MAC94A4 ,SCRs / Triac
MAC97-4 ,TRIACs 0.8 AMPERE RMS 200THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic Symbol Max UnitThermal Resistance, Junction to Case R 75 °C/W ..
MAC97-6 ,TRIACs 0.8 AMPERE RMS 200MAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)200 — 600 VOLTSJRating Symbol Value UnitPeak Repet ..
MAC97-8 ,TRIACs 0.8 AMPERE RMS 200**Order this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAby MAC97/D** ** * *. . . designed for use in solid ..
MAC97A4 ,TRIACs 0.8 AMPERE RMS 200ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted; Electricals apply in both directions)C ..
MAC97A4G , Sensitive Gate Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors
MAX3203EETT+ ,Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD-Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data Interfacesapplications. The MAX3204E is a quad-ESDstructure designed for Ethernet and FireWire™ applica-Order ..
MAX3203EETT+T ,Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD-Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data InterfacesApplicationsMAX3204EEBT-T -40°C to +85°C 3 x 2 UCSP*-6USB VideoMAX3204EETT -40°C to +85°C 6 Thin ..
MAX3205EATE+T ,Dual, Quad, and Hex High-Speed Differential ESD-Protection ICsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +5V, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at V = ..
MAX3206EETC ,Low-Capacitance / 2/3/4/6-Channel / 15kV ESD Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data InterfacesApplicationsMAX3204EEBT-T -40°C to +85°C 3 x 2 UCSP*-6USB VideoMAX3204EETT -40°C to +85°C 6 Thin ..
MAX3206EETC+T ,Low-Capacitance, 2/3/4/6-Channel, ±15kV ESD-Protection Arrays for High-Speed Data InterfacesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +5V ±5%, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at ..
MAX3207EAUT+ ,Dual, Quad, and Hex High-Speed Differential ESD-Protection ICsApplicationsMAX3207EAUT+T 2 ABVG DVI Input/Output ProtectionMAX3208EAUB+ 4 — Set-Top BoxesMAX3208EA ..
SCRs / Triac
Switching Diode (DO-35)
25(30) 50 7o 75
IN914, A, B
mizw B
1N4152 1N4151
160 1N4446
1N4150 1N4153 1N4447
200 1N4150 1N4606 1N4148
Surface Mount Diode
30 60 70 75
DLN914, A, B
DLN916, A, B
160 DLN4152 DLN4153 DLN4446
zoo DLN4148
General Pu rpose Rectifier (DO-41, Glass)
60 100 200 400 600 800 1000
1.0 1N4001 1N4002 11ydll3, 11lgll', mgggi’ 1114glf, 1N4007
3.0 1N5624 1N5625 1N5626 1N5627
General Purpose SCR
DRM, MM 30 60 100 200 300 400 600 Package
0.8 'IC203Y 'Iczosw ‘ICZOBA "C203B 'rczoac ‘lczoan TO-92
4 C106A C1068 C106D C106M TO-202
B C122A C122B C122D C122M 'm-220AB
12 2N6395 2N6396 2N6397 2N6398 TO-220AB
16 2N6401 2N6402 2N6403 2N6404 TO-220AB
" Center Pin gate type
200 400 600 Packege/Remarks
o tt MAC94AM MAC94A-6 TO-92; 4 mode trigger type
. MA095-4 MAC95-6 TO-92; high-sensitivity type
2.5 T2323B T2323D T2323M TO-202; 4 mode trigger
6.0 T2500B T2500D T2500M T0-220AB; 4 mode trigger
8.0 MAC222A-4 MAC222A-6 MAC222A-8 TO-ZZOAB; 4 mode trigger
12.0 2N6346A 2N6347A 2N6348A TO-220AB; 4 mode trigger
15.0 MA0515-4 MAC515-6 MAC515-8 TO-3 Fast on
25.0 MA0525-4 MAC525-6 MAC525-8 'm-3 Fast on