MAX15059BETE+T ,76V, 300mW Boost Converter and Current Monitor for APD Bias Applications
MAX15066EWE+T ,High-Efficiency, 4A, Step-Down DC-DC Regulator with Internal Power SwitchesApplicationsCOMPPGOOD● Distributed Power SystemsSS● Preregulators for Linear RegulatorsGND● Home En ..
MAX1507ETA+ ,Linear Li+ Battery Charger with Integrated Pass FET and Thermal Regulation in 3mm x 3mm Thin DFNApplications MAX1507ETA-T -40°C to +85°C 8 Thin DFN-EP* AGWMAX1507ETA+T -40°C to +85°C 8 Thin DFN-E ..
MAX1508ETA ,Linear Li Battery Charger with Integrated Pass FET / Thermal Regulation / and ACOKin 3mm x 3mm TDFNFeaturesThe MAX1508 is an intelligent, stand-alone constant-cur- Stand-Alone Linear 1-Cell Li+ Ba ..
MAX1508ETA+ ,Linear Li+ Battery Charger with Integrated Pass FET, Thermal Regulation, and ACOK Flag in 3mm x 3mm TDFNApplications +Denotes lead-free package.Cellular and Cordless PhonesOrdering Information continued ..
MAX1508ETA+T ,Linear Li+ Battery Charger with Integrated Pass FET, Thermal Regulation, and ACOK Flag in 3mm x 3mm TDFNMAX1508/MAX1508Y/MAX1508Z19-2890; Rev 2; 8/05Linear Li+ Battery Charger with Integrated Pass FET,Th ..
MAX4134ESD+ ,Single/Dual/Quad, Wide-Bandwidth, Low-Power, Single-Supply Rail-to-Rail I/O Op AmpsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V = +2.7V to +6.5V, V = 0V, V = 0V, V = V /2, R tied to V /2 ..
MAX4135EWG+ ,1-Input/6-Output Video Distribution AmplifiersApplicationsOUT23 22 SEL3Video Switching and DistributionAGND4 21AGNDHigh-Resolution RGB CRT Monito ..
MAX4137EWG+ ,1-Input/4-Output Video Distribution AmplifiersApplicationsAGND 4 21 AGNDVideo Switching and DistributionMAX41375OUT2 20 IN+High-Resolution RGB CR ..
MAX4141CSD ,330MHz / 4x1 Precision Video MultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = ±5V, -2.5V ≤ V ≤ +2.5V, R = 5kΩ, C = 5pF, T = 0°C to +70°C, unless o ..
MAX4142ESD ,250MHz / Low-Power / High-Output-Current / Differential Line DriverELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +5V, V = -5V, SHDN = 0, R = ¥ , T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. ..
MAX4144EEE ,High-Speed / Low-Distortion / Differential Line ReceiversApplications' 800V/µs Slew RateDifferential to Single-Ended Conversion' 90dB CMR at 10MHzTwisted-Pa ..
76V, 300mW Boost Converter and Current Monitor for APD Bias Applications