MAX139CQH ,3Digit A/D Converters with Bandgap Refrence and Charge-Pump Voltage ConverterGeneral Description
The MAX138/MAX139 are 31/2 digit A/D converters (ADCs)
with on-board LCD (M ..
MAX1400CAI ,%V, 18-Bit, Low-Power, Multichannel, Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADCFeaturesThe MAX1400 18-bit, low-power, multichannel, serial-' 18-Bit Resolution, Sigma-Delta ADCout ..
MAX1400CAI+ ,+5V 18-Bit Low-Power Multichannel Oversampling (Sigma-Delta) ADCApplicationsCS 3 26 DOUTPortable Industrial InstrumentsRESET 4 25 INTPortable Weigh ScalesMUXOUT+ 5 ..
MAX1400CAI+ ,+5V 18-Bit Low-Power Multichannel Oversampling (Sigma-Delta) ADCELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V+ = +5V ±5%, V = +2.7V to +5.25V, V = +2.50V, REFIN- = AGND, f = 2.4576 ..
MAX1400EAI+ ,+5V 18-Bit Low-Power Multichannel Oversampling (Sigma-Delta) ADCFeaturesThe MAX1400 18-bit, low-power, multichannel, serial-♦ 18-Bit Resolution, Sigma-Delta ADCout ..
MAX1402CAI ,+5V / 18-Bit / Low-Power / Multichannel / Oversampling Sigma-Delta ADCfeatures matched' 16-Bit Accuracy with No Missing Codes to 480sps200µA current sources for sensor e ..
MAX4018EEE+ ,Low-Cost, High-Speed, Single-Supply Op Amps with Rail-to-Rail OutputsApplicationsOrdering InformationSet-Top BoxesSurveillance Video SystemsTEMP PIN- TOPPARTBattery-Pow ..
MAX4018ESD ,Low-Cost / High-Speed / SOT23 / Single-Supply Op Amps with Rail-to-Rail OutputsApplications______________Ordering InformationSet-Top BoxesSOTSurveillance Video Systems TEMP. PIN- ..
MAX4019EEE ,Low-Cost / High-Speed / Single-Supply / Gain of +2 Buffers with Rail-to-Rail Outputs in SOT23applications that require wide bandwidth, such as-75dB Total Harmonic Distortionvideo, communicatio ..
MAX4019EEE ,Low-Cost / High-Speed / Single-Supply / Gain of +2 Buffers with Rail-to-Rail Outputs in SOT23applications, the MAX4014 comesin a tiny 5-pin SOT23 package. ' Low, 5.5mA Supply Current' 400µA Sh ..
MAX4019EEE+ ,Low-Cost, High-Speed, Single-Supply, Gain of +2 Buffers with Rail-to-Rail Outputs in SOT23applications, the MAX4014 comesin a tiny 5-pin SOT23 package. ♦ Low, 5.5mA Supply Current♦ 400µA Sh ..
MAX4019EEE+T ,Low-Cost, High-Speed, Single-Supply, Gain of +2 Buffers with Rail-to-Rail Outputs in SOT23Applications__________Typical Operating CircuitPortable/Battery-Powered InstrumentsVideo Line Drive ..
3Digit A/D Converters with Bandgap Refrence and Charge-Pump Voltage Converter
19-0805; Rev 1; 72/94
s4llA] 2a3aLAIA]
31/2 Digit A/D Converters with Bandgap
Reference and Charge-Pump Voltage Converter
General Description
The MAX138/MAX139 are 31/2 digit A/D converters (ADCS)
w th on-board LCD (MAX138) and LED (MAX139) display
dhvers. The MAX138/MAX139 also contain a charge-
pump voltage inverter The charge-pump inverter allows
the MAX138/MAX139 to measure both positive and nega-
tlve input veltages while operating how a single power-
supply voltage from +2.5V to +7V. Ine opera! ng circuits
of the MAX138/MAX139 are similar to those of the ICL7136
and ICL7137 respectively, except the MAX138/MAX139
have an ntorhal oscillator and an external charge-pump
capacitor connected to pins 38 and 40
. Single Supply +2.5V to +7.0V Operation
. Measures Both Positive and Negative Input
. Charge-Pump Voltage Inverter Generates a
Negative Supply Voltage
. Internal Bandgap Reference
. On-Board Display Driver
. Low Segment Current (MAX140)
Ordering Information
MAX14O IS a low segment-current v0r3ton of the MAX139 PART TEMP. iijiiiifE PIN-PACKAGE
intended for use with Iow-current LED disp ays. MAX1380PL C,"C to +7(Y'C 40 Plastic DIP
Applications MAX138CMH YC to +70°c 44 MQFP
MAX138COH (y'C to +70°C 44 PLCC
+5V Powered Panel Meters MAX138C/D (Y'C to 570°C Dice'
43V Powered DMMs MAX138EPL M(Y'C to +85°C 4O Plastic DIP
Instruments MAX138EQH 40°C to +85°C 44 PLCC
Portable Moqitors MAX139CPL 0°C ( +70°C 40 Plastic DIP
_ MAX139CMH 0°C to +70''C 44 MOFP
Weigh Scales MAX13900H 0°C to +70°C 44 PLCC
Digital thermometers MAX139C/D (Y'C to +70°C Dice'
" . . MAX139EPl -40°C to +85°C 40 Plastic DIP
Pin Configurations MAX139EOH -40°C to +85°C 44 PLCC
TOPVIEW V MAX140CPL 0°C to +70°C 40 Plastic DIP
V- 1 . a w. MAX14OCMH fy'C to +70°c 44 MQFP
m 2 set GNU MAX14OCOH O"C to +70°C 44 PLCC
t Ct ; Ls CAP- MAX140C/D (Y'C to +70°C Dice'
l) Bl E E m MAX14OEPL Myc to +85°C 40 Plastic DIP
Al E E RH Fl MAX140EOH, MOT to +85°C 44 PLCC
l Fl s" MAXIM fl HULO A C'onsu#factoryfordice specifications
E1 W MAXI39 fit chEF
*7 02 t; MAXW gt COMMON
l 02 G N NHI
ms R Cl, Lot INLO
A Ti 'te M
E2 ‘5 a m
l T3 js, 2g (
1003 83 he é G(ltttSt
l F3 |1/ pts) C] I
F3 Ts a A3 _
Irj0s-AiT4 m a (33 "f
' mom 0N1;
Pin 21 must beGND on MAX139/MAX140,
MOFP and PLCC on last page.
Typical Operating Circuit
t-'w'.irr- - '_ _I Ct Ct Ct
'il/h/fi t C tt-tl-_tl-t,
WU] I zvmng 1 4 _
t _ 4 l t
Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call to" free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
017 IX VW/GS LWW/BS 1-)! VW
MAX 1 38/MAX1 39/MAX1 40
31/2 Digit A/D Converters with Bandgap
Reference and Charge-Pump Voltage Converter
Storage Temperature Range
Lead Temperature (Soldering, loses.)
~65 CtO+16OC
+300 C
Note1: V- is generated on the dewce and us equal lo V+, but
opposite in polarity
Note 2: Input voltages may exceed the supply v0hages.
proMed the Input current (S hmwled lo :ImA
Note 3: Dissipation rating assumes deuce \s mounted wwlh all
leads soldered to prmled cwrcun board.
Supply Voltage (V+ to GND) ............ +7 5v
Supply Voltage (V+ to GND)
MAX138 .......................... +7.5V
MAX139NAX140 T ___ _ ............. +6.0V
Analog Input Voltage (either Input) (Note 2) . ...... V+ to V-
Reference Input Voltage (ether mput) ............. V+ lo V-
Power Dissipation (Note 3)
40-Pin Plastic DIP ............................ 1333mW
44-Pin PLCC ................................ 1067mw
44-Pun MOFP ................................. 889mW
Operating Temperature Ranges:
MAX w-_..----'''''''' (Y'C to +70°C
-E ,...wrtttr_w._.wwwwr_t'''''_
.-40°C to +85°C
Stresses beyond those Irsred under "Absolute Maxmum Ralmgs" may cause permanent damage to me dewce These are stress rarrngs only and luncllona/
operation of the dowce at ihese crr any other COMMONS beyond (nose mdtcazed m the operational secnons o/ the speciicaliors (S no! impl% Exposure [0
absolute mawnum rating rondmons for exlended periods may affect dewce rehab/lrly
(V+ = +5V; TA = +25 Cilestcircuitcjgure 1, unless Otherwise noted.)
ViN= 0. OV, Full Scale-- ZOOmV DI Ital
Zero Input Reading TA = +25 C (Note 4) -0001) iOOOO +0000 Regain
TMIN f TA f TMAX (Note 5) _000.0 :0000 +000 0 g
V T VIN let, VREF = 1OOmV Digital
Ratiometnc Reading TA _ +25 C (Note 4) 999 999/1000 1000 . R d n
TM)N s TA C TMAX (Note 5) 998 999/1000 1001 ea ( g
Rollover Error (Difference In reading for -V\N = 'VIN E 200mV
equal positve and negative readmg near TA = +250 (Note 4) -1 IO 2 +1 Counts
full scale) TMW S TA I TMAX (Note 5) to 2
Lineanty (Max deviation from best Full Scale = 200mV
SIralthInefiI) or Full Scale = 2 000V (Note E) 1 10 2 H l Counts
CommorrMrode Rejection Ratio ¥E,VS=C§;V;- $3533" 50 pV/V
Nose (peak-to-peak value not exceeded VIN : OV 15 N
95% of tlme) Full Scale = mom 1
Vt) = O
Inpul Leakage Current TA = +25'C (Note 4) 1 IO pA
TMIN S TA s TMAX 20 200
_ V V = 0
Zero Readlng Drift "IC I TA S TMAX (Nole 4) 0.2 pV/ C
l/IN = 199mV
Scale-Factor Temperature CoeWcierot Ham 3 TA S TMAX 1 ppm/ C
(Ext Ref Opom/ C) (Note 4)
VIN = O [
V+ Supply Current (See Figure 4A) TA = +250 200 500 0A
MN f TA f TMAX 800
Analog Common Voltage (with respect to _
Dos supply) 25kQ between Common & Pos Y" 2 95 3 05 3 15 V
Temp Coeff ofAnalog Common (with
respect to pos. supply) 25kg between Common & Pos. Supply k20 1100 ppm/ C