MAX1480AEPI ,Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Data InterfaceFeaturesThe MAX1480A/MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490A/ ' Isolated Data Interface, Typically to 1600VRMSMA ..
MAX1480AEPI ,Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Data InterfaceMAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B19-0259; Rev 2a; 2/98Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Data Interface_______ ..
MAX1480AEPI+ ,Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Data InterfaceGeneral Description Next-Generation Device
MAX1480BCPI ,Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Data InterfaceGeneral Description ________
MAX1480BCPI+ ,Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Data InterfaceApplicationstransformer provide a complete interface in a standardMAX3157: High CMRR, RS-485 Transc ..
MAX1480BEPI ,Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Data InterfaceApplicationsRO 14 ISO V11 CC2Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Data InterfaceGND2 12 13 ISO RO LEDTransceivers ..
MAX405CPA ,Precision Video Buffer AmplifierGeneral Description
The MAX405 high-speed, precision buffer amplifier
guarantees a minimum gain ..
MAX406 ,Single, Dual, Quad, 1.2µA Max, Single-Supply Op AmpsFeatures
. 1.2pA Max Quiescent Current per Amplifier
. +2.5V to +1OV Single-Supply Range
. 500 ..
MAX4060EUA ,Differential Microphone Preamplifiers with Internal Bias and Complete ShutdownELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 3V for MAX4061/MAX4062, V = 5V for MAX4060, GND = 0V, SHDN = V , INT ..
MAX4060EUA ,Differential Microphone Preamplifiers with Internal Bias and Complete Shutdownapplications in portable audio systems. Low Input-Referred Noise Integrated Microphone BiasThe M ..
MAX4060EUA ,Differential Microphone Preamplifiers with Internal Bias and Complete ShutdownApplicationsBIAS4Notebook Audio USB Audio PeripheralsVCCSystemsAES-42-CompliantTablet PCs Microphon ..
MAX4062EUB+T ,Differential Microphone Preamplifiers with Internal Bias and Complete ShutdownApplicationsBIAS4Notebook Audio USB Audio PeripheralsVCCSystemsAES-42-CompliantTablet PCs Microphon ..
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422 Data Interface
_________________General DescriptionThe MAX1480A/MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490A/
MAX1490B are complete, electrically isolated, RS-485/
RS-422 data-communications interface solutions in a
hybrid microcircuit. Transceivers, optocouplers, and a
transformer provide a complete interface in a standard
DIP package. A single +5V supply on the logic side pow-
ers both sides of the interface.
The MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490B feature reduced-
slew-rate drivers that minimize EMI and reduce reflec-
tions caused by improperly terminated cables, allowing
error-free data transmission at data rates up to 250kbps.
The MAX1480A/MAX1490A driver slew rate is not limited,
allowing transmission rates up to 2.5Mbps. The
MAX1480A/B/C are designed for half-duplex communi-
cation, while the MAX1490A/B feature full-duplex com-
Drivers are short-circuit current limited and protected
against excessive power dissipation by thermal shut-
down circuitry that places the driver outputs into a high-
impedance state. The receiver input has a fail-safe
feature that guarantees a known output (ROlow for the
MAX1480A/B/C, RO high for the MAX1490A/B/C) if the
input is open circuit.
The MAX1480A/MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490A/
MAX1490B typically withstand 1600VRMS(1 minute) or
2000VRMS(1 second). Their isolated outputs meet all
RS-485/RS-422 specifications. The MAX1480A/B/C are
available in a 28-pin DIP package, and the MAX1490A/B
are available in a 24-pin DIP package.
________________________ApplicationsIsolated RS-485/RS-422 Data Interface
Transceivers for EMI-Sensitive Applications
Industrial-Control Local Area Networks
Automatic Test Equipment
HVAC/Building Control Networks
____________________________FeaturesIsolated Data Interface, Typically to 1600VRMS
(1 minute)Slew-Rate Limited for Errorless Data
Transmission (MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490B)High-Speed, Isolated, 2.5Mbps RS-485/RS-422
Interface (MAX1480A/MAX1490A)Full-Duplex Data Communication (MAX1490A/B)-7V to +12V Common-Mode Input Voltage Range
with Respect to Isolated GroundSingle +5V SupplyCurrent Limiting and Thermal Shutdown for
Driver Overload ProtectionStandard 0.6" DIP Package:
28-Pin DIP (MAX1480A/B/C)
24-Pin DIP (MAX1490A/B)
MAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422
Data Interface
__________________Pin Configurations19-0259; Rev 2a; 2/98
MAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422
Data Interface
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VCC_= 5V ±10%, VFS= VCC_, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC_= 5V and TA= +25°C.)
(Notes 1, 2)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
With Respect to GND_
Supply Voltage (VCC_)...........................................-0.3V to +6V
Control Input Voltage (SD, FS)...............-0.3V to (VCC_+ 0.3V)
Receiver Output Voltage (RO, RO)........-0.3V to (VCC_+ 0.3V)
Output Switch Voltage (D1, D2)........................................+12V
With Respect to ISO COM_
Control Input Voltage (ISO DE_ )....-0.3V to (ISO VCC_+ 0.3V)
Driver Input Voltage (ISO DI_ ).......-0.3V to (ISO VCC_+ 0.3V)
Receiver Output Voltage (ISO RO_)...-0.3V to (ISO VCC_+ 0.3V)
Driver Output Voltage (A, B, Y, Z )......................-8V to +12.5V
Receiver Input Voltage (A, B)..............................-8V to +12.5V
LED Forward Current (DI, DE, ISO RO LED)......................50mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA= +70°C)
24-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 8.7mW°C above +70°C).....696mW
28-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C)..727mW
Operating Temperature Ranges
MAX1480_CPI/MAX1490_CPI..............................0°C to +70°C
MAX1480_EPI/MAX1490_EPI...........................-40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
MAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422
Data Interface
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(VCC_= 5V ±10%, VFS= VCC_, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC_= 5V and TA= +25°C.)
(Notes 1, 2)
SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS—MAX1480A/MAX1490A(VCC_= 5V ±10%, FS = VCC_, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC_= 5V and TA= +25°C.)
MAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422
Data Interface
Note 1:All currents into device pins are positive; all currents out of device pins are negative. All voltages are referenced to logic-
side ground (GND_), unless otherwise specified.
Note 2:For DE´and DI´pin descriptions, see Detailed Block Diagram and Typical Application Circuit (Figure 1 for MAX1480A/
MAX1480B/MAX1480C, Figure 2 for MAX1490A/MAX1490B).
Note 3:Shutdown supply current is the current at VCC1and VCC2when shutdown is enabled.
Note 4:Applies to peak current (see Typical Operating Characteristics). Although the MAX1480A/B/C and MAX1490A/B provide
electrical isolation between logic ground and signal paths, they do not provide isolation between external shields and the
signal paths (see Isolated Common Connectionsection).
SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS—MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490B(VCC_= 5V ±10%, FS = VCC_, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VCC_= 5V and TA= +25°C.)
MAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422
Data Interface
__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (VCC_= 5V, FS = VCC_, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
MAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422
Data Interface
_____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VCC_= 5V, FS = VCC_, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
MAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422
Data Interface
_____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VCC_= 5V, FS = VCC_, VDI´= 0V, DE´toggled 0V to 5V at 5kHz, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
MAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422
Data Interface
_____________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(VCC_= 5V, FS = VCC_, DE´= VCC_, VDI´= 0V to 5V at 1.25MHz, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
MAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422
Data Interface
________________________________________________________________Pin Description
MAX1480A/B/C, MAX1490A/B
Complete, Isolated RS-485/RS-422
Data Interface
_______________Detailed DescriptionThe MAX1480A/MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490A/
MAX1490B are complete, electrically isolated, RS-485/
RS-422 data-communications interface solutions.
Transceivers, optocouplers, a power driver, and a
transformer in one standard 28-pin DIP package (24-
pin for the MAX1490A/B) provide a complete interface.
Signals and power are internally transported across the
isolation barrier (Figures 1, 2). Power is transferred from
the logic side (non-isolated side) to the isolated side of
the barrier through a center-tapped transformer.
Signals cross the barrier through high-speed optocou-
plers. A single +5V supply on the logic side powers
both sides of the interface. The MAX1480A/B/C offer
half-duplex communications while the MAX1490A/B
feature full-duplex communication. The functional
input/output relationships are shown in Tables 3–6.
The MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490B feature reduced-
slew-rate drivers that minimize EMI and reduce reflec-
tions caused by improperly terminated cables, allowing
error-free transmission at data rates up to 250kbps. The
MAX1480A/MAX1490A driver slew rate is not limited,
allowing transmission rates up to 2.5Mbps.
The MAX1480B/MAX1480C/MAX1490B shutdown feature
reduces supply current to as low as 0.2µA by using the
SD pin (see Low-Power Shutdown Mode section).
Use the FS pin to select between high and low switching
frequencies for the isolated power driver. The driver
switches at the lower frequency 535kHz when FS is low,
and at the higher frequency 725kHz when FS is high. The
FS pin has a weak internal pull-up that switches the
device to the high-frequency mode when FS is left
unconnected. With FS high or open, no-load supply
current is reduced by approximately 4mA, and by up to
8mA when fully loaded. For optimal performance and
minimal supply current, connect FS to VCC_or leave
Drivers are short-circuit current limited and are protect-
ed against excessive power dissipation by thermal
shutdown circuitry that puts the driver outputs into a
high-impedance state. The receiver input has a fail-safe
feature that guarantees a logic-high RO (logic-low RO)
output if the input is open circuit.
On the MAX1480A/B/C, the driver outputs are enabled
by bringing DE´high. Driver-enable times are typically
0.2µs for the MAX1480A, 35µs for the MAX1480B, and
0.5µs for the MAX1480C. Allow time for the devices to be
enabled before sending data (see the Driver Enable
Time vs. Temperature graph in the Typical Operating
Characteristics). When enabled, driver outputs function
as line drivers. Driver outputs are high impedance when
DE´is low. While outputs are high impedance, they func-
tion as line receivers.
___________________________________________________Pin Description (continued)
Note:For DE´and DI´pin descriptions, see Detailed Block Diagram and Typical Application Circuit(Figure 1 for MAX1480A/B/C,
Figure 2 for MAX1490A/B).