(V+ : 9V, TA = +25°C, Test Circuit unless otherwise indicated)
_PA ..
MAX133CQH ,3 Digit DMM CircuitGeneral Description
The MAX133 and MAX134 are integrating A/D con-
verters for 3% digit multime ..
(V+ : 9V, TA = +25°C, Test Circuit unless otherwise indicated)
_PA ..
(V+ : 9V, TA = +25°C, Test Circuit unless otherwise indicated)
_PA ..
MAX133EPL+ ,3¾ Digit DMM CircuitGeneral Description
The MAX133 and MAX134 are integrating A/D con-
verters for 3% digit multime ..
MAX133EQH+D ,3¾ Digit DMM CircuitGeneral Description
The MAX133 and MAX134 are integrating A/D con-
verters for 3% digit multime ..
MAX397CAI ,Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersMAX396/MAX39719-0404; Rev. 1; 9/96Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel,Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Mul ..
MAX397CAI+ ,Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersGeneral Description Beneits and
MAX397CPI ,Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersGeneral Description ________
MAX397CPI+ ,Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersMAX396/MAX397 Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel,Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog Multiplexers
MAX397CWI ,Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersApplicationsMAX396CWI 0°C to +70°C 28 Wide SOSample-and-Hold Circuits Automatic Test EquipmentMAX39 ..
MAX397EPI ,Precision, 16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel, Low-Voltage, CMOS Analog MultiplexersFeaturesThe MAX396/MAX397 low-voltage, CMOS analog multi- ' Pin Compatible with MAX306/MAX307,plexe ..
3 Digit DMM Circuit
3% Digit DMM Circuit
- General Description 7 Features
The MAX133 and MAX134 are integrating A/D con- . 40,000 Count Resolution
verters for 3% digit multimeters and data acquisition 0
systems such as data loggers and weigh scales. The . 0.025 h, Accuracy
A/D's internal resolution is '40,000 counts. An extra . 20 Conversions per Second
digit is supplied as a guard digit to allow autozero .
or tare of a 4000 count displayed reading to 1/10 of . Microprocessor Interface
a displayed count, The conversion time IS 50ms. . 100PA Operating Supply Current
The MAX133 and MAX134 differ only in their micro- . Low External Component Count
processor interface. The MAX133 has a 4 bit multi- t 5pV Resolution
plexed address/data bus while the MAX134 has 3 . . .
separate address lines and a 4 bit bidirectional data . 'iti'r1'r4't/glit,',nokit Available
bus. Both devices can be used with 4, 8, and 16 bit
- - - Orderin Information
When controlled by a microprocessor, the MAX133 g
and MAX134 can perform auto-ranging measure- k - - - * _-------- i
ments from i400.0mv to '4000V full scale. External PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE i
.atte.nuato.r resistors are required. but range switch- MAXISSCPL 0°Cto ,-70" c Aoteac Plaslit DIP
tngls performed by the A/D. MAX133COH ow: to "Tor c 44 Lead Plastic Chip Ca'ilci
The power supply is typically a 9V battery or d-tiv. MAX133C/D 00Cto "0 C DICE) _ -
Operating current is typically 100pA while standby MAX133EPL -40 (310 85" _c 40 Lead Plastic DIP
current In only 25pA. MAX133EOH -40'" c (0 +85' Fc 44 LT,i/: Plastic (:mp Caumr
' - - Applications MAX134CPL 0" C to '70v C 40 Lead Piastic Dli’
Digital Panel Meters MAX134COH 0 C to If)" C 44 Lead Plas' C Ch p Camm
Weigh Scales MAX134£D_O“CIO T/o C DICF -
:MAX134EPL _4-0‘ Ctor 85 C 40 Lead Plastic DIP
Data Loggers -
_ T _ MAX134EOH -40‘ C to fr C 44 Lead Plaec_l (i/ p Came:
Data Acquisition Systems --r-- ' -
- i i Typical Operating Circuit Pin Configuration
Top View
”mm WRITE -1, [2% HEAD
iususron 3 mm UISPLAV CH - lltlliil 39 Il0-LSi,
NFfWi1flk P SELECT/[AU] 3 E ill
HOC) ME/lgll Lf TE' ll
I IL, Ihr. i BUFF CLOCK (lor/IMI .i 36 M-WB
l ll' E E BUFF nun
fis 080.] g E aurroun
Mil 'ra-,' CURRENT IN
40ng WT ”mm,“ 4flfi88lf EO (JF CONVERSION [E ”V‘X'M 32 DHMS SDUHCE
. 'C,". INLnE MAXM yCoig-
MAX134 INT. OUT LE 29 EXT. AD in l
i "IT. IN CE Fil, in AC our
FILTER AMP Ill E 27 400mV IN
l 1'/l1'c'ifl'soJfuT ! FILTER AMP nm E E-rl h" l
"imlRAiflR Ann mum 10M!) E: .221 bl
m ummnmc: Him: [1 271" /C
Acnw HLTHI 1tllkH w Ts; FILTER RESISTOR tlor
cnmrunzu's 10H! TE 2’ COMMON
,, "(Si "70 21 N/CIUGNU UUTI _
P n Names in parentheses are for MAX134 only "
IVl/JXIM_ _i,_. ---- ______ - - ,gwr Maximlntegrated Products 1
Call toll free 1- LG. 998- 8800 for free samples or literature.
#8!- XVW/EC! X VW
3% Digit DMM Circuit
Supply Voltage Reference Input Voltage .. ..................... V‘ to V’
V’ to v- '._..'t'''-''-r'.__rrrrrwtr.w.r..r..e..r.r... '15V Digital Inputs ............ . (DGND - 0 3V) to (V' '0 3V)
V‘ to DGND _ . HN Power Dissipation H.‘ ...................... 800mW
( to DGND ._P._._..l-.t-N.-.-. -9V Storage Temperature .................... . -65"C to #1600
Analog Input Voltage (any input) (Note 1) ............ V‘ to V‘ Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sec) ............... ,30(rC
Stresses above those Irsled under "Absolute Maxrmum Halmgs 'may cause permanent damage to the dewce These are stress Ialmgs only and functional
operahon of the demos at these or any other condmons above those mmcared m the operar/ona/ sectrons of the specthcatiorrs /5 not nnphed Exposure to
absolute maximum ratings conditions for exIended periods may affect dewce refotrOy
(V‘ : 9V, TA 4 +25°C. Test Circuit unless otherwise indicated)
1 w~i Irrr, l UNITS, l
Read Zero Mode DC Volts
MAX133/MAX 134
Zero Input Reading
Zero Input Offset Reading Will be corrected
Digitally in the pp
AZero Input Reading
DIHerence between
IOOOVDC Scale, Vm _ 0 and
(NBC and Scale, V.N - 0 (Note 3)
Leakage Current Into 10MO Pm
Rollover Error
VIN' - Wm" - 3V
Integral Lmeanty
Best Flt Line 300mVDC Scale
Not production tested
Differentlal Nonlinearity
Devnatlon from ideal Count sue
Not production tested
Recovery Time
Number of Conversions to settle to wnhm 2
Counts of final reading on 3 VDC Scale after
attempting to measure a 2 95V Input on the
300mV Scale, Unfiltered DC Mode
Settle to 1 Count
I/co _ 'SOOmV
VCM IS (IN LO - Common)
300mVDC Scale
Zero Reading Mode
Pk-pk Value exceeded less than 5% of readings
Zero Reading b/it N
Scale Factor Tempco
300 mVDC scale Oppm ext Reference
Figure 5. MAX133
Figure 5. MAX133
Figure 5. MAx1Sé
Fugu}e 5, MAXT33
Figure 5 MAXBE
. Frqure 5. MAX133
Fxgure 5, MAX133
Figure 5, MAX133
Fugure 4, MAX134
Fmé iTnAWS‘t
(nge 4 LAX134
Figureil MAX134 -
Figure 4 MAxwi
Figure 4. MAX134
'2 (1mm!
l 10 Count
l 10 lenl
_ Cmml
Cmmi l
Calm! C
5 j ppm 'C,
Input Voltage may exceed supply voltages, provided the Input Current IS limned lo ' 1mA
Note 2 Analog performance is specified in counts relative to a 40.000coum full scale, Le a spec 015coums would currcapund lo 1/2
of one count on a 3ve digit meter.
Note 3 Thus parameter is guaranteed by testmg the input tyas currents ot the Input plns 10MQ and l HMO
2 - _- 7 lVl/JXl/Vl