MAX1575ETE ,White LED 1x/1.5x Charge Pump for Main and Sub-DisplaysFeaturesThe MAX1575 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assem-♦ Powers 4 Main and 2 Sub-Display LEDs ..
MAX1575ETE+ ,White LED 1x/1.5x Charge Pump for Main and Sub-DisplaysFeaturesThe MAX1575 charge pump drives up to four white♦ Powers Main and Sub-Display LEDsLEDs in th ..
MAX1575ETE+ ,White LED 1x/1.5x Charge Pump for Main and Sub-DisplaysApplications+ Denotes lead-free package.Cell Phones with Main and Sub-DisplaysTypical Operating Cir ..
MAX1575ETE+T ,White LED 1x/1.5x Charge Pump for Main and Sub-DisplaysELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 3.6V, V = 0V, ENM = ENS = IN, R = 6.81kΩ, C = C1 = C2 = C = 1µF, T = ..
MAX1576ETG ,480mA White LED 1x/1.5x/2x Charge Pump for Backlighting and Camera FlashELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to V , T = – 40° to 130°C* unless otherwise indicat ..
MAX1576ETG+ ,480mA White LED 1x/1.5x/2x Charge Pump for Backlighting and Camera FlashELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 3.6V, V = V = V = 0V, ENM1 = ENM2 = ENF1 = ENF2 = IN, R = R = 6.8kΩ, ..
MAX4239AUT#TG16 ,Ultra-Low Offset/Drift, Low-Noise, Precision SOT23 AmplifiersFeaturesThe MAX4238/MAX4239 are low-noise, low-drift, ultra- ● DC Performance Ideal for High-Precis ..
MAX423CPD ,【15 Volt Chopper Stabilized Operational AmplifierGeneral Description
The MAX420, 421, 422, and 423 are a series of i15V
CMOS chopper-stabilized ..
MAX423EPD ,【15 Volt Chopper Stabilized Operational Amplifierapplications. These devices offer input offset
and drift specification superior to previous "preci ..
MAX4240EUK+ ,Single/Dual/Quad, +1.8V/10µA, SOT23, Beyond-the-Rails Op AmpsApplicationsMAX4242EUA -40°C to +85°C 8 µMAX —Two-Cell Battery- Strain GaugesMAX4242ESA -40°C to +8 ..
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MAX4240EUK-T ,Single/Dual/Quad / !.8V/10A / SOT23 / Beyond-the-Rails Op AmpsFeaturesThe MAX4240–MAX4244 family of micropower op amps' Ultra-Low-Voltage Operation:operate from ..
White LED 1x/1.5x Charge Pump for Main and Sub-Displays
General DescriptionThe MAX1575 evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assem-
bled and tested circuit for evaluating the MAX1575
white LED 1x/1.5x charge pump. The MAX1575 drives
4 white LEDs in a main display group and 2 white LEDs
in a sub-group. These 6 surface-mount white LEDs are
included on the EV kit. In addition to the LED driver cir-
cuit, the EV kit includes two pulse-generator circuits on
the left side of the PC board that are used for testing
the single-wire serial pulse-dimming feature of the
FeaturesPowers 4 Main and 2 Sub-Display LEDsAverage 85% Efficiency (PLED / PBATT) over Li+
Battery Discharge1.5% LED Current MatchingAdaptive 1x/1.5x Mode SwitchoverLow Input Ripple and EMIIndividual 5% to 100% Brightness Single-Wire
Serial Pulse Dimming2.7V to 5.5V Supply Voltage RangeThin QFN 4mm x 4mm IC PackageFully Assembled and Tested
Evaluates: MAX1575
MAX1575 Evaluation Kit19-3335; Rev 0; 7/04
Quick Start
Recommended EquipmentA 2.7V to 5.5V power supply or battery capable of
delivering 200mA.
Follow the steps below to verify board operation.Verify that shunts are connected across pins 1-2 of
jumpers JU2 and JU3.Preset the power supply to between 2.7V and 5.5V.Turn off the power supply. Do not turn on the power
supply until all connections are completed.Connect the positive power supply terminal to the
pad on the EV kit labeled IN.Connect the power supply ground terminal to the
pad on the EV kit labeled GND.Turn on the power supply and verify that the LEDs
are lit.
See the Detailed Descriptionsection for testing the
dimming and shutdown features.
Ordering Information
Detailed Description
LED DimmingTo test the dimming feature, press the button labeled
DIM MAIN or DIM SUB. Each of the first nine button
presses dims the corresponding group of LEDs by
10%. The tenth press dims the LEDs by 5%, and the
eleventh press returns the LEDs to full brightness. Refer
to the MAX1575 data sheet for more information on the
dimming feature.
Using External Pulse Generators for DimmingTo use external pulse generators in place of the pulse
generators included with the EV kit, simply connect the
outputs of the external pulse generators to EN_MAIN
for the main display dimming, and EN_SUB for the sub-
display dimming. The grounds of the external pulse
generators should be connected to the EV kit pad
labeled GND. Short pins 1-2 of jumpers JU2 and JU3.
Note that there are 10kΩpullup resistors from
EN_MAIN and EN_SUB to IN on the EV kit.
Adjusting the 100% Brightness LevelThe full-brightness LED current is adjusted by chang-
ing the resistor R1. Calculate the value of R1 with the
following equation, where ILED_is the current through
one of the LEDs with the dimming set to 100%.
ShutdownTwo jumpers are included on the EV kit for shutting
down each of the displays. To turn off the main LED
group, short pins 2-3 of JU2. To turn off the sub-LED
group, short pins 2-3 of JU3. Note that with pins 2-3 of
JU2 or JU3 shorted, power is disconnected from the
corresponding pulse-generator circuit on the left side of
the board. To place the MAX1575 in low-power shut-
down mode and disconnect power from both pulse-
generator circuits, short pins 2-3 of both JU2 and JU3.
Changing the Number of LEDsThe EV kit comes with 6 LEDs installed, 4 for the main
display and 2 for the sub-display. To use fewer LEDs,
locate the small pad next to the LED to be removed and
connect it to the pad on the EV kit labeled IN.
Connecting External LEDsTo connect external LEDs to the MAX1575 EV kit, cut
the trace shorting JU1. Connect the anodes of all the
external LEDs to the small pad labeled OUT. Connect
the cathodes to the small pads next to D1–D6 (D1–D4
for the main LEDs, D5–D6 for the sub-LEDs). Connect
any unused pads (D1–D6) to IN.
Evaluates: MAX1575
MAX1575 Evaluation Kit
Component Suppliers
Evaluates: MAX1575
MAX1575 Evaluation KitFigure 1. MAX1575 EV Kit Schematic
Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are
implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.
Evaluates: MAX1575
MAX1575 Evaluation KitFigure 2. MAX1575 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—
Component Side
Figure 4. MAX1575 EV Kit Layout—Solder Side
Figure 3. MAX1575 EV Kit Layout—Component Side
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