M29W008AB-120N6 ,8 MBIT (1MB X8, BOOT BLOCK) LOW VOLTAGE SINGLE SUPPLY FLASH MEMORYLogic Diagram■ ERASE SUSPEND and RESUME MODES– Read and Program another Block duringErase SuspendV■ ..
M29W008ET-70N6E ,8 Mbit (1Mb x 8, Boot Block) 3V Supply Flash MemoryFEATURES SUMMARY■ ACCESS TIMES: 70ns, 90ns■ PROGRAMMING TIME: 10µs per Byte typical■ PROGRAM/ERASE ..
M29W008T ,NOT FOR NEW DESIGNLogic Diagram– Read and Program another Block duringErase SuspendLOW POWER CONSUMPTION– Stand-by an ..
M29W008T-120N5TR ,8 Mbit 1Mb x8, Boot Block Low Voltage Single Supply Flash MemoryLogic Diagram– Read and Program another Block duringErase SuspendLOW POWER CONSUMPTION– Stand-by an ..
M50FLW040A ,4 Mbit (5 x 64KByte Blocks + 3 x 16 x 4KByte Sectors) 3V Supply Firmware Hub / Low Pin Count Flash MemoryLogic Diagram (A/A Mux Interface) . . 7Table 1. Signal Names (FWH/LPC Interface) . 7Table ..
1/30March 2000
M29W008AB8 Mbit (1Mb x8, Boot Block)
Low Voltage Single Supply Flash Memory 2.7V to 3.6V SUPPLY VOLTAGE for
UNPROTECTION MODES ERASE SUSPEND and RESUME MODES Read and Program another Block during
Erase Suspend LOW POWER CONSUMPTION Stand-by and Automatic Stand-by 100,000 PROGRAM/ERASE CYCLES per
BLOCK 20 YEARS DATA RETENTION Defectivity below 1ppm/year ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE Manufacturer Code: 20h Top Device Code, M29W008AT: D2h Bottom Device Code, M29W008AB: DCh
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
Table 1. Signal Names
OrganisationThe M29W008A is organised as 1Mb x8. The
memory uses the address inputs A0-A19 and the
Data Input/Outputs DQ0-DQ7. Memory control is
provided by Chip Enable E, Output Enable G and
Write Enable W inputs.
A Reset/Block Temporary Unprotection RP tri-lev-
el input provides a hardware reset when pulled
Low, and when held High (at VID) temporarily un-
protects blocks previously protected allowing them
to be programed and erased. Erase and Program
operations are controlled by an internal Program/
Erase Controller (P/E.C.). Status Register data
output on DQ7 provides a Data Polling signal, and
DQ6 and DQ2 provide Toggle signals to indicate
the state of the P/E.C operations. A Ready/Busy
RB output indicates the completion of the internal
Memory BlocksThe devices feature asymmetrically blocked archi-
tecture providing system memory integration. Both
M29W008AT and M29W008AB devices have an
array of 19 blocks, one Boot Block of 16 Kbytes,
two Parameter Blocks of 8 Kbytes, one Main Block
of 32 Kbytes and fifteen Main Blocks of 64 Kbytes.
The M29W008AT has the Boot Block at the top of
the memory address space and the M29W008AB
locates the Boot Block starting at the bottom. The
memory maps are showed in Tables 3, 4. Each
block can be erased separately, any combination
of blocks can be specified for multi-block erase or
the entire chip may be erased. The Erase opera-
tions are managed automatically by the P/E.C.
DESCRIPTIONThe M29W008A is a non-volatile memory that may
be erased electrically at the block or chip level and
programmed in-system on a Byte-by-Byte basis
using only a single 2.7V to 3.6V VCC supply. For
Program and Erase operations the necessary high
voltages are generated internally. The device can
also be programmed in standard programmers.
The array matrix organisation allows each block to
be erased and reprogrammed without affecting
other blocks. Blocks can be protected against pro-
graming and erase on programming equipment,
and temporarily unprotected to make changes in
the application. Each block can be programmed
and erased over 100,000 cycles.
Instructions for Read/Reset, Auto Select for read-
ing the Electronic Signature or Block Protection
status, Programming, Block and Chip Erase,
Erase Suspend and Resume are written to the de-
vice in cycles of commands to a Command Inter-
face using standard microprocessor write timings.
The device is offered in TSOP40 (10 x 20mm)
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
Instructions Seven instructions are defined to perform Read
Array, Auto Select (to read the Electronic Signa-
ture or Block Protection Status), Program, Block
Erase, Chip Erase, Erase Suspend and Erase Re-
sume. The internal P/E.C. automatically handles
all timing and verification of the Program and
Erase operations. The Status Register Data Poll-
ing, Toggle, Error bits and the RB output may be
read at any time, during programming or erase, to
monitor the progress of the operation.
Instructions are composed of up to six cycles. The
first two cycles input a Coded sequence to the
Command Interface which is common to all in-
structions (see Table 9). The third cycle inputs the
instruction set-up command. Subsequent cycles
output the addressed data, Electronic Signature or
Block Protection Status for Read operations. In or-
der to give additional data protection, the instruc-
tions for Program and Block or Chip Erase require
further command inputs. For a Program instruc-
tion, the fourth command cycle inputs the address
and data to be programmed. For an Erase instruc-
tion (Block or Chip), the fourth and fifth cycles in-
put a further Coded sequence before the Erase
confirm command on the sixth cycle. Erasure of a
memory block may be suspended, in order to read
data from another block or to program data in an-
other block, and then resumed.
When power is first applied or if VCC falls below VL-
KO, the command interface is reset to Read Array.
The block erase operation can be suspended in
order to read from or program to any block not be-
ing erased, and then resumed.
Block protection provides additional data security.
Each block can be separately protected or unpro-
tected against Program or Erase on programming
equipment. All previously protected blocks can be
temporarily unprotected in the application.
Bus OperationsThe following operations can be performed using
the appropriate bus cycles: Read (Array, Electron-
ic Signature, Block Protection Status), Write com-
mand, Output Disable, Stand-by, Reset, Block
Protection, Unprotection, Protection Verify, Unpro-
tection Verify and Block Temporary Unprotection.
See Tables 5 and 6.
Command InterfaceInstructions, made up of commands written in cy-
cles, can be given to the Program/Erase Controller
through a Command Interface (C.I.). For added
data protection, program or erase execution starts
after 4 or 6 cycles. The first, second, fourth and
fifth cycles are used to input Coded cycles to the
C.I. This Coded sequence is the same for all Pro-
gram/Erase Controller instructions. The ’Com-
mand’ itself and its confirmation, when applicable,
are given on the third, fourth or sixth cycles. Any
incorrect command or any improper command se-
quence will reset the device to Read Array mode.
Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings (1)Note:1. Except for the rating "Operating Temperature Range", stresses above those listed in the Table "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may
cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other conditions
above those indicated in the Operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating condi-
tions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Refer also to the STMicroelectronics SURE Program and other relevant qual-
ity documents. Minimum Voltage may undershoot to –2V during transition and for less than 20ns during transitions. Depends on range.
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
Table 3. Top Boot Block Addresses,
Table 4. Bottom Boot Block Addresses,
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONSSee Figure 1 and Table 1.
Address Inputs (A0-A19). The address inputs
for the memory array are latched during a write op-
eration on the falling edge of Chip Enable E or
Write Enable W. When A9 is raised to VID, either a
Read Electronic Signature Manufacturer or Device
Code, Block Protection Status or a Write Block
Protection or Block Unprotection is enabled de-
pending on the combination of levels on A0, A1
A6, A12 and A15.
Data Input/Outputs (DQ0-DQ7). The input is
data to be programmed in the memory array or a
command to be written to the C.I. Both are latched
on the rising edge of Chip Enable E or Write En-
able W. The output is data from the Memory Array,
the Electronic Signature Manufacturer or Device
codes, the Block Protection Status or the Status
register Data Polling bit DQ7, the Toggle Bits DQ6
and DQ2, the Error bit DQ5 or the Erase Timer bit
DQ3. Outputs are valid when Chip Enable E and
Output Enable G are active. The output is high im-
pedance when the chip is deselected or the out-
puts are disabled and when RP is at a Low level.
Chip Enable (E). The Chip Enable input acti-
vates the memory control logic, input buffers, de-
coders and sense amplifiers. E High deselects the
memory and reduces the power consumption to
the stand-by level. E can also be used to control
writing to the command register and to the memo-
ry array, while W remains at a low level. The Chip
Enable must be forced to VID during the Block Un-
protection operation.
Output Enable (G). The Output Enable gates the
outputs through the data buffers during a read op-
eration. When G is High the outputs are High im-
pedance. G must be forced to VID level during
Block Protection and Unprotection operations.
Write Enable (W). This input controls writing to
the Command Register and Address and Data
Ready/Busy Output (RB). Ready/Busy is an
open-drain output and gives the internal state of
the P/E.C. of the device. When RB is Low, the de-
vice is Busy with a Program or Erase operation
and it will not accept any additional program or
erase instructions except the Erase Suspend in-
When RB is High, the device is ready for any
Read, Program or Erase operation. The RB will
also be High when the memory is put in Erase
Suspend or Stand-by modes.
Reset/Block Temporary Unprotect Input (RP).The RP Input provides hardware reset and pro-
tected block(s) temporary unprotection functions.
Reset of the memory is achieved by pulling RP to
VIL for at least tPLPX. When the reset pulse is giv-
en, if the memory is in Read or Stand-by modes, it
will be available for new operations in tPHEL after
the rising edge of RP.
If the memory is in Erase, Erase Suspend or Pro-
gram modes the reset will take tPLYH during which
the RB signal will be held at VIL. The end of the
memory reset will be indicated by the rising edge
of RB. A hardware reset during an Erase or Pro-
gram operation will corrupt the data being pro-
grammed or the sector(s) being erased. See
Tables 15, 16 and Figure 8.
Temporary block unprotection is made by holding
RP at VID. In this condition previously protected
blocks can be programmed or erased. The transi-
tion of RP from VIH to VID must slower than tPH-
PHH. (See Tables 17, 18 and Figure 8). When RPis returned from VID to VIH all blocks temporarily
unprotected will be again protected.
VCC Supply Voltage. The power supply for all
operations (Read, Program and Erase).
VSS Ground. VSS is the reference for all voltage
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
DEVICE OPERATIONSSee Tables 5, 6 and 7.
Read. Read operations are used to output the
contents of the Memory Array, the Electronic Sig-
nature, the Status Register or the Block Protection
Status. Both Chip Enable E and Output Enable G
must be low in order to read the output of the mem-
ory. A new read operation is initiated either on the
falling edge of Chip, Enable E, or on any address
transition with E at VIL.
Write. Write operations are used to give Instruc-
tion Commands to the memory or to latch input
data to be programmed. A write operation is initi-
ated when Chip Enable E is Low and Write Enable
W is Low with Output Enable G High. Addresses
are latched on the falling edge of W or E whichever
occurs last. Commands and Input Data are
latched on the rising edge of W or E whichever oc-
curs first.
Output Disable. The data outputs are high im-
pedance when the Output Enable G is High with
Write Enable W High.
Stand-by. The memory is in stand-by when Chip
Enable E is High and the P/E.C. is idle. The power
consumption is reduced to the stand-by level and
the outputs are high impedance, independent of
the Output Enable G or Write Enable W inputs.
Automatic Stand-by. After 150ns of bus inactivi-
ty (no address transition, E = VIL) and when CMOS
levels are driving the addresses, the chip automat-
ically enters a pseudo-stand-by mode where con-
sumption is reduced to the CMOS stand-by value,
while outputs still drive the bus (if G = VIL).
Electronic Signature. Two codes identifying the
manufacturer and the device can be read from the
memory. The manufacturer’s code for STMicro-
electronics is 20h, the device code is D2h for the
M29W008AT (Top Boot) and DCh for the
M29W008AB (Bottom Boot). These codes allow
programming equipment or applications to auto-
matically match their interface to the characteris-
tics of the M29W008A. The Electronic Signature is
output by a Read operation when the voltage ap-
plied to A9 is at VID and address inputs A1 is Low.
The manufacturer code is output when the Ad-
dress input A0 is Low and the device code when
this input is High. Other Address inputs are ig-
nored. The Electronic Signature can also be read,
without raising A9 to VID, by giving the memory the
Instruction AS.
Block Protection. Each block can be separately
protected against Program or Erase on program-
ming equipment. Block protection provides addi-
tional data security, as it disables all program or
erase operations. This mode is activated when
both A9 and G are raised to VID and an address in
the block is applied on A13-A19. Block protection
is initiated on the edge of W falling to VIL. Then af-
ter a delay of 100μs, the edge of W rising to VIH
ends the protection operations. Block protection
verify is achieved by bringing G, E, A0 and A6 to
VIL and A1 to VIH, while W is at VIH and A9 at VID.
Under these conditions, reading the data output
will yield 01h if the block defined by the inputs on
A13-A19 is protected. Any attempt to program or
erase a protected block will be ignored by the de-
Block Temporary Unprotection. Any previously
protected block can be temporarily unprotected in
order to change stored data. The temporary un-
protection mode is activated by bringing RP to VID.
During the temporary unprotection mode the pre-
viously protected blocks are unprotected. A block
can be selected and data can be modified by exe-
cuting the Erase or Program instruction with the
RP signal held at VID. When RP is returned to VIH,
all the previously protected blocks are again pro-
Block Unprotection. All protected blocks can be
unprotected on programming equipment to allow
updating of bit contents. All blocks must first be
protected before the unprotection operation. Block
unprotection is activated when A9, G and E are at
VID and A12, A15 at VIH. Unprotection is initiated
by the edge of W falling to VIL. After a delay of
10ms, the unprotection operation will end. Unpro-
tection verify is achieved by bringing G and E to
VIL while A0 is at VIL, A6 and A1 are at VIH and A9
remains at VID. In these conditions, reading the
output data will yield 00h if the block defined by the
inputs A13-A19 has been successfully unprotect-
ed. Each block must be separately verified by giv-
ing its address in order to ensure that it has been
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
Table 5. User Bus Operations (1)Note:1. X = VIL or VIH. Block Address must be given an A13-A19 bits. See Table 7. Operation performed on programming equipment.
Table 6. Read Electronic Signature (following AS instruction or with A9 = VID)
Table 7. Read Block Protection with AS Instruction
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
Table 8. Commands
INSTRUCTIONS AND COMMANDSThe Command Interface latches commands writ-
ten to the memory. Instructions are made up from
one or more commands to perform Read Memory
Array, Read Electronic Signature, Read Block Pro-
tection, Program, Block Erase, Chip Erase, Erase
Suspend and Erase Resume. Commands are
made of address and data sequences. The in-
structions require from 1 to 6 cycles, the first or first
three of which are always write operations used to
initiate the instruction. They are followed by either
further write cycles to confirm the first command or
execute the command immediately. Command se-
quencing must be followed exactly. Any invalid
combination of commands will reset the device to
Read Array. The increased number of cycles has
been chosen to assure maximum data security. In-
structions are initialised by two initial Coded cycles
which unlock the Command Interface. In addition,
for Erase, instruction confirmation is again preced-
ed by the two Coded cycles.
Status Register BitsP/E.C. status is indicated during execution by Data
Polling on DQ7, detection of Toggle on DQ6 and
DQ2, or Error on DQ5 and Erase Timer DQ3 bits.
Any read attempt during Program or Erase com-
mand execution will automatically output these
five Status Register bits. The P/E.C. automatically
sets bits DQ2, DQ3, DQ5, DQ6 and DQ7. Other
bits (DQ0, DQ1 and DQ4) are reserved for future
use and should be masked. See Tables 10 and 11.
Data Polling Bit (DQ7). When Programming op-
erations are in progress, this bit outputs the com-
plement of the bit being programmed on DQ7.
During Erase operation, it outputs a ’0’. After com-
pletion of the operation, DQ7 will output the bit last
programmed or a ’1’ after erasing. Data Polling is
valid and only effective during P/E.C. operation,
that is after the fourth W pulse for programming or
after the sixth W pulse for erase. It must be per-
formed at the address being programmed or at an
address within the block being erased. If all the
blocks selected for erasure are protected, DQ7 will
be set to '0' for about 100μs, and then return to the
previous addressed memory data value. See Fig-
ure 10 for the Data Polling flowchart and Figure 9
for the Data Polling waveforms. DQ7 will also flag
the Erase Suspend mode by switching from '0' to
'1' at the start of the Erase Suspend. In order to
monitor DQ7 in the Erase Suspend mode an ad-
dress within a block being erased must be provid-
ed. For a Read Operation in Erase Suspend
mode, DQ7 will output '1' if the read is attempted
on a block being erased and the data value on oth-
er blocks. During Program operation in Erase Sus-
pend Mode, DQ7 will have the same behavior as
in the normal program execution outside of the
suspend mode.
Toggle Bit (DQ6). When Programming or Eras-
ing operations are in progress, successive at-
tempts to read DQ6 will output complementary
data. DQ6 will toggle following toggling of either G,
or E when G is low. The operation is completed
when two successive reads yield the same output
data. The next read will output the bit last pro-
grammed or a '1' after erasing. The toggle bit DQ6
is valid only during P/E.C. operations, that is after
the fourth W pulse for programming or after the
sixth W pulse for Erase. If the blocks selected for
erasure are protected, DQ6 will toggle for about
100μs and then return back to Read. DQ6 will be
set to '1' if a Read operation is attempted on an
Erase Suspend block. When erase is suspended
DQ6 will toggle during programming operations in
a block different to the block in Erase Suspend. Ei-
ther E or G toggling will cause DQ6 to toggle. See
Figure 11 for Toggle Bit flowchart and Figure 12
for Toggle Bit waveforms.
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
Table 9. Instructions (1)Note:1. Commands not interpreted in this table will default to read array mode. A wait of tPLYH is necessary after a Read/Reset command if the memory was in an Erase or Program mode before starting any new
operation (see Tables 15, 16 and Figure 9). X = Don’t Care. The first cycles of the RD or AS instructions are followed by read operations. Any number of read cycles can occur after the com-
mand cycles. Signature Address bits A0, A1, at VIL will output Manufacturer code (20h). Address bits A0 at VIH and A1, at VIL will output Device
code. Block Protection Address: A0, at VIL, A1 at VIH and A13-A19 within the Block will output the Block Protection status. For Coded cycles address inputs A15-A19 are don’t care. Optional, additional Blocks addresses must be entered within the erase timeout delay after last write entry, timeout statuscan be
verified through DQ3 value (see Erase Timer Bit DQ3 description). When full command is entered, read Data Polling or Toggle bit
until Erase is completed or suspended. Read Data Polling, Toggle bits or RB until Erase completes.
10. During Erase Suspend, Read and Data Program functions are allowed in blocks not being erased.
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
Table 10. Status Register BitsNote: Logic level ’1’ is High, ’0’ is Low. -0-1-0-0-0-1-1-1-0- represent bit value in successive Read operations.
M29W008AT, M29W008ABconfirmation command. The Coded cycles consist
of writing the data AAh at address 555h during the
first cycle. During the second cycle the Coded cy-
cles consist of writing the data 55h at address
2AAh. A0 to A11 are valid, other address lines are
’don’t care’. The Coded cycles happen on first and
second cycles of the command write or on the
fourth and fifth cycles.
InstructionsSee Table 9.
Read/Reset (RD) Instruction. The Read/Reset
instruction consists of one write cycle giving the
command F0h. It can be optionally preceded by
the two Coded cycles. Subsequent read opera-
tions will read the memory array addressed and
output the data read. A wait state of 10μs is nec-
essary after Read/Reset prior to any valid read if
the memory was in an Erase mode when the RD
instruction is given. The Read/Reset command is
not accepted during Erase and Erase Suspend.
Auto Select (AS) Instruction. This instruction
uses the two Coded cycles followed by one write
cycle giving the command 90h to address 555h for
command set-up. A subsequent read will output
the manufacturer code and the device code or the
block protection status depending on the levels of
A0 and A1. The manufacturer code, 20h, is output
when the addresses lines A0 and A1 are Low, the
device code, EAh for Top Boot, EBh for Bottom
Boot is output when A0 is High with A1 Low.
The AS instruction also allows access to the block
protection status. After giving the AS instruction,
A0 and A6 are set to VIL with A1 at VIH, while A13-
A19 define the address of the block to be verified.
A read in these conditions will output a 01h if the
block is protected and a 00h if the block is not pro-
Program (PG) Instruction. This instruction uses
four write cycles. The Program command A0h is
written to address 555h on the third cycle after two
Coded cycles. A fourth write operation latches the
Address on the falling edge of W or E and the Data
to be written on the rising edge and starts the P/
E.C. Read operations output the Status Register
bits after the programming has started. Memory
programming is made only by writing '0' in place of
'1'. Status bits DQ6 and DQ7 determine if pro-
gramming is on-going and DQ5 allows verification
of any possible error. Programming at an address
not in blocks being erased is also possible during
erase suspend. In this case, DQ2 will toggle at the
address being programmed.
Table 11. Polling and Toggle BitsNote:1. Toggle if the address is within a block being erased.
’1’ if the address is within a block not being erased.
Toggle Bit (DQ2). This toggle bit, together with
DQ6, can be used to determine the device status
during the Erase operations. It can also be used to
identify the block being erased. During Erase or
Erase Suspend a read from a block being erased
will cause DQ2 to toggle. A read from a block not
being erased will set DQ2 to '1' during erase and
to DQ2 during Erase Suspend. During Chip Erase
a read operation will cause DQ2 to toggle as all
blocks are being erased. DQ2 will be set to '1' dur-
ing program operation and when erase is com-
plete. After erase completion and if the error bit
DQ5 is set to '1', DQ2 will toggle if the faulty block
is addressed.
Error Bit (DQ5). This bit is set to '1' by the P/E.C.
when there is a failure of programming, block
erase, or chip erase that results in invalid data in
the memory block. In case of an error in block
erase or program, the block in which the error oc-
curred or to which the programmed data belongs,
must be discarded. The DQ5 failure condition will
also appear if a user tries to program a '1' to a lo-
cation that is previously programmed to '0'. Other
Blocks may still be used. The error bit resets after
a Read/Reset (RD) instruction. In case of success
of Program or Erase, the error bit will be set to '0'.
Erase Timer Bit (DQ3). This bit is set to '0' by the
P/E.C. when the last block Erase command has
been entered to the Command Interface and it is
awaiting the Erase start. When the erase timeout
period is finished, after 50μs to 90μs, DQ3 returns
to '1'.
Coded CyclesThe two Coded cycles unlock the Command Inter-
face. They are followed by an input command or a
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
Table 13. Capacitance (1) (TA = 25 °C, f = 1 MHz)Note: Sampled only, not 100% tested.
Table 14. DC Characteristics(TA = 0 to 70°C, –20 to 85°C or –40 to 85°C; VCC = 2.7V to 3.6V)
Note:1. Sampled only, not 100% tested.
Table 12. AC Measurement Conditions
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
Table 15. Read AC Characteristics(TA = 0 to 70°C, –20 to 85°C or –40 to 85°C)
Note:1. Sampled only, not 100% tested. G may be delayed by up to tELQV - tGLQV after the falling edge of E without increasing tELQV. To be considered only if the Reset pulse is given while the memory is in Erase or Program mode.
M29W008AT, M29W008AB
Table 16. Read AC Characteristics(TA = 0 to 70°C, –20 to 85°C or –40 to 85°C)
Note:1. Sampled only, not 100% tested. G may be delayed by up to tELQV - tGLQV after the falling edge of E without increasing tELQV. To be considered only if the Reset pulse is given while the memory is in Erase or Program mode.
M29W008AT, M29W008AB