LPC660IM/NOPB ,Low Power CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics+Unless otherwise specified, all limits guaranteed for T = 25°C. Boldface ..
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Low Power CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier 14-SOIC -40 to 85
www.ti.com SNOS554D –MAY 1998–REVISED MARCH 2013
LPC660 Low Power CMOS Quad Operational Amplifier
Checkfor Samples: LPC660
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LPC660 CMOS Quad operational amplifieris
Rail-to-rail output swing ideal for operation froma single supply.It featuresa
• Micropower operation:(1 mW) wide rangeof operating voltages from +5Vto +15V
Specified for 100 kΩ and5 kΩ loads and features rail-to-rail output swingin additionto an
input common-mode range that includes ground.
• High voltage gain: 120 dB Performance limitations that have plagued CMOS
• Low input offset voltage:3 mV amplifiersin the past are nota problem with this
• Low offset voltage drift: 1.3 μV/°C design. Input VOS, drift, and broadband noiseas well voltage gain (into 100 kΩ and5 kΩ) areall equal
• Ultra low input bias current:2fA toor better than widely accepted bipolar equivalents,
• Input common-mode includesV−while the power supply requirementis typically less
• Operation range from +5Vto +15V than1 mW.
Low distortion: 0.01%at1 kHz This chipis built with National's advanced Double-
• Slew rate: 0.11 V/μs Poly Silicon-Gate CMOS process.
Full military temp. range available See the LPC662 datasheet fora Dual CMOS
operational amplifier and LPC661 datasheet fora
APPLICATIONS single CMOS operational amplifier with these same
• High-impedance buffer Precision current-to-voltage converter Long-term integrator High-impedance preamplifier Active filter Sample-and-Hold circuit Peak detector
Application Circuitby R1, R2,C1, and C2:=C2.