MAX165BCWN+ ,5µs, 8-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceFeatures
. 5ps Conversion Time
. Built-ln Track/Hold
. se1LSB Max Tolal Unadlusted Error
(Von = +5V1REF|N = +1 23V,AGND = DGND = OV1AIN- = 0V(MAX166),rv; = 4MHz ..
MAX165BEWN ,CMOS レP-Compatible, 5レs, 8-Bit ADCsapplications that require a differential analog input and
an internal reference, the MAX166 is rec ..
MAX1660EEE ,Digitally Controlled Fuel-Gauge InterfaceFeaturesThe MAX1660 digitally controlled fuel-gauge interface' 1% Accuracy over a 600µA to 4A Curre ..
MAX1660EEE+ ,Digitally Controlled Fuel-Gauge InterfaceFeaturesThe MAX1660 digitally controlled fuel-gauge interface♦ 1% Accuracy over a 600µA to 4A Curre ..
MAX1661EUB ,Serial-parallel/parallel-to-serial converter and load-switch controller with SMBus interfaceApplicationsI/O2 3 8 SMBDATAMAX1662Power-Plane SwitchingMAX1663I/O3 4 7 SMBSUSPoint-of-Load Power-B ..
MAX4420CSA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversGeneral Description
The MAX4420, MAX4429 and MXT429 are single-output
MOSFET drivers designed t ..
MAX4420CSA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversApplications
Switching Power Supplies
DC-DC Converters
Motor Controllers
Pin-Diode Drivers
MAX4420CSA+ ,High-Speed, 6A MOSFET Driver (Noninverting)General Description
The MAX4420, MAX4429 and MXT429 are single-output
MOSFET drivers designed t ..
MAX4420CSA+T ,High-Speed, 6A MOSFET Driver (Noninverting)19-0039, Rev Cl 1 1/92
High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFE T Drivers
MAX4420CSA-T ,High-Speed, 6A MOSFET Driver (Noninverting)General Description
The MAX4420, MAX4429 and MXT429 are single-output
MOSFET drivers designed t ..
MAX4420EPA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversFeatures
. TTL/CMOS Compatible (IN f 10pA)
. 4.5V to 18V Supply Range (MAX4420/MAX4429)
O 1.59 ..
5µs, 8-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and Reference
19- 7978 fltw , 6/9Y
CMOS plNCompaitihlle, 5us,
General Description
The MAX165/MAX166 are high-speed (5ps)
microprocessor (PP)- compatible, 8-bit ADCs with
track/hold (T/H). The T/H function allows full-scale slg-
nals up to 50kHz (386mV/ps slew rate) to be acquired
and digitized accurately, Both ADCs use a successive
approximation technique to achieve fast conversions and
low power dissipation. The MAX165/MAX166 operate
with a +5V supply and an internal or external +1.23V
reference, and accept single-ended (MAX165) or dif-
ferential (MAX166) voltages ranging from 0V to 2VREF
The MAX165/MAX166 areiasny igt_erfaced to all popular
8-bit pps through standard CS and RD control Signals These
Signals control the start of conversions and data access, A
BUSY signal indicates the beginning and end of conversions
Since all the data outputs are latched and three-state buf-
fered, the MAX165/MAX166 can be directly tied to a " data
bus or system input/output port.
The MAX165 is a plug-in replacement for the MX7575,
with the addition of an internal 1.23V reference, For
applications that require a differential analog input and
an internal reference, the MAX166 is recommended.
Digital-Signal Processing
High-Speed Data Acquisition
Audio Systems
High-Speed Servo Loops
Low-Power Data Loggers
Pin Configurations
8-lBit ADCS
. Sps Conversion Time
t Built-ln Track/Hold
. ttLSB Max Total Unadjusted Error
. 50kHz Signal Bandwidth
. Internal 1.23V Bandgap Reference and Buffer
. Single +5V Supply Operation
. 8-Bitpplnterfatte
. 100ns Data-Access Time
. 15mW Typ Power Consumption
. Small Footprint Packages
. Plug-ln Upgrade to the MX7575 (MAX165)
Ordering Informa tion
f//M16P(pPN 0c 1917700 18 Plastic DIP tl/2
21/V16ff3fiet1 - f C to +7(YC 18 Plastic DIP tl ,
MAXISSACWN CC to +70 C 18 WIdC so tl/2 i'
_MAX1658CWN opp +70 C 18 wige il, - tl - -
- A1/1X_lfipfy;/p, - 707mm, Dice‘ tl
-e)_ii5AEPN --1lf_!tptfy, C 18 Plastic DIP 11/2
-N1N(165pEPy 7533C to t8rc 18 Plastic DIP tl
MAX165AEWN M0"C to +859 18 WIQQAWSO tll
F MM LI _6§BEWN - 51701: tpfasc 18 Wide so ll
MAX1§5AMJL5§Q to +1250 18 CERDIP" tl/2
MAX165BMJN -55'C19+125‘c 18 CERDIP" __f-_1 ---_--
Ordering Information continued on last page.
. Contact factory for dice specdcations
. 'Conlact factory for availability processmg to MIL -STD-883
Functional Diagrams
TOPVIEW 123/131)
- FA . U i - . U . MAXIM
CS _1 Cris] V11.” CS F, 201 Vii" AIN ui, W 4 W ', MMI%
1265 [7] f%FIN “DE [E] REFIN AGND L51 _ A l 1"Yrv'
- ~ , 1 23V , I C
7 CC, MAX165 7 , "4 L11] AIN. I REFERENCF ., l l
BUSY [ 4 15] AGND MEDE L' -1 REFIN 11 W i :: -r-i' DAC J
er Y f _ 1 _
ClK15 147 (DLOSB) BUS i [E AGND , 4 r
_ - - DO 5 , I
- ' CLK16 15 K --1 CLOCK i
(Ms%7)[76. TE- DI D7 g 'Iss'; (LSB) CL - OSCILiAmR] SAH '
MSB 7 [E DI TTC-L-, t 1
D6 [1 [:2] D2 ( ) 'ic, -- - "T 1' I , D7
.1 D6 -8 E] D cs 1 1 I LATCH AND l t:
or ”a li] D3 ti', THREE sum rw 4
9t_ 1 t 2 CONTRC)LLOGIC L, _ -
D5 Li [T27 D3 RD - ' " output
DGND [E [il]], D4 _1 '4 l DRVERS M Do
DGND 10 E D4 7 fl"
l Frmi:toul0apamscootioue0imlaslpage
IVI/J‘l/Vl Maxim Integrated Products 1
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at
1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at .
MAX 1 65/MAX11 66
GMOs M'euDompaih'i'lblle SWS,
8-Bit ADCS
Voro to AGND .............................. -O.3V, +7V
VDD to DGND .............................. -O.3V. +7V
AGND to DGND ........................
Digital Input Voltage to DGND
(MAX165 Pins l, 2) .....................
(MAX166 Pins 1, 2, 4) ................
Digital Output Voltage to DGND
(MAX165 Pins 4, 6-8, 10-14) .............
(MAX166 Pins 5, 7-9, 11-15) .............
CLK 1npu1VoItage(MAX165 Pin 5) to DGND
CLK Input Voltage (MAX166 Pin 6) to DGND
REFIN, REFOUT to AGND ................
MAX165 AIN to AGND ...................
MAX166 AINe, AIN- to AGND .............
-O,3V, VDD +0.3V
-0.3V. VDD +0.3V
-0_3V, Voo +0.3V
-0.3V, Voo o0.3V
Continuous Power Disipation (TA = +70"C)
18-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.11rnW/"C above +70"C) 889mW
18-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70"C) ' ' T 762mW
18-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70"C) ' . . 842mW
20-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.11mW/“C above +70"C) 889mW
20-Pin Wide so (derate 10.00mW/''C above+70"C) . . ' 800mW
20-Pin CERDIP (derate 11.11mW/"C above +70"C) ' . ' 889mW
-0.3V, Von +0.3V
Operating Temperature Ranges:
-0.3V, VDD +0.3V MAX16_ _C_ - ........................... 0"C to +70"C
. -0.3V, V00 +0.3V MAX16_ _E_ .r..te.w..e__tee____-F''' -40"C to +85°C
. -0.3V, Voo +0.3V MAX16_ _M_ - -.lF.lPF_'F''_'P" -55"C to +125°C
-O.3V, V00 +0.3V Storage Temperature Range .............. -65"C to +150''C
-O.3V, VDD +0.3V Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 sec) .............. +300''C
Stresses beyond those listed under 'Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the dowcc. Those are stress raungs only. and functional
operation of the dewce at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated 1n the operational sectons of the specmcanon rs nol Implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect the device reliability,
(VDD = +5V. REFIN = +1.23V. AGND = DGND = OV, AIN- = 0V (MAX166), 1cm = 4MHz external, TA = Wm to TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
PARAMETER SYMBOL ddriarmes MIN _ TY _ MAX _ - EN1T§_
ACCURACY - - _ W 7
Resolution "WW ---T, __-- 7 A A Bit; -
MAX165A - - - £1 -
Total Unadjusted Error TUE _yf11111 _ - __,i,ifi " LSB
MAX166A/C tl
WMAX1668/D 7 - G" -
MAX165A - ill 7 A7 A ----I
Relative Accuracy _.__MAX1658 _-___-_ - - -'-_1, LSB
MAX166A/C :1/2
MAX166B/D - A___ w______ - ;;1‘_h_
No-Missing-Codes Resolution 8 Bits
Full-Scale Error Il LSB
Full-Scale Tempco ism v - 9791111:
O_ffset Error(Note 1) i - u - _ - 'r1/2 ”L39. -
Offset Tempco 15 ppm/"C -
ANALOG INPUT - - - - - A -
Voltage Range 1LSB = 2VREF/256 O 2VREF V
atage Range AIN+ (MAX166) AIN- VDD V
Voltage Range AIN- (MAX166) l, W - - - - _/yyt V
DC Input Impedance 10 - - M55“
Slew Rate, Tracking 0.386 - - v/es,
SNR (Note 2) VIN = 2.46Vp.p at 10kHz (Figure 13) 45 v dB