MAX161BCWI ,CMOS 8-Bit 8Channel Data Acquisition SystemApplications
Digital Signal Processing
Data Loggers
Automatic Test Equipment
Pr ..
MAX161BCWI+ ,CMOS, 20µs, 8-Bit, 8-Channel Data Acquisition SystemELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +5V, VREF = -10V, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise specifie ..
MAX161CMJI ,CMOS 8-Bit 8Channel Data Acquisition SystemFeatures
. Fast Conversion Tlme: 20psec (MAX161)
. No Missing Codes Over Temperature
. On ..
MAX1620EEE ,Digitally Adjustable LCD Bias SuppliesApplicationsNotebook ComputersTypical Operating CircuitPalmtop ComputersPersonal Digital Assistants ..
MAX1620EEE+ ,Digitally Adjustable LCD Bias SuppliesApplicationsNotebook ComputersTypical Operating CircuitPalmtop ComputersPersonal Digital Assistants ..
MAX1620EEE-T ,Digitally Adjustable LCD Bias SuppliesFeaturesThe MAX1620/MAX1621 convert a 1.8V to 20V battery♦ 1.8V to 20V Battery Input Voltagevoltage ..
MAX4356ECD+ ,16 x 16 Nonblocking Video Crosspoint Switch with On-Screen Display Insertion and I/O BuffersApplicationsSecurity Systems Functional DiagramVideo RoutingOSDFILL1Video-on-Demand SystemsOSDFILL0 ..
MAX4357ECD+D ,32 x 16 Nonblocking Video Crosspoint Switch with I/O BuffersApplicationsMAX4357ECD -40°C to +85°C 128 TQFPSecurity SystemsPin Configuration appears at end of d ..
MAX4358ECE ,32 x 16 Nonblocking Video Crosspoint Switch with On-Screen Display Insertion and I/O BuffersApplicationsSecurity SystemsOSDFILL1OSDFILL0 OSDFILL15Video RoutingVideo-On-Demand SystemsMAX4358IN ..
MAX4359EAX ,Low-Cost 4x4 / 8x4 / 8x8 Video Crosspoint Switchesapplications demandingMAX4360EAX -40°C to +85°C 36 SSOPbetter DC specifications, see the MAX456 8x8 ..
MAX4359EAX+ ,Low-Cost 4x4, 8x4, 8x8 Video Crosspoint SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX4359/MAX4360/MAX4456 low-cost video cross- ♦ Eight (MAX4456) or Four (MAX4359/MAX436 ..
MAX4359EAX+ ,Low-Cost 4x4, 8x4, 8x8 Video Crosspoint SwitchesApplications40 Plastic DIPMAX4456EPL -40°C to +85°C P40-1High-Speed Signal Video Test Equipment44 P ..
CMOS 8-Bit 8Channel Data Acquisition System
1r)-0eC,U Ray f r/95
General Description
The MAX161 and MX7581 are CMOS single-chip 8-tit,
8-channel data acquisition systems (DAS). Each chip
includes an 8-bit A/D converter, 8-channel multi-
plexer, 8 x 8 dual port RAM with contention logic, and
microprocessor compatible I/O logic. When combined
with a voltage reference, a complete data acquisition
system is produced that interfaces with the majority
of microprocessors.
Conversions take place on a continuous, channel
sequencing basis using a microprocessor clock or
control signal. Data is stored automatically in dual
port RAM so that any channel can be read at any
time under microprocessor control.
The MAX161 is an enhanced, pin-compatible version
of the MX7581. Improvements include faster conver-
sion and interface timing, lower zero error and drift,
reduced power dissipation, and availability in military
temperature grades. All devices are available in 28
pin DIP and Small Outline (SO) packages.
Digital Signal Processing
Data Loggers
Automatic Test Equipment
Process Control
__ Functional Diagram
nuuu vuu Vm Burs
AlMi-NNV- n
um um;
'IN3--NA6-- mo
'lrtt-V6-- h -
"I----- asnnAc J
1mm nu ma
nmvms mmonv
”57W” APPnnxmmou
4 4 4 t t
mrzmcnuu _ Anunzss
comm um LATEHES
MAX161 MX7581
CMOS 8-Bit 8-Channel
Data Acquisition System
. Fast ConversIon Time: zousec (MAX161)
. No Missing Codes Over Temperature
t On Chip 8 It 8 Dual Port RAM
. Interfaces Directly To 280/8085/6800
. Ratiometric Capability
. Interleaved DMA Operation
Ordering Information
MAX161ACPI 0°C to +70°C Plastic DIP 1 vTsLsis"
MAX161BCPI 0°C to 170°C Plasuc DIP I3/4 LSB
MAX161CCPI 0°Cto+70°C Plastic DIP 1/2 LSB
MAX161ACWI 0° C to +70° C Small Outline 1-7/5 LSB
MAX161BCWI 0°C to ~70°c Small Outline 3/4 LSB
MAX161CCWl one to +70°C Small Outline ld L373
MAX161CC/D 0''C to +70°C Dice - 1 7/8 LSB
MAX161AEPI -40°C to +85°C Plastic DIP 1%, LSB
MAX161BEPI -40''C to +85°C Plastic DIP 3/4 L38
1 MAX161CEPI -40''C to +85°C Plastic DIP 1/2 LSB
MAX161AEWAI -40''C to +85°C Small Outline 1 7/8 L81
MAX161BEWI -40c'C to 185°C Small omnné 3/4 LSB
MAX161CEWI -40''C to 185°C A smomlmei‘ 1/2 LSB
MAX161AMJI -55°c to +125°C CERDIP" 1 7/8 LSB
MAX161BMJI -55''Cto +125 C CERDIP" 3/4 LSB
1 MAX161CMJI -55''Cto 42570 CERDIP" 112%
. All devices - 28 lead packages
.. Maxim reserves the right to ship Ceramic Packages in lieu of
CERDIP Packages.
Ordering Information continued on last page‘
Pin Configuration
Top View
hrs E E Van
NIO LE E [160 1881
Mili CT Tii] DBI
AINS 7 25 I152
AIM 5 t4 DB3
AINS 5 A [le
Alll [T" IVI/lXI/VI Z" DB5
AINI CC MAY,16t Lr-g [186
A1140 1: MX7581 To] 037 [M88]
Vnsr [TL "l k
M CE 11 Al
3151 CE CCI Al)
Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call to" free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
CMOS 8-Bit 8-Channel
Data Acquisition System
Von to AGND ........................................... +7V
Vooto DGND .... ............. 'rv
AGND to DGND .................................. AMV, VDD
Digital Input Voltage to DGND
(pins13,16-19) ................................... -0.3V, Von
Digital Output Voltage to DGND
(pins12.20-27) .................................. A.3V, VDD
CLK (pin 15) input voltage to DGND ................. -0.3V, Von
PRES (pin 10) to AGND ........................... t25V
Visors (pin 1) to AGND ....... t17V
AIN (0-7) (pins 9-2) .................................... t17V
Operating Temperature Range
MAX161XC,MX7581J/K/L ..................... 0°C to +70°C
MX7581A/B/C .............. .. -25°C to +85°C
MAX161XE .. M0''Cto +85°C
MAX161XM.MX7581S/T/U _.. F... .. -55''C TO v125°C
Storage Temperature Range .................. -65°C to +150‘I C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 secs) ................. +300° C
Power Dissipation (Package)
Plastic DIP (Derate 12mW/''C above +50°C) ......... 1200mw
Ceramic (Derate 10mW/“C above +50°C) ........... 1000mW
CERDIP (Derate 10mW/°C above +50°C) ........... 1000mW
SmallOutline(0erate12mW/°C above 60°C) ...... 1000mW
Stresses above those listed under "Absolure Maximum Ratings" may cause palmansm damage to the demos, These are stress ratogs only and luncnonal
operat/on of the demos at these or any other conditions above moss Analcared 1n the opsralvonal sections of the sptrcihcatsons is nor implied Exposure to
absolute mammum rating conditions tor extended periods may affect dewce reliability
(Von = r5V, VREF : -10V, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise specified)
ACCURACY (at ICLK = 4.0MHz tor MAX161, 1.2MHztor MX7581) l
Resolution 8 Bits
MAX181A, MX7581J/A/S ty. tl',
Relative Accuracy MAX161B, MX7581K/B/T _ IV: t-'a LSB
MAX161C, MX7581L/C/U td :'-2 l
MAX161A, MX75B1J/A/S t% L1"a
Lyifferential Nonlinearity MAX161B, MX7581K/B/T tre th LSB
MAX161C, MX7581L/C/U t‘u th
Adlusiable to zero MAX161A t60 +120
_ MAX1618 t40 ur60 I
Dttset Error MAX151C .20 t40 mV l
(See Flame 5, Note 1) MX7581J/A/S :60 :200
MX7581K/B/T +40 t80 l
1 MX7581L/C/U t20 t50
Adjustable to zero MAX161A, MX75810/A/S t3 t6
2,: Em," 1fj"2,e2" } MAX161B, MX7581K/B/T +2 14 LSB
ee gu e ' o e ) l MAX161C, MX7581L/C/U tl t2
Adjustable to zero MAX161A, MX75810/A/S 2 3 I
IC," mailer: game” Channels l _ MAX161B, MX7581K/B/T 1 2 LSB
T 9 1 MAX161C, MX7581L/C/U 't 1 l
Borg Gao Error (Note 3) ) I - - - tl _r-fe.
__-_- l -
Input Resistance at Vpgp. 1 _
Borer and AlN7-AIN0 Ro Pins 1 to 10 (Note 4) 10 20 30 I k!)
Vrwr(ForSpecdied _ _ r
Performance) l VREF _ 105 9 b V
V115; Range I 1 -5)/ to -15V V "
_ -Unipoiar Mode (See Figure 5) 0 +Vng
NominalAnaloglnput Range -Umptalar Mode (See Frgure 7) Mess )VO 1 V
Bipolar Mode (See Figure 9) 'VBops (/f/ _
*7 1 V - ems -
Logrc HIGH Threshold lhro, +24 12 0
Logo LOW Threshold Vw. '12
Inp_.l Leakage Current I111 [ VW = 0V or V00 0 Ol
fropulCapacitance l Co (Note 5) L 4
lVl/J X I/Vl