MAX136CPL ,Low Power / 3Digit A/D Converter With Display HoldGeneral Description
The Maxim MAX136 is a monolithic analog to digital
converter with very high ..
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MAX138CPL ,3Digit A/D Converters with Bandgap Refrence and Charge-Pump Voltage ConverterGeneral Description
The MAX138/MAX139 are 31/2 digit A/D converters (ADCs)
with on-board LCD (M ..
MAX138CPL+ ,3 1/2 Digit ADC with Reference, Charge Pump, and Direct LED DriversGeneral Description
The MAX138/MAX139 are3V2 JigitA/Dcorwerters (ADCS)
wlth on-board LCD (MAX13 ..
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5V P d P l M t MAX13BCQH (Y'C to +70°C 44 PLCC
+ ower ..
MAX138EPL ,3Digit A/D Converters with Bandgap Refrence and Charge-Pump Voltage ConverterFeatures
. Single Supply +2.5V to +7.0V Operation
. Measures Both Positive and Negative Input
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Low Power / 3Digit A/D Converter With Display Hold
/M]/l| 'fi'd l] AW]
Low Power, 3% Digit AID Converter
General Description
The Maxim MAX136 is a monolithic analog to digital
converter with very high input impedance. it differs
from the Maxim ICL7136 in thatthe MAX136 providesa
Hold pin, which makes it possible to hold or "freeze" a
reading. The MAX136 directly drives a non-multiplexed
liquid crystal (LCD) display, requiring no external drive
circuitry. With minor external component changes, it is
pin compatible with the ICL7116 but with significantly
reduced power consumption, making the MAX136 a
superior device for portable systems.
Versatility and accuracy are inherent features of this
converter. The dual-slope conversion technique auto-
matically rejects interference signals common in indus-
trial environments. True differential inputs allow direct
measurements of bridge transducer outputs or load
cells. The zero-integrator phase eliminates overrange
hangover and hysteresis effects. The MAX136 offers
high accuracy by lowering rollover error to less than
one count and zero reading drift to less than 1yV/°C.
These devices can be used in a wide range of digital
panel meterapplications. Most applications, however, in-
With Display Hold
. Power dissipation guaranteed less than
tmW-tW battery life 3000 hours typical
. Hold pln allows indefinite display hold
. Guaranteed first reading recovery from overrange
. On board Display Drive Capability-no external
circuitry required
. High Impedance CMOS Differential inputs
. Low Noise (< 150V p-p) without hysteresis or
overrange hangover
. Clock and Reference On-Chip
. Zero Input Gives Zero Reading
t True Polarity Indication for Precision Null
. Key Parameters Guaranteed over Temperature
Ordering Information
MAX136CPL 0°C to +70°C 40 Lead' Plastic DIP
volve the measurement and display of analog data: MAX136GJL 0°Cto +70°c 40 Lead CERDIP
Pressure Conductance MAx1ascoH 0°C to +70%: 44 Lead Plastic Chip Carrier
ypt.age Current MAX136C/D 0°C to +7o°c Dice
Resistance Speed -
Temperature Material Thickness
Typical Operating Circuit Pin Configuration
Top View
Lilo v
"C. - - HOLD I . E Mth
JIJLJ'L'I m 2 iff, 'i',
t l H ll l th E an US a
ANALDG - - -
81 [E E TEST
INPUT - _ '
o 1 l'8 m E E HEFHI
:7 Fl E E "
G] [I E B‘nsr
til Ct [E IVI/lxI/VI E IN MI
F-m ' ll El MAX136 E m LO
T 103 M CE E "
I i [la CE CE ll-
cnmmuuwmazi mos F: Fl F) c: "i-'")
mum's - M34 19 ca _]
POL a 21 BP
(Detailed Circuit Diagram-See 3rd page)
See last page for Plastic Chip Carrier Pin Conhguration
lVl/JXI/l/l -
-- Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
MAX 136
Low Power, 3V2 Digit A/D Converter
With Display Hold
Supply Voltage (W to W) ............................... 15V
Analog Input Voltage (either input) (Note 1) ......... V+ to V'
Reference InputVoltage (either input) . . V’ to V‘
Clock Input, Hold Input .......................... TEST to V+
Power Dissipation (Note 2)
Cerdip Package ................................... 800mW
Plastic Package ............................. 800mW
Operating Temperature ... ........ 0°C to +70°C
Storage Temperature ........................ -6Y'C to +160°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering. 60 sec.) ................ +300°C
Note 1:
Note 2:
Input voltages may exceed the supply voltages, provided the input current is limited to tlmA.
Dissipation rating assumes device is mounted with all leads soldered to printed circuit board.
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to me device. These are stress ratings only and functional
operation of the device al these or any other conditions above those indicated In Me operational SSCIIOIIS of the specifications vs not implied. Exposure to
absolute maxrmum rating conditions for extended periods may affect dewce reliability.
(V‘ = 9V; TA = 25''Cifcut3cs 2 48kHzitestcircuit- Figure 1 unless noted.)
VIN = 0.0V, Full Scale = 200.0mV
Zero Input Reading TA = 25''C (Note 3) -000.0 :0000 +000.0 Digital
J' S TA S 70''C (Note 6) -000.0 :0000 +000.0 Reading
VIN = VRss, VREF " 100mV 1
Ratiometric Reading TA = 25''C (Note 3) 999 999/1000 1000 i Digital
1 J' I TA: 70°C (Note 6) 998 l 999/1000 l 1001 I Reading
1 Rollover Error (Difference in -N/m = +V,N e 200.0mV I 1
reading for equal positive and TA = 25°C (Note 3) -1 I t(12 rl Coums
negative reading near Full Scale) 0° c, TA: 70°C (Note 6) t0.2
Linearity (Max. deviation from Full Scale = 200.0mV -1 10.2 rl _ Counts
best straight line fit) or full scale " 2.000V 1
Common Mode Rejection Ratio vCM = t1MVm = ov l T
[ (Note 7) Full Scale = 200.0mV I 5 1 "WV
, Noise (Pk-Pk value not exceeded vIN = ov
i 95% of time) Full Scale = 200.0mV 10 ) uv
_ Vm = 0, TA = 25°C (Note 3) 1 l 10 1 PA
Input Leakage Current 00 S TAS 70''C 20 _ 200 L
Zero Reading Drift vIN = o, O" 3 r, s 70°C (Note 6) i 0.2 , 1 i vV/''C
vIN = 199.0mV i (
it,eilti,r" Temperature oo c, TA: 70°C i 1 _ 5 ppm/°C
(Ext, Ref. 0ppm/°C) (Note 6) i I
' v.N = o i
V Supply Current T, : 25°C 80 150 l 0A
J' 5 TA: 70''C A 200 [
Analog Common Voltage(with 250kfl between Common & I ,
2.6 2.8 l 3.2 V
respect ta Pos, supply) Pos, Supply i
Temp. Coeff. of Analog Common 250kftbetween Common & 75 . m/oc
(with respect to Pos. Supply Pos, Supply pp
Input Resistance, Pin 1 1000 Mt!
V,L, Pin1 TEST +1.5
ve, Pin1 v' -1.5 v
Pk-Pk Segment Drive Voltage + - -
Pk-Pk Backplane Drive Voltage V to V - 9V (Note 8) 4 5 6 V
Test Pin Voltage With Respect to v+ 4 5 6 v
Overload Recovery Time (Note 5) VIN changing from t 10V to 0V 0 1 "T):eens"nt
Nate 3:
Note 4:
Method 3015 .2)
Note 5:
Note 6:
Note 7:
Nate 8:
Number of measurement cycles for display to give accurate reading,
1Mft resistor is removed in Figures 1 and 2,
Refer to "Differential Input" discussion (See Maxim's |CL7136 data sheet).
Back plane drive is in phase with segment drive for 'oft' segment, 180° out of phase for 'on' segment. Frequency is 20 times
conversion rate. Average DC component is less than 50mV.
Test condition is VIN applied between pins IN-HI and IN-LO, i.e., IMtl resistor in Figures 1 and 2.
All pins are designed to withstand electrostatic discharge (ESD) levels In excess of 2000V. (Test circuit per Mil. Std. 883C,
lVl/l XI/Vl