(VDD = +5V 15%, Vss = -15V 15%;Slow Memory Mode; TA = TMIN to TMAX un ..
MAX162ACNG+ ,Complete High-Speed CMOS, 12-Bit ADCapplications, can be used
with a crystal.
The MAX162/MX7572 uses a standard microprocessor
int ..
MAX162BCNG ,Complete High-Speed CMOS 12-Bit ADCFeatures
. 12-Blt Resolution and Llnelrlty
. bs (MAX162), bs and 12p: (.ux7572)
Convmlon Times
MAX162BCWG ,Complete High-Speed CMOS 12-Bit ADCApplications
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
High Accuracy Process Control
High Speed Data Acq ..
MAX162BCWG+ ,Complete High-Speed CMOS, 12-Bit ADC19-0895; Rev l; 3/91
Complete High-Speed CMOS 12-Bit ADC
General Ducrlption
MAX162CCNG+ ,Complete High-Speed CMOS, 12-Bit ADCApplications
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
High Accuracy Process Control
High Speed Data Acq ..
MAX4372TESA ,Low-Cost / SOT23 / Micropower / High-Side Current-Sense Amplifier with Voltage OutputFeaturesThe MAX4372 low-cost, precision, high-side current-♦ Low-Cost, Compact Current-Sense Soluti ..
MAX4372TESA+ ,Low-Cost, UCSP/SOT23, Micropower, High-Side Current-Sense Amplifier with Voltage Outputfeatures a voltage output that eliminates the need ● 0.3mV Input Offset Voltagefor gain-setting res ..
MAX4372TEUK ,Low-Cost, UCSP/SOT23, Micropower, High-Side Current-Sense Amplifier with Voltage OutputMAX4372T/F/H Low-Cost, UCSP/SOT23, Micropower, High-Side Current-Sense Amplifier with Voltage Output
MAX4372TEUK+ ,Low-Cost, UCSP/SOT23, Micropower, High-Side Current-Sense Amplifier with Voltage Outputapplications, refer to the MAX4372TEUK+T -40°C to +85°C 5 SOT23 ADIUMAX4173T/F/H data sheet.MAX4372 ..
MAX4372TEUK+T ,Low-Cost, UCSP/SOT23, Micropower, High-Side Current-Sense Amplifier with Voltage OutputApplications+Denotes lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package.● Power-Management SystemsT = Tape and re ..
MAX4372TEUK-T ,Low-Cost / SOT23 / Micropower / High-Side Current-Sense Amplifier with Voltage Outputfeatures a voltage output that elimi-nates the need for gain-setting resistors and is ideal for♦ Lo ..
Complete High-Speed CMOS, 12-Bit ADC
19-0895; Rev 1; 3191
Complette M'iiglhMhpaadl (tWdlit2)S #243171 ADC
_--.---.--.--.---.- General Description Features
The MAX162 and MX7572 are complete 12-Bit analog- 0 12-Bit Resolution and Linearity
to-digital converters (ADC's) that combine high speed,
low power consumption, and an on-chip voltage . tg,,felg"K,se and IRprs ("”57”
reference. The conversion times are 3ps (MAX162)
and 5 and 12ps (MX7572). The buried zener reference 0 No missing Codes
provides low drift and low noise performance. t On-Chlp WW Retemnce
External component requirements are limited to only
decoupling capacitors for the power supply and 0 ttthte Access Time
reference voltages. On-chip clock circuitry is also 0 215mw Max Power Consumption
included which can either be driven from an external
source, or in stand-alone applications, can be used 0 24-Lead Narrow mp Package
with a crystal.
The MAX162/MX7572 uses a standard microprocessor Ordering Information
interface architecturg._Three-state data oMputs are ERROR
controlled by Read (RD) and Chip Select (CS) inputs. PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE. (LSB)
Data access and bus release times of 90 and 75ns _
respectively ensure compatibility with most popular aps CONVERSION TIME _
microprocessors without resorting to wait states. MAX162ACNG ty'C to +70°C Plastic DIP *1/2
Applications MAX162BCNG 0°C to +70°C Plastic DIP t1
MAX162CCNG 0°C to +70°C Plastic DIP tl
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) MAX162ACWG 0°C to +290 Wide so 11/2
High Accuracy Process Control MAX162BCWG 0°C to +70°C Wide SO tl
High Speed Data Acquisition MAX162CCWG O C to +70 C Wide SO tl
. MAX162CCID 0°C to +70°C Dice" tl
Electro-Mechanical Systems MAX162AING -40°c to +85°C Plastic DIP :1/2
MAX162BING -40°C to +85°C Plastic DIP tl
- . MAX162CINt3 -40°C to +85°C Plastic DIP tl
Funetiomat Dlagmm MAX162AMRG -55°C to +125°C CERDIP ella
MAX162BMRG -55''C to +125°C CERDIP tl
MAX1620MRG -55°C to +125°C CERDIP tl
Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.
m V." " 'All devices-44 lead packages
" l I " Consult factory for dice specifications.
Lien ‘E
As mm F . " ll Pm Configuration
#3Hh = tr--lltt
mgggg mum» Am t V E Van
Vnsr E El Vss
I2-IIT urcu __2_2_ g RENO E E tl'irsr-
4 ' _ ”$331 l-Ire, 0111: E E
(itll mo E E] M
- a uumnmn ' Lin“ MAXIM
- IN E El "BEN
' f MAX162
Jlh'l, "lt/dll" mm“ _ m E E] cmcx m
"WE“ mum: - cut "I M E E M/ll
J-. LJ‘ It 3:1un Ei to E M/il
an n3 m M tram mm M u E] ilMll
new a E] na/n
utMM2CLtM Maxim Integrated Products 1
& the latest literature: http://www.maxIm-Ic.cam, .
For small orders, phone 1-800-835-8769.
MAXfl 62/MX75 72
Complete Mralh-Sposdl CMQ§ 'il2-IBiit ADC
vDD to DGND ............................. -o.3v to +7V
Vss to DGND ............................. +0.3V to -17V
AGND to DGND ...................... -0.3V, VDD + 0.3V
AIN to AGND ............................. -15V to +15V
Digital Input Voltage to DGND ........ -0.3V, Von + 0.3V
(Pins 17, 19-21)
Digital Output Voltage to DGND ...... -0.3V, Voo + 0.3V
(pins 4-11, 13-16, 18, 22)
Operating Temperature Ranges
MAX162XC, MX7572JN, KN, LN,
JCWG, KCWG, LCWG .................. tPC to +7ty'C
MAX162XI. MX7572AQ, BO, CO ...... -25''C to '85''C
MAX162XM, MX7572SQ, TO, UQ .... -55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range ........... -65''C to +160°C
Power Dissipation (any Package) to +75°C ..... 1000mw
Derates Above +75''C by .................... 10mW/°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 seconds) ....... +30tPC
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratirys" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and
functional operation of the device at these or any other con
tions above those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not
implied. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(VDD = +5V 15%. vss = -15V 15%; Slow Memory Mode; TA = TMIN to TMAx unless otherwise noted.
fCLK = 4MHz for MAX162, 2_5MHz for MX7572XX05 and 1MHz for MX7572XX12)
Resolution 12 Bits
MAX162A, MX7572L/C/U TA = 25''C _+1/2
Integral Nori-Linearity INL MAX162AC, Al, MX7572L/C 1112 LSB
MAX162AM, MX7572U :3/4
MAX162B/C, MX7572K/B/T/J/A/S url
Differential Non-Linearity DNL Guaranteed Monotonic Over Temp. Al LSB
MAX162C, TA = 25°C bl
MX7572J/A/S TA = TMIN to TMAX t6
MAX162B, TA = 25°C t3
Offset Error (Note 1) MX7572K/B/T TA = TMIN to TMAX t5 LSB
MAX162A, TA = 25°C :3
MX7572L/C/U TA = TMIN to TMAX i4
MAX162C, _ .
MX7572J/A/S TA - 25 C :15
Full Scale Error (Note 2) m§51§22E/Bn TA = 25''C t10 LSB
MAX162A, _ "
MX7572L/C/U TA - 25 C 110
MAX162C, MX7572J/A/S :45 ©
Full Scale Tempco (Notes 3, 4) MAX162B/A, MX7572K/B/T, MX7572L/C/U :25 ppm/ C
Input Voltage Range For Bipolar Input see Figures 19-21 0 5 V
Input Current AlN = 0V to +5V 3.5 mA
VREF Output Voltage TA = 25°C -5.2 -5.25 -5.3 V
MAX1620, MX7572J/A/S 40 a
VREF Output Tempco (Note 5) MAX162B/A, MX7572K/B/T, MX7572L/C/U 2o ppm/ C
Output Current Sink Capability (Note 6) 500 pA