MA3130WA ,Silicon planer typeAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta= 25˚C)Parameter Rating 0.1 to 0.3Symbol Unit0.4– 0.21Average forward c ..
MA3150 ,Small-signal deviceAbsolute Maximum Ratings T = 25°CaParameter Symbol Rating Unit 1: Anode2: N.C.Average forward curr ..
MA3150-H , Silicon planar type
MA3150-L , Silicon planar type
MA3160-H , Silicon planar type
MA3160-L , Silicon planar type
MAX207ECWG+T ,±15kV ESD-Protected, +5V RS-232 TransceiversEVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE±15kV ESD-Protected, MAX202E–MAX213E,5V RS-232 Transceivers MAX232E/MAX241E
MAX207EEAG ,【15kV ESD-Protected, +5V RS-232 TransceiversMAX202E–MAX213E, MAX232E/MAX241E19-0175; Rev 5; 10/03±15kV ESD-Protected, +5V RS-232 Transceivers
MAX207EEAG+T ,±15kV ESD-Protected, +5V RS-232 TransceiversElectrical Characteristics(V = +5V ±10% for MAX202E/206E/208E/211E/213E/232E/241E; V = +5V ±5% for ..
MAX207EEWG+ ,±15kV ESD-Protected, +5V RS-232 TransceiversGeneral Description Benefits and
MAX207ENG ,+5V RS-232 Transceivers with 0.1uF External CapacitorsGeneral Description
The MAX200-MAX211/MAX213 transceivers are designed
for RS-232 and V.28 comm ..
MAX207EWG ,+5V RS-232 Transceivers with 0.1uF External CapacitorsFeatures
Superior to Bipolar:
. 0.1pF to 10pF External Capacitors
' 120kbits/sec Data Rate