUNT) or the
discharge counter (DISCOUNT) accordingly. The num-
ber of counter increments generated per Coulomb of
charge sensed (conversion gain) is given by the follow-
ing equation:
where RCSis the current-sense resistor (see the Typical
Operating Circuit). The gain factor is the constant of
proportionality that relates the counter values stored in
CHGCOUNT and DISCOUNT to the amount of charge
flow into or out of the battery pack. A higher conversion
gain (larger RCS) increases resolution at low currents,
Digitally Controlled
Fuel-Gauge Interface
______________________________________________________________Pin Description
MAX1660but limits the maximum measurable current. Likewise, a
smaller conversion gain (smaller RCS) decreases resolu-
tion at low currents, but increases the maximum mea-
surable current. A 30mΩcurrent-sense resistor (AC=
12.5 x 103counts per Coulomb) provides a good bal-
ance between resolution and input current range for
many applications. With this current-sense resistance,
the MAX1660 typically measures currents from 600µA to
4A with better than 1% accuracy (see the section
Choosing RCS).
Charge and Discharge Counters
Figure 3 shows the functional diagram of the MAX1660’s
Coulomb-counter section. The Coulomb counter’s out-
put increments (but never decrements) one of two inde-
pendent 32-bit counters: CHGCOUNT for charging
currents, and DISCOUNT for discharging currents. By
independently counting the charge and discharge cur-
rents, the MAX1660 can accommodate any algorithm to
account for a battery pack’s energy-conversion efficien-
cy. A 2x1 multiplexer, gated by the configuration word’s
SETCOUNT bit, determines which counter’s contents
are passed to the COUNT register when COUNT
updates. The 32-bit COUNT register is divided into
4 bytes: COUNT0 (the least significant) through
COUNT3 (the most significant). See Table 1 for a
description of the different registers.
CHGCOUNT and DISCOUNT reset to zero whenever a
power-on reset executes, or when the configuration
word’s CLRCOUNTER bit is set. Each counter also
resets any time an overflow condition occurs. The coun-
ters’ 32-bit capacity allows them to continually monitor
4A for almost 24 hours before overflowing (with RCS=
30mΩ). When a counter overflows, it simply clears and
begins counting from 0; no interrupts are generated.
Execute the ReadCount01 and ReadCount23 com-
mands to read the active counter’s contents at any time
(Table 2). Since the Read-Word protocol supports only
16-bit data transfers, issue these commands sequen-
tially to read the entire 32-bit COUNT register. First
issue ReadCount01 to read COUNT0 and COUNT1,
and then issue ReadCount23 to read COUNT2 and
COUNT3. Executing ReadCount01 enables updating of
the COUNT register; the COUNT register updates on
SCL’s falling edge after the command-byte ACK bit
Digitally Controlled
Fuel-Gauge Interface
Table 1. Register Descriptions
clocks in (Figure 4). COUNT0 returns in the least signifi-
cant byte (LSB), and COUNT1 returns in the most sig-
nificant byte (MSB) of the Read-Word protocol. After
the ReadCount01 command is executed (updating is
enabled), any command executed by the MAX1660
prior to execution of the ReadCount23 command
updates the COUNT contents, potentially corrupting the
data read by ReadCount23 (if a 16th-bit carry occurs).
ReadCount23 disables COUNT updating and then
returns COUNT2 and COUNT3 in the Read-Word proto-
col’s LSB and MSB. To ensure proper execution, issue
these commands in the correct order, with no com-
mands executed between them (ReadCount01 first, fol-
lowed by ReadCount23).
Digital Compare Function
The MAX1660’s digital compare function simplifies
implementation of end-of-charge and end-of-discharge
detection, relieving the host from having to constantly
monitor the counters. The host simply programs a value
into the COMPregister, and the MAX1660 generates an
interrupt (INTgoes low) when this condition is met.
Figure 5 shows the MAX1660’s digital compare section
functional diagram. When the digital compare function
is enabled, the MAX1660 continuously compares the
contents of the counter selected by the configuration
word’s SETCOUNT bit with the 32-bit word stored in the
COMP register (Table 1). The 32-bit COMP register is
divided into 4 bytes: COMP0 (the least significant)
through COMP3 (the most significant). When COMP is
equal to MUXOUT, the configuration word’s COMPSTA-
TUS bit is set, and the MAX1660 generates an interrupt
(INTgoes low). The host defines any action taken as a
result of this interrupt. The COMP register contents
remain valid until either the host redefines the value
stored in COMP, or a power-on reset is executed.
Executing a power-on reset disables the digital com-
pare function. Enable the digital compare function by
setting the configuration word’s COMPENABLE bit.
Digitally Controlled
Fuel-Gauge Interface
Table 2. Read Word Commands
MAX1660Use the WriteComp01 and WriteComp23 commands to
define the COMP register contents (Table 3). Since the
Write-Word protocol supports only 16-bit data transfers,
sequentially execute these commands to write the
entire 32-bit COMP word. First execute WriteComp01
to write COMP0 and COMP1, and then execute
WriteComp23 to write COMP2 and COMP3. Executing
WriteComp01 internally disables the COMPINT interrupt
and writes the Write-Word protocol’s LSB into COMP0
and its MSB into COMP1. The COMPINT interrupt dis-
ables on SCL’s 18th rising edge during WriteComp01
execution (Figure 6). Executing WriteComp23 writes the
Write-Word protocol’s LSB and MSB into COMP2 and
COMP3, and enables the COMPINT interrupt. The
COMPINT interrupt reenables on the falling edge fol-
lowing SCL’s 36th rising edge during WriteComp23
execution. Disabling the COMPINT interrupt with the
WriteComp01 command prevents an erroneous inter-
rupt, due to incomplete data in the COMP register. To
ensure proper execution, issue these commands in the
correct sequence.
Direction-Change Detection Function
The MAX1660’s direction-change detection function
informs the host whenever the current flow changes
direction. When it is used in conjunction with the
MAX1660’s digital compare function and CHARGE-
STATUS bit in end-of-charge and end-of-discharge
detection routines, the host can ensure that the digital
compare function continues to monitor the proper
counter when the current flow changes direction.
The direction-change function is simple: the status
word’s DIRCHANGE bit sets any time the current flow
changes direction. Once DIRCHANGE is set, it remains
set until it is cleared; additional changes in the current-
flow direction do not affect the bit. To clear the DIR-
CHANGE bit, write a 1 to the configuration word’s
CLRINT bit. DIRCHANGE also clears when the
MAX1660 enters soft-shutdown mode and after a
power-on reset. In end-of-charge and end-of-discharge
routines, in which the host must be informed immediate-
ly of a change in current-flow direction, set the configu-
ration word’s DIRINTENABLE bit to generate an interrupt
whenever the status word’s DIRCHANGE bit is set.
Digitally Controlled
Fuel-Gauge Interface
Table 3. Write-Word Commands