MAX134 ,9V, 3 3/4 Digit DMM CircuitGeneral Description
The MAX133 and MAX134 are integrating A/D con-
verters for 3% digit multime ..
MAX1340BETX ,4.096 V, 12-bit, multichannel ADC/DAC with FIFO, temperature sensing, and GPIO portApplicationsSPI and QSPI are trademarks of Motorola, Inc.Closed-Loop Controls for Optical Component ..
MAX1340BETX+ ,12-Bit, Multichannel ADCs/DACs with FIFO, Temperature Sensing, and GPIO PortsApplications♦ Low-Power DAC: 1.5mAClosed-Loop Controls for Optical Components♦ Evaluation Kit Avail ..
MAX1340BETX+ ,12-Bit, Multichannel ADCs/DACs with FIFO, Temperature Sensing, and GPIO PortsFeatures♦ Internal Reference or External Single-Ended/such as an internal ±1°C accurate temperature ..
MAX13412EESA+ ,RS-485 Transceiver with Integrated Low-Dropout Regulator and AutoDirection Controlapplications, this reduces the cost and size of the sys-tem by reducing the number of optical isola ..
MAX1342BETX ,4.096 V, 12-bit, multichannel ADC/DAC with FIFO, temperature sensing, and GPIO portELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(AV = DV = 2.7V to 3.6V (MAX1341/MAX1343/MAX1347/MAX1349), external refer ..
MAX397CPI+ ,Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersMAX396/MAX397 Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel,Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers
MAX397CWI ,Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersApplicationsMAX396CWI 0°C to +70°C 28 Wide SOSample-and-Hold Circuits Automatic Test EquipmentMAX39 ..
MAX397EPI ,Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersFeaturesThe MAX396/MAX397 low-voltage, CMOS analog multi- ' Pin Compatible with MAX306/MAX307,plexe ..
MAX397EWI ,Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies(V+ = +5V ±10%, V- = -5V ±10%, GND = 0V, V = V = 2.4V, V = ..
MAX398 ,Precision, 8-Channel/Dual 4-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersApplicationsMAX398CGE 0°C to +70°C 16 QFN-EP* G1655-3Sample-and-Hold CircuitsMAX398CEE 0°C to +70°C ..
MAX3982UTE+ ,SFP Copper-Cable Preemphasis DriverApplicationsSFP Active Copper-Cable Assemblies Ordering InformationBackplanesTEMP PIN- PKGPARTRANGE ..
9V, 3 3/4 Digit DMM Circuit
General Description
The MAX133 and MAX134 are integrating A/D con-
verters for 3% digit multimeters and data acquisition
systems such as data loggers and weigh scales. The
A/D's internal resolution is 140,000 counts. An extra
digit is supplied as a guard digit to allow autozero
or tare of a 4000 count displayed reading to 1/10 of
a displayed count. The conversion time IS 50ms.
The MAX133 and MAX134 differ only in their micro-
processor interface. The MAX133 has a 4 bit multi-
plexed address/data bus while the MAX134 has 3
separate address lines and a 4 bit bidirectional data
bus. Both devices can be used with 4, 8, and 16 bit
When controlled by a microprocessor, the MAX133
and MAX134 can perform auto-ranging measure-
ments from iAOOOmV to 14000V full scale. External
attenuator resistors are required, but range switch-
ing is performed by the A/D.
The power supply is typically a 9V battery or d-tik'
Operating current is typically 100pA while standby
current in only 25PA.
_------- Applications
Digital Panel Meters
Weigh Scales
Data Loggers
Data Acquisition Systems
- - 7 Typical Operating Circui t
2filAl24l] 2t LAM]
3% Digit DMM Circuit
40,000 Count Resolution
0.025% Accuracy
20 Conversions per Second
Microprocessor Interface
100pA Operating Supply Current
Low External Component Count
SpV Resolution
Demonstration Kit Available
- - Ordering Information
I-" PA;
MAX134C/D y C to v70°c DICG
Wmsagpf tET, TSSE 40 Lead Plastic DIP
‘MAX134EOH "CF c to 435/0 44 Lead Plastic Ch p Came:
oo c to +70"C 40 l ead Plasllc Di" - _
O"C lo ,rTy C 44 Lead Plastic Chip c7rr/cr"
(jo c to +10"C) che _
-40' c, to 435%: JOVLeaGPalastic DIP
-4fF C to +syFc; 44 Lead Plastic (:v'np Carlin:
owe to Jam 40 Lead Plastic DIP
0' C to '70"C 44 Lead Plast c ChiprCame"
Pin Configuration
Top View
Arnuumn WHITE 4 l-ll HEAD
muston 3aUIGIT DISPLAY - USN" ' E ll0-LS8
unwanx CHIP SELECT/[AO] Ff e'-l'-l, ill
t - n n ALE/IAI] l 37 ll
l "7 Cl LI Lt BUFF cmcx tlor/IMI s (ii na-mss
ll' 5 35 BUFF BUT
fis 0301 [f, %! 80FF00TI
400mrl m 4:: zvmxuv: 408 EBII END OF CONVERSION E ”mg,” T2,n, DHMS SOURCE
AQUC oums MAX133 --f--- #l0fti1C0liH'lJTHI BEEPER LE MAX733 Ell, FILTER RESISTOR IN
- MAxi34 IN to [E MAX134 32 ll-
mt NIT CE 29 EXT. AC m
l "Ir. IN TE " EXT. AC UUT
FILTER AMP m L4 27 400mV IN
t 1',1tl/flgi1" m am um ; ATI um I
mnmm Auuumtn 10M!) 16,, .25 It/tl
mu JSERINTERFACE l.llh1il :1 LF "
Iktl IE) " tl/O [UGNU GUT] _
Pin Names in parentheses are tor MAX134 only j
IVl/JXIM - -------_--" --- - -- a - Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
178!- X VW/CEL X VW
3% Digit DMM Circuit
Supply Voltage Reference Input Voltage ........................... V‘ to V’
V+ to v- ............................................ v15V Digital Inputs ............ . (DGND - 0 3V) to (V' '0 3V)
V‘ to DGND ... Power Dissipation ........................... 800mW
V' to DGND .......................................... -9V Storage Temperature ..................... -65'C to v160"C
Analog Input Voltage (any Input) (Note 1) ............ V" to ( Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sec) ................ 0300“C
Stresses above those Ilsled under "Absolute MaX/mum Raungs 'may cause permanent damage to Ihe devtce These are stress ramlgs only. and Itmclmnal
operat/on of the dewce at these Dr any other conditions above those marcated m Ihe operanonal sectrons ol the specifications rs not llUp/led Exposure to
absolute maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect dewce reliability
(V‘ T 9V, TA 2 +25°C, Test Circuit unless otherwise indicated)
MAX133/MAX 134
ANALOG - - - -
Read Zero Mode, DC Volts
Zero Input Reading Zero Input Offset Reading will be corrected '5000 (2mm!
_ Digitally in the pp - I
Difference between
AZero Input Reading 1000VDC Scale, Vs 0 and 7 '2 (met
3VDC and Scale. VIN - 0 (Note 3) - _ - - -
l, mm Leakage Current Into 10MO Pun yo pA
ELMO} Error VW’ ' \V‘Nrt _ 3V _10 - -_'_1_() (gown I
Best Flt Lme 300mVDC Scale , -, '
Integral Linearity Not production tested IO 10 Uruurt
Devtatlon from ideal Count sue 's 1
Differential Nonlinearity Not production tested O! 5 (mum
Number of Conversions to settle to wtthm 2 I
Counts ot final reading on 3 VDC Scale alter 1 (mm
Recovery Time attempting to measure a 2 95V Input on the A
300mV Scale, Unflltered DC Mode
Settle to 1 Count - l, I
Vco _ tSOOmV i
riCtVIiRRi --" VCM IS (IN LO - Common) - E dB I
300mVDC Scale 2 l
NUISL‘ Zero Reading Mode 2 Cmmt
Pk-pk Value exceeded less than 5% of readings (
t Zero Reading anI 0_1, low”! C
Scale Factor Tempco 300 mVDC scale Oppm ext Reference 8 I ppm c, j
IN Figure b, MAX133 i mu (l',s
( h I, Figure. 5, MAX133 I 60 (l!-,
1m Figure 5. MAX133 100 n:
l, Figure ' MAX133 1'o00 us
IH Figure 5 MAX133 2() us
It.“ Figure 5. MAXWSS 100 llc,
t“ Fugure 5, MAXI33 K 130 Ile,
- - , _
Hm Fuqure 5. MAX133 1 100 tle,
‘m Figure 4. MAX134 f 3250 tn
- - - - f F
t 1m - Irgye. 4 MAX134 80 tl'
t“, Figure 4 MAX134 80 m,
1,, Figure 4 MAX134 2500 m
t“, Frgure 4 MAX134 1fr() H‘.
I:,,, thuve 4. MAX134 75 tl',
thure 4, MAX134 I 85 (p,
Note 1: Input Voltage may exceed supply voltages, provided the Input Current IS limited to ' 1mA
Note 2; Analog performance Is specified in counts relative to a 40,000 count full scale, Le a spec 015 counts would Culrcbpund to 1/2
of one count on a 3'u digit meter.
Note 3: Thus parameter IS guaranteed by testing the Input bias currents at the Input pins 10MO and l HMO
2 - ,,__ ,IVI/JXIIVI