MA165 ,Small-signal deviceapplications intended.(4) The products and product specifications described in this material are su ..
MA165 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°CaParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitReverse current (D ..
MA167 ,Small-signal deviceAbsolute Maximum Ratings T = 25°C 2.2±0.3a0.2 max.φ 1.6±0.2Parameter Symbol Rating UnitMA2C165 V 3 ..
MA174 ,Small-signal deviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°CaParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitReverse current (D ..
MA174 ,Small-signal deviceAbsolute Maximum Ratings T = 25°Ca+0.100.60–0.05Parameter Symbol Rating Unit10°Reverse voltage (DC ..
MA176-WK ,Small-signal deviceElectrical Characteristics T = 25°CaParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitReverse current (D ..
MAX1897ETP ,4.0-28 V, quick-PWM slave controller for multiphase, step-down suppliefeatures.200kHz/300kHz/550kHz (MAX1897) SwitchingSynchronized to the master’s low-side gate driver, ..
MAX1898EUB42 ,Linear Charger for Single-Cell Li BatteryApplicationsSingle-Cell Li+ Powered PortablesSelf-Charging Battery PacksTypical Operating CircuitPD ..
MAX1898EUB42 ,Linear Charger for Single-Cell Li BatteryELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 8V, V = 4V, EN/OK = open, RSET = 2.8kΩ , RSTRT = GND, T = 0°C to +85 ..
MAX1898EUB42+T ,Linear Charger for Single-Cell Li+ BatteryELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = 8V, V = 4V, EN/OK = open, RSET = 2.8kΩ, RSTRT = GND, T = 0°C to +85° ..
MAX189ACPA ,+5V, Low-Power, 12-Bit Serial ADCsapplications, or for circuits where powerMAX187BCWE 0°C to +70°C 16 Wide SO ±1consumption and space ..
MAX189ACWE ,+5V, Low-Power, 12-Bit Serial ADCsMAX187/MAX18919-0196; Rev 0; 10/93+5V, Low-Power, 12-Bit Serial ADCs__________________