MAX163BCWG ,CMOS 12-Bit A/D Converters With Track-and-HoldFeatures
. 12-Bit Resolution
. 8.33ps Conversion Time
. Internal Analog Track-Hold
. 6MHz Full ..
MAX163CCNG+ ,CMOS, 5V Input, 100ksps, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceApplications
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Audio and Telecom Processing
High Accuracy Proces ..
MAX163CCNG+ ,CMOS, 5V Input, 100ksps, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceApplications
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Audio and Telecom Processing
High Accuracy Proces ..
MAX163CCWG+ ,CMOS, 5V Input, 100ksps, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +5V i5%, Vss = -11.4V to -15.75V, Slow Memory Mode (see text), ..
MAX163CCWG+ ,CMOS, 5V Input, 100ksps, 12-Bit ADC with Track/Hold and ReferenceFeatures
. 12-Bit Resolution
. 8.33ps Conversion Time
. Internal Analog Track-Hold
. 6MHz Full ..
MAX163CEWG ,CMOS 12-Bit A/D Converters With Track-and-HoldGeneral Description
The MAX163, MAX164, and MAX167 are complete
CMOS sampling 12-bit analog-to- ..
MAX4389EUT ,Ultra-Small, Low-Cost, 85MHz Op Amps with Rail-to-Rail Outputs and DisableMAX4389/MAX4390/ Ultra-Small, Low-Cost, 85MHz Op Amps withMAX4392–MAX4396 Rail-to-Rail Outputs and ..
MAX4389EUT+T ,Ultra-Small, Low-Cost, 85MHz Op Amps with Rail-to-Rail Outputs and DisableElectrical Characteristics—Single Supply(V = 5V, V = 0V, V = V /2, V = V /2, R = ∞ to V /2, DISABLE ..
MAX4390EUK ,Ultra-Small, Low-Cost, 85MHz Op Amps with Rail-to-Rail Outputs and DisableElectrical Characteristics—Single Supply (continued)(V = 5V, V = 0V, V = V /2, V = V /2, R = ∞ to V ..
MAX4390EXT+T ,Ultra-Small, Low-Cost, 85MHz Op Amps with Rail-to-Rail Outputs and DisableElectrical Characteristics—Single Supply(V = 5V, V = 0V, V = V /2, V = V /2, R = ∞ to V /2, DISABLE ..
MAX4391CPA ,CMOS Micropower Inverting Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(+VS = +6.0V, full operating temperature range unless otherwise noted ..
MAX4391CSA ,CMOS Micropower Inverting Switching RegulatorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(+VS = +6.0V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted)
MAx634 MAX4391 - ..
CMOS 12-Bit A/D Converters With Track-and-Hold
AVH/ll 2C LAY'l]
CMOS 12-Bit A/D Converters
- General Description
The MAX163, MAX164, and MAX167 are complete
CMOS sampling 12-bit analog-to-digital converters
(ADCS) that combine an on-chip track-and-hold and
voltage reference along with high conversion speed
and low power consumption. A conversion time of
8.33ps includes settling time for the track-and-hold.
An internal buried zener reference provides low drift
with low noise.
The three A/Ds differ only in their analog input range.
The MAX163 accepts 0V to +5V inputs, the MAX164
accepts AN to +5V inputs, and the MAX167's input
range is -2.5V to +2.5V. External components are
limited to only decoupling capacitors for the power
supply and reference voltages. On-chip clock circuitry
can either be driven from an external clock source or
a crystal,
The MAX163/164/167 employ a standard micro-
processor interface. Three-state data outputs can be
configured for 8- or 12-bit data buses. Data access
and bus release timing specs are compatible with
most popular microprocessors without resorting to
wait states.
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Audio and Telecom Processing
High Accuracy Process Control
High Speed Data Acquisition
Function! Diagram -
With Track-and-Mold
t 12-Bit Resolution
. 8.33ps Conversion Time
. Internal Analog Track-Hold
. 6MHz Full Power Bandwidth
. On-Chip Voltage Reference
. High Input Resistance (SOOMQ)
. 100ns Data Access Time
. 180mW (Max) Power Consumption
t AD7572/MAX162/MAX172 Plug-ln Replacement
t 24 Lead Narrow DIP and so Packages
Ordering Information
MAX167ACNG 0°C to +70°C Plastic DIP 14/; LSB
MAX167BCNG 0°C to +70°C Plastic DIP kl LSB
MAX167CCNG 0°C to +70°C Plastic DIP kl LSB
MAX167ACWG 0°C to +70°C Wide so in LSB
MAX167BCWG 0°C to +70°C Wide SO tl LSB
MAX167CCWG 0°C to +70°C Wide so "cl LSB
J1AX167AEWG -40°C to +85°C Wide so IV, LSB
MAX167BEWG -40oC_to +85°C Wide so i1 LSB
MAX167CEWG -40''C to +85°C Wide SO ll LSB
MAX167CC/D 0°C to r70oC Dice" +1 LSB
MAX167AENG 410°C to +85°C Plastic DIP i72 LSB
. All ttevlces-24 lead packages
"Consult factory for dice specifications
Ordering information Continued on last page.
Pin Configuration
I Top View
IRwK-uutu imam
J -rrtysn,
T _ NN l O V E VDD
125m - llm E El Ilss
nmmct m -= l 24 h: AGNU [Z CE BUSY
tWk,"' "slgymsih, -22vss ml [E] E] "
x2 i . nsmstsn Nil E El Ill]
[19 6 /VI/JXI/V| til KEEN
L t C MAX163 E
“fl 8Or ll8 CE MAX164 E cut UUT
comm ~13
g mm N - IV [E MAX167 E CLK IN
-it'1,, M E E UO/B
r K 05 E E] ill/9
TOU - l w M l 2/1
asf,'l, mmsmt J max 'T" mom E E] D (l
nmvERs 3mg usmmm er m m DGND E E] [13m
1 I I I
_ ry l L134”)
Jll DB Ir " I13 ll © B
IVI A X I IVI Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call ton free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
1 9L/ QL/ 891-X VW
MAX163/ 164/16 7
CMOS 12-Bit A/D Converters
With Wack-and-Hold
Vor, to DGND ............................... -02 to +7V
Vss to DGND ............................ +0.3V to -17V
AGND to DGND ..................... -02V to VDD +0.3V
AIN to AGND P_P..l_.M.-._... -15V to +15V
Digital Input Voltage to DGND ....... -0 3V to l/oo +0.3V
(Pins 17, 19-21)
Digital Output Voltage to DGND
(Pins 4-11, 13-16, 18, 22)
.... -0 3V to VDD +0.3V
Operating Temperature Ranges
MAX16XXC ............................. 0°C to +70°C
MAX16XXE ._.._.....el-...._lW. -40°C to +85°C
MAX16XXM .......................... -55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range ........... -65"C to +160°C
Power Dissipation (any Package) ............... 1000mW
Derates Above +75°C by ................... 10mW/°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 seconds) ...... +300°C
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Hatin s" may cause permanent damage to the dewce, These are stress ratings only. and
functional operation of the device at these or any other con it/ons above those indicated in the operational secnons of the specifications rs not
Woo = +5V t5%, Vss x -11.4V to -15.75V, Slow Memory Mode (see text), TA _- TMIN to TMAX, fCLK : 1.6MHz unless otherwise noted.)
Resolution 12 Bits
_ _ MAX16XB, MAX16XC i1
Integral Non-Linearity INL MAX167A 11/2 LSB
Differential Non-Linearity DNL Guaranteed Monotonic Over Temperature 11 LSB
MAX163 i4
Offset Error (Note 1) MAX164, MAX167 i6 LSB
Full Scale Error (Note 2) TA = 25°C, Includes Reference Error i10 LSB
Full Scale Tempco . o
(Notes 3, 5) Excludes Internal Reference Drift 15 ppm/ C
. . Synchronous (12.5 Clock Cycles) 7.81
Conversion Time tcorw (13 Clock Cycles) 8.13 us
Clock Frequency chx 0.1 1.6 MHz
DYNAMIC ACCURACY (Sample Rate : 100kHz)
Signal to Noise plus T = o
Distortion Ratio S/(N+D) 10KHz Input Signal, TA 25 C 70 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion THD 10kHz Input Signal, MAX167 -80 dB
(up to the 5th harmonic) TA = 25°C MAX163, MAX164 -76
Peak Harmonic or 10kHz Input Signal, MAX167 -80 dB
Spurious Noise TA : 25''C MAX163, MAX164 -76
Full Power In Track Mode, 6 MHz
Sampling Bandwidth Under Sampled Waveform
Input Voltage Range ,hj/ld11fd d, l' V
(Note 4) MAX167 -2.5 +2.5
Input Leakage Current tl pp l
Input Capacitance (Note 5) 20 pF
Acquisition Time Ms