MAX128AEAI ,Multirange, +5V, 12-Bit DAS with 2-Wire Serial Interface
MAX128BCAI ,Multirange, +5V, 12-bit DAS with 2-wire serial interface. INL(LSB) +1,-1FeaturesThe MAX127/MAX128 are multirange, 12-bit data' 12-Bit Resolution, 1/2 LSB Linearityacquisit ..
MAX128BCNG+ ,Multirange, +5V, 12-Bit DAS with 2-Wire Serial Interfacefeatures include a 5MHz band-● Two Power-Down Modeswidth track/hold, an 8ksps throughput rate, and ..
MAX1290ACEI ,400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 12-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel InterfaceApplicationsD4 5 20 GNDIndustrial Control Systems Data LoggingMAX1292D3/D11 6 19 COMEnergy Manageme ..
MAX1290AEEI ,400ksps / +5V / 8-/4-Channel / 12-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel InterfaceFeaturesThe MAX1290/MAX1292 low-power, 12-bit analog-to- 12-Bit Resolution, ±0.5 LSB Linearitydigi ..
MAX1290AEEI+ ,400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 12-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference and Parallel InterfaceMAX1290/MAX129219-1531; Rev 3; 12/02400ksps, +5V, 8-/4-Channel, 12-Bit ADCs with +2.5V Reference an ..
MAX3786UTJ+T ,1.5Gbps Serial ATA-Compatible Mux/Buffer with Loopback and EqualizationFeaturesThe MAX3786 is an AC-coupled, serial-ATA (SATA)-♦ < 50ps Total Residual Jitter (20in FR-4, ..
MAX3786UTJ-T ,1.5Gbps Serial ATA-Compatible Mux/Buffer with Loopback and EqualizationELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +3.0V to +3.6V, T = 0°C to +85°C. Typical values at V = +3.3V, T = + ..
MAX3787ABL ,1Gbps to 12.5Gbps Passive Equalizer for Backplanes and CablesApplications Pin ConfigurationBackplane Interconnect CompensationTOP VIEW1 2 3Cable Interconnect Co ..
MAX3787ABL-T ,1Gbps to 12.5Gbps Passive Equalizer for Backplanes and CablesFeaturesThe MAX3787 is a 1Gbps to 12.5Gbps equalization ♦ No Power Supply Requirednetwork that comp ..
MAX378CPE ,High-Voltage, Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexersFeatures' Fault Input Voltage ±75V with Power Supplies OffThe MAX378 8-channel single-ended (1-of-8 ..
MAX378EJE ,High-Voltage, Fault-Protected Analog MultiplexersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V+ = +15V, V- = -15V; V (Logic Level High) = +2.4V, V (Logic ..
Multirange, +5V, 12-Bit DAS with 2-Wire Serial Interface