MAX130CPL ,3 Digit A/D Converters with Bandgap RefrenceFeatures
. Pin Compatible Upgrade for iCL7106 and ICL7136
t High Stability Bandgap Reference
MAX130CPL ,3 Digit A/D Converters with Bandgap Refrenceapplications the "A suffix" parts, the
MAX130A and MAX131A, have a 50ppm/°C maximum
temperature c ..
MAX13103EETL+T ,16-Channel Buffered CMOS Logic-Level TranslatorsApplications *EXPOSED PAD CONNECTED TO GROUNDTQFNCMOS Logic-Level PDAsPin Configurations continued ..
MAX1310ECM ,8-/4-/2-Channel / 12-Bit / Simultaneous-Sampling ADCs with 10V / 5V / and 0 to +5V Analog Input RangesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(AV = +5V, DV = +3V, AGND = DGND = 0, V = V = +2.5V (external reference), ..
MAX1310ECM+ ,8-/4-/2-Channel, 12-Bit, Simultaneous-Sampling ADCs with ±10V, ±5V, and 0 to +5V Analog Input Rangesfeatures include a 20MHz T/H • 1075ksps/Channel for One Channel input bandwidth, internal clock, in ..
MAX1312ECM+ ,8-/4-/2-Channel, 12-Bit, Simultaneous-Sampling ADCs with ±10V, ±5V, and 0 to +5V Analog Input RangesFeatures● Up to Eight Channels of Simultaneous Sampling The MAX1304–MAX1306/MAX1308–MAX1310/MAX1312 ..
MAX392CUE+ ,Precision, Quad, SPST Analog SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX391/MAX392/MAX393 are precision, quad, ♦ Low On-Resistance, 20Ω Typicalsingle-pole/s ..
MAX392CUE+T ,Precision, Quad, SPST Analog SwitchesMAX391/MAX392/MAX393Precision, Quad, SPST Analog Switches_______________
MAX392EPE ,Precision / Quad / SPST Analog SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX391/MAX392/MAX393 are precision, quad, Low On-Resistance, 20Ω Typicalsingle-pole/s ..
MAX392ESE ,Precision / Quad / SPST Analog SwitchesFeaturesThe MAX391/MAX392/MAX393 are precision, quad, Low On-Resistance, 20Ω Typicalsingle-pole/s ..
MAX392ESE ,Precision / Quad / SPST Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies(V+ = +5V ±10%, V- = -5V ±10%, GND = 0V, V = 2.4V, V = 0.8V ..
MAX392ESE ,Precision / Quad / SPST Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies(V+ = +5V ±10%, V- = -5V ±10%, GND = 0V, V = 2.4V, V = 0.8V ..
3 Digit A/D Converters with Bandgap Refrence
Cr) (2.357 /'i'sor C) 4/557
- - General Description
The MAX130 and MAX131 are 37; digit A/D converters
with onboard LCD display drivers. The MAX130 and
MAX131 use a bandgap reference to generate an
analog Common voltage which has the excellent long
term stability of a bandgap reference and a guaranteed
maximum temperature coefficient of 100ppm/° C. For
more demanding applications the "A suffix" parts, the
MAX130A and MAX131A, have a 50ppm/°C maximum
temperature coefficient.
The MAX130 uses the same circuit and component
values as the ICL7106, but draws a maximum supply
current of only 250pA maximum (100pA typical) from
a 9V battery, much lower than the 1800uA maximum
AAL/ll Diet LAM]
" Digit A/D Converters
with Bandgap Reference
. Pin Compatible Upgrade for ICL7106 and ICL7136
. High Stability Bandgap Reference
. 50ppm/°C Maximum Temperature Coefficient
. 100uA Maximum Supply Current (MAX131)
. 4.5V to 14V Supply Voltage Range
. Onboard 3% Digit LCD Display Driver
. Available in Industrial Temperature Grades
Ordering Information
supply current of the ICL7106. The MAX131 uses the C _ - - - - - -I
same circuit and component values as the ICL7136, - PART -TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE
Wlth a maximum supply current of 100PA (65PA MAX130CPL 0°C IO_‘70“C 40 Lead Plastic DIP
t ical _ - =
yp ) T _ _ MAX13000H (Y"C to +70°C g, Le Plastic
These dewces are available with both 0''C to 70°C M - - - W'p ri'"", -
and -40°Clto +85°C operating temperature ranges. M_A1131C_/p 0°99 17rrri Dice
The operating voltage range IS from 4.5V to 14V, MAX‘GOEPL' 4000 to ‘55“(3740 Lead plasma I'
- - - - ----- i - Appiications MAX130EQH 405C to ,85''C 12,e11r',1a,',mc
Digital Multimeters rMAx13OACPE - 03:0 rroo-i:: 40 Lego Plastic DI;
Di ital Panel Meters - - C v 77
g MAX130ACOH ovc to +7occ g1” f‘as'm
Temperature Meters _-------- 7 - - - ' ar 'Ir-,
MAX130AEPL -40cCto ‘BS‘C 40 Lead Plastic DTP
pH Meters - - - -7 - - - *W i
a _ " ea aSJC
1A'f1e" -'_'0, C to 85 Ir, 70m CameL -
MAXQEP- - 0910 "_/rc _40 chd Plastlc DID j
t, . 44 _ead Plastu:
WMSEH, _') [Y 70 C7 cmp Garner - J
(Ordelmg mlormanon conrrnued on fast page I
- - Typical Operating Circuit - - - - - Pin Configuration
V‘E . V w 0501
LCD fi DI 2 " OSC 2
DISF'LAT _ CI 5 " osc ,
- - - ', 81E " TEST
- tUUU 'l5 A1E Ens: HI
1",ty r -'''"er l LILUJ m E " ca“
0 F-.- 51E lVl/lXI/Vl 33 cu,
PVl A A l mu 02E MAX130 Ecouuou
I I MAX13U I 62E MAX131 31 m MI
UAX‘3' ltr "CE: so In LO
I' A l2 " k
ti F2 15 " BUFF
E2 16 Elm
T, km ts " V
was 53 Is " G2(YENS)
l F3 I C3
l _53% gnj
TtANS-AB' " 2163:”
l _ - POLE Ea
See last page for Plastic Chip Carrier Pm Configuration,
IVI/JXIM *7, V, r --r ---_- v - i MaximlnregratedProducts 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
31/2 Digit A/D Converters
with Bandgap Reference
Supply Voltage (V‘ to V’) .......................... 15V
Analog Input Voltage (either input) (Note 1) .... V' to V-
Reference Input Voltage (either input) ......... V' to V
Clock Input ................................ TEST to V'
Power Dissipation (Note 2)
CERDIP Package .............................. 1000mW
Plastic Package ............................... 800mW
Operating Temperature Range
MAX13OC/AC, MAX131C/AC .............. tPC to 970°C
MAX130E/AE, MAX131E/AE ...r -40''C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range ........... -65''C to +160°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sea) ........... +300°C
Note I: Input voltages may exceed the supply voltages,
provided the input current is limited to i100uA,
Dissipation rating assumes device is mounted with
all leads soldered to printed circuit board,
Note 2:
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and
functional operation of the demos at these or any other conditions above (hose Indicated in the operational sections of the specification is not
Implied. Exposure to absolute Maximum ratings conditions for extended periods may affect the device reliability.
(V' = 9V, T, = 25''C, {CLOCK = 4BkHz; test circuit - Figure 1; unless noted)
Zero Input Reading VIN = 0.0V, Full Scale 2 200.0mV
TA : 25°C (Note 3) -000.0 1000.0 +000.0 Digital
L TMIN to TMAX (Note 4) AXX10 k000.0 +0000 Reading
Ratiometric Reading VIN = Vnsrx VREF = 100mV
T, = 25'C (Note 3) 999 999/1000 1000 Digital
TMIN to TMAX (Note 4) 998 999/1000 1001 Reading
Rollover Error (Difference in -Vm = *VIN E 200.0mV
reading for equal positive and TA = 25°C (Note 3) -1 i2 +1 Counts
negative reading near Full Scale) TMIN to TMM (Note 4) 1.2
Linearity (Max. deviation from best Full Scale = 200.0mV -l :2 +1 Counts
straight line fit) or full scale = 2,000V (Note 5)
Common Mode Rejection Ratio Vcu = tIV, VIN = 0V
Full Scale = 200.0mV 50 PV/V
Noise (Pk-Pk value not exceeded Vm 2 OV
95% of time) Full Scale = 200.0mV 15 PV
Input Leakage Current VIN = 0
TA - 25°C (Note 3) 1 10 pA
TMIN to TMAX 20 200
Zero Reading Drift VIN = 0
TMIN to TMAX (Note 3) 0.2 pV/''C
Scale Factor Temperature VIN = 199.0mV
Coefficient TMIN to TMAX 1 ppm/°C
(Ext. Ref. Oppm/°C) (Note 3)
V” Supply Current VIN = 0
T, = 25°C 100 250 pA
TMIN to TMAX 400
Analog Common Voltage (with
respect to Pos. Supply) 25kQ between Common 8 Pos. Supply 2.95 3.05 3.15 V
Temp. Coeff. of Analog Common 25k0 between Common MAX130 120 1100 m/°C
(with respect to Pos, Supply) & Pos, Supply (Note 7) MAX130A +20 150 pp
Pk-Pk Segment Drive Voltage, ' . _
Pk-Pk Backplane Drive Voltage V to V - 9V 4 5 6 V
Test Pin Voltage With Respect to V’ 4 5 6 V
[VI 1] X I IV!