MAC12M ,TriacsMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JRating Symbol Value Unit(1)Peak Repetitive Off−St ..
MAC12N ,TriacsTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSThermal Resistance — Junction to Case R 2.2 °C/WθJCThermal Resistance — Junc ..
MAC12SM ,Sensitive Gate TriacsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted; Electricals apply in both directions)J ..
MAC12SMG , Sensitive Gate Triacs Silicon Bidirectional Thyristors
MAC12SN ,Sensitive Gate TriacsMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JMAC12xxRating Symbol Value UnitALYWWPeak Repetiti ..
MAC15-6 ,TRIACs 15 AMPERES RMS 200 thru 800 VOLTSMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted.)JRating Symbol Value Unit(1)Peak Repetitive Off-S ..
MAX314CSE+ ,10Ω, Quad, SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesMAX312/MAX313/MAX31419-0420; Rev 2; 7/02Ω Ω10 , Quad, SPST, CMOS Analog Switches
MAX314CUE+ ,10Ω, Quad, SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesFeaturesMaxim’s MAX312/MAX313/MAX314 analog switches♦♦ Pin Compatible with DG411/DG412/DG413feature ..
MAX314EPE ,10з, Quad, SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies(V+ = 15V, V- = -15V, VL = 5V, GND = 0V, V = 2.4V, V = 0.8V ..
MAX314ESE ,10з, Quad, SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Dual Supplies(V+ = 15V, V- = -15V, VL = 5V, GND = 0V, V = 2.4V, V = 0.8V ..
MAX314ESE+ ,10Ω, Quad, SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesGeneral Description ________
MAX314ESE+T ,10Ω, Quad, SPST, CMOS Analog SwitchesApplicationsPART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGETest Equipment MAX312CPE 0°C to +70°C 16 Plastic DIPCommunic ..
Preferred DeviceTriacs
Silicon Bidirectional ThyristorsDesigned for high performance full−wave ac control applications
where high noise immunity and commutating di/dt are required. Blocking Voltage to 800 Volts On−State Current Rating of 12 Amperes RMS at 70°C Uniform Gate Trigger Currents in Three Quadrants, Q1, Q2, and Q3 High Immunity to dv/dt — 250 V/μs Minimum at 125°C High Commutating di/dt — 6.5 A/ms Minimum at 125°C Industry Standard TO−220 AB Package High Surge Current Capability — 100 Amperes Device Marking: Logo, Device Type, e.g., MAC12D, Date Code
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted)(1) VDRM and VRRM for all types can be applied on a continuous basis. Blocking
voltages shall not be tested with a constant current source such that the
voltage ratings of the devices are exceeded.