MA143A ,Small-signal deviceSwitching DiodesMA3J143, MA3J143A (MA143, MA143A)Silicon epitaxial planar typeUnit : mm+0.1 +0.1For ..
MA143A ,Small-signal deviceFeatures•Small S-mini type package contained two elements, allowing high-1 2density mounting(0.65)( ..
MA147 ,Small-signal deviceapplications intended.(4) The products and product specifications described in this material are su ..
MA150 ,Small-signal deviceapplications intended.(4) The products and product specifications described in this material are su ..
MA152A ,Small-signal deviceSwitching DiodesMA3X152A (MA152A), MA3X152K (MA152K)Silicon epitaxial planar typeUnit: mmFor high-s ..
MA152K ,Small-signal deviceFeatures• Short reverse recovery time trr• Small terminal capacitance Ct1 2(0.95) (0.95)1.9±0.1■
MAX186ACAP+ ,Low-Power, 8-Channel, Serial 12-Bit ADCsEVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX186/MAX188Low-Power, 8-Channel,Serial 12-Bit ADCs
MAX186ACAP+ ,Low-Power, 8-Channel, Serial 12-Bit ADCsApplicationsCH1 2 19 SCLKPortable Data LoggingCSCH2 3 18Data-Acquisition CH3 417 DINMAX186High-Accu ..
MAX186ACPP ,Low-Power, 8-Channel, Serial 12-Bit ADCsMAX186/MAX18819-0123; Rev. 4; 8/96Low-Power, 8-Channel,Serial 12-Bit ADCs _______________
MAX186ACPP+ ,Low-Power, 8-Channel, Serial 12-Bit ADCsEVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX186/MAX188Low-Power, 8-Channel,Serial 12-Bit ADCs
MAX186ACPP+ ,Low-Power, 8-Channel, Serial 12-Bit ADCsEVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAX186/MAX188Low-Power, 8-Channel,Serial 12-Bit ADCs
MAX186ACWP ,Low-Power, 8-Channel, Serial 12-Bit ADCsapplications that call for a parallel interface, see theMAX180/MAX181 data sheet. For anti-aliasing ..