MAX165BCWN ,CMOS レP-Compatible, 5レs, 8-Bit ADCsGeneral Description
The MAX165/MAX166 are high-speed (Sue)
microprocessor (PP)- compatible, 8-b ..
MAX165BCWN+ ,5µs, 8-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceFeatures
. 5ps Conversion Time
. Built-ln Track/Hold
. se1LSB Max Tolal Unadlusted Error
(Von = +5V1REF|N = +1 23V,AGND = DGND = OV1AIN- = 0V(MAX166),rv; = 4MHz ..
MAX165BEWN ,CMOS レP-Compatible, 5レs, 8-Bit ADCsapplications that require a differential analog input and
an internal reference, the MAX166 is rec ..
MAX1660EEE ,Digitally Controlled Fuel-Gauge InterfaceFeaturesThe MAX1660 digitally controlled fuel-gauge interface' 1% Accuracy over a 600µA to 4A Curre ..
MAX1660EEE+ ,Digitally Controlled Fuel-Gauge InterfaceFeaturesThe MAX1660 digitally controlled fuel-gauge interface♦ 1% Accuracy over a 600µA to 4A Curre ..
MAX4420CSA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversApplications
Switching Power Supplies
DC-DC Converters
Motor Controllers
Pin-Diode Drivers
MAX4420CSA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversGeneral Description
The MAX4420, MAX4429 and MXT429 are single-output
MOSFET drivers designed t ..
MAX4420CSA ,High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFET DriversApplications
Switching Power Supplies
DC-DC Converters
Motor Controllers
Pin-Diode Drivers
MAX4420CSA+ ,High-Speed, 6A MOSFET Driver (Noninverting)General Description
The MAX4420, MAX4429 and MXT429 are single-output
MOSFET drivers designed t ..
MAX4420CSA+T ,High-Speed, 6A MOSFET Driver (Noninverting)19-0039, Rev Cl 1 1/92
High-Speed, 6A Single MOSFE T Drivers
MAX4420CSA-T ,High-Speed, 6A MOSFET Driver (Noninverting)General Description
The MAX4420, MAX4429 and MXT429 are single-output
MOSFET drivers designed t ..
CMOS レP-Compatible, 5レs, 8-Bit ADCs
19 ’976, Rev 1. 6'/92"
CMOS WIP-compatible, Sys,
General Description
The MAX165/MAX166 are htgh-speed (5gs)
microprocessor (PP)- compatible. 8-bit ADCs wnth
track/hold (T/H). The T/H function allows lulI-scale Slg-
nals up to 50kHz (386mV/ps slew rate) to be acquired
and digitized accurately. Both ADCs use a successive
approximation technlque to achieve fast conversions and
low power dissipation. The MAX165/MAX166 operate
with a AN supply and an internal or external +1.23V
reference, and accept single-ended (MAX165) or dif-
ferential (MAX166) voltages ranging lrom 0V to 2VREF.
lhe MAX16b/MAX166 aregsily marfaced to all popular
8-bit gps through standard CS and RD control signals. These
signals control the start of conversions and data access, A
BUSY signal indicates the beginning and end of conversions.
Since all the data outputs are latched and three-state buf-
fered, the MAX165/MAX166 can be directly tied to a " data
bus or system input/output port.
Che MAX165 Is a plug-lh replacement for the MX7575,
with the addition of an Internal 1.23V reference. For
applications that require a differential analog Input and
an internal reference, the MAX166 1s recommended.
Digital-Signal Processing
High-Speed Data Acquisition
Audio Systems
High-Speed Servo l oops
Low-Power Data Loggers
8-Bit ADCs
F eatures
. 5ps Conversion Time
. Built-ln Track/Hold
. t1LSB Max Total Unadjusted Error
. 50kHz Signal Bandwidth
. Internal 1.23V Bandgap Reference and Buffer
. Single +5V Supply Operation
. 8-Bit " Interface
. 100ns Data-Access Time
. 15mW Typ Power Consumption
. Small Footprint Packages
. Plug-ln Upgrade to the MX7575 (MAX165)
- Ordering Information
MAXIG§ACPL o c to not " Plastic DIP 11/2
-MAXfi5B_CPN go io +70 C 18 Plest c UP tl
MAX1§5ACWN OCto .700 18Wloe so tl/Z
MAX16SBCWN CC to not 18 Wlde so tl
-MAX_165BC_/[2 DC to am che' tl
-M/IX165AEPN MfyCto '85_C 18 Plasiljlp tr2
MAX165BEPN MO' c to +85 C 18 Plastic DIP tl
MAX165AEWN 400 to t85 o 18 Wnae so :11; -
MAX 165BEWN 40 C ( +850 18 Wide so tl
MAX165AMJN -5_5K_ijo +1231: 18 CJHP" - tl/2
MAX165BMJN 8550 to .1250 18 CERDLP“ tl
Ordering Information continued on last page.
. Contact factory for dice spccdicatons
"Contact factory for avalatodity processing lo MIL -STD-883,
Pin Configurations Functional Diagrams
. U . U
i i - i .. MAXIM
cs l I V111; CS L Von AIN 1§_ "i, W '"s,MArei't
ROW [1] REFIN 'rroE Ta] REFIN AGND ti Cot' 1
HEFour‘s fereylfs] AlN HEFOUT 6"“wa AIN+ REFOUT AP sA1N'f,3GVAp, l
L1 MAX165 TMAX766 . AIN R[ll’RENCE _ 1
BUSY _ l lj AGND "e b M - REFIN 11 :‘_£ UAT, I
0le E F4 DO BUSY L3 '1L(i AGND "" 8
Drr- - (LSB) CLK E Ts DO CLK 5 (1007‘ l ‘1 r
(MSBlL6 L3] DI D7 (LSB) _ osdiflon 1 SAR '
7 M - - T
D6 [r [El D2 (MSB) Ti C", DI . - 07
D6 8 13 D2 63 I LATCH AND c,
- fl Lg _
Db E ll D3 D5 " >12 D3 q) 2 CONTROLLUGIC i THgEUETSLETF 1.
DGND f IC D4 _ - DRvFas 1:10”
L I Dow 10 E m l l f
DIP/WIDESO mp Al - 9l
F 1:121‘11072‘11 Dlggrarhs Cnnlllvar‘a an 'ay, pat}:-
MAXIM Maximintegrated Products 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
MA)“ 65/MAX1 66
CMOS Trll'atompat'ilbie 5us,
8-Bit ADCs
ho to AGND VVVVV . .....
V01) to DGND .........
AGND to DGND .......
Digital Input Voltage to DGND
(MAX165 Pins1 2) .........
(MAX166 Pins 1, 2, 4) .........
Digital Output Voltage to DGND
(MAX165 Pins4, 6- 8,10-14) ....
(MAX166ns5, 7-9, 11- 15) ....
CLK Input Voltage (MAX165 Pin 5) lo DGND
CLK |npu1Voitage (MAX166 Pin 6) to DGND
MAX165AINtoAGND .........
MAX166 AIN+, AIN- to AGND .V..
s'y'-:i'v'-, vDD +0.3v
-0,3V, VDD +0.3V
_ ~0.3V. Va: +0d3V
-O.3V, Voro +013V
-0. 3V. +7V Continuous Power Dspation (TA = +70 C)
_ -O.3V, +7V 18-Pin Plastic DIP (derale 11 11mW/‘C above +70 C) 889mW
18-Pin Wide so (derate 9 52mW/C above +70'C) _ 762mW
18fhn CERDIP (derate 10 53mW/C above +70C) 842mW
20-Pin Piastic DIP (aerate 11.11mW/“C above +70 C) 889mW
204hn Wide SC) (derate 1(100mW/"C above+70 C) . 800mW
20-Pin CERDIP (deraie 11 11mWl'C above +7fyC) 1 889mW
o, 3V, VDD +0 3V
Operating Temperature Ranges:
-0,3N/, VDD +0,3V MAX16, _C__ (YTD 10 +70'C
-O.3V, VDD +0.3V MAX16_ E - MOC to +flfrc
i -O.3V. Vcr, +0.3V MAX16_ _M__ _ V. -55 C to +125 C
-0, 3V, VDD +0.3V Storage Temperature Range . _ _ _ _ -fi5 Cto + 150 C
_ -0. 3V, VDD +0.3V Lead Temperature (soidering 10 sec) .......... +300 C
Sllesses beyond those listed under 'Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the devrce Those are siless ralings only. and functiona/
operation of the device at these CV any other conditions beyond [hose indicaled in me operaiiona/ sections of (he speC/ficalian is not implied E xposu/e o
absolule maximum raIing condirions [or extended periods may affect the dewce reliability
(Vim = +5V‘F1EFIN = +1 23V, AGND = DGND = 0V, AIN- = 0V (MAX166), fCLK. = 4MHz external, TA = Tor: to TMAX unless otherWise noled )
Resoluton Bits
_ MAX165A - :1
Total Unadjusted Error TUE MAX165B __'-', LSB
MAX166A/C t1
MAX1668/D t2
MAX165A i1/é
Relative Accuracy ‘MAXHSSB Il LSB
MAX166A/C _+1/2
MAX166B/D J" A
No-Missing-Codes Resolution Bits
Full-Scale Error +1 LSB
Full-Scale Tempco ppm/ C
Offset Error (Note 1) 11/2 ___LSB
Offset Tempco - ppm/ C
Voltage Range 1LSB = 2VREF/256 2VREF
Voltage Range AIN+ (MAX166) VDD
Voltage Range AIN- (MAX166) AIN+ V
E Input Impedance - Ms)
Slew Rate. Tracking V/ps
SNR (Note 2) ViN = 2 46Vp-p at10kH2(Figure13) dB