LP3985IM5X-285 NOPB ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LP3985IM5X-3.0 ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorFeaturesPower supply rejection is better than 50 dB at low frequen-n Miniature 5-I/O micro SMD and ..
LP3985IM5X-3.1 ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorLP3985 Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorJune 2004LP3985Micropowe ..
LP3985IM5X-3.2 ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorFeaturesPower supply rejection is better than 50 dB at low frequen-n Miniature 5-I/O micro SMD and ..
LP3985IM5X-3.3 ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorLP3985 Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorJune 2004LP3985Micropowe ..
LP3985IM5X-4.7 ,Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage RegulatorApplications1.5µA in disable mode and has fast turn-on time less than200µs.n CDMA cellular handsets ..
LT1076HVCT7 ,Step-Down Switching Regulator
LT1076HVIR#PBF ,Step-Down Switching Regulator
LT1076IQ ,Step-Down Switching Regulator
LT1076IQ ,Step-Down Switching Regulator
LT1076IR#PBF ,Step-Down Switching Regulator
LT1077ACN8 ,Micropower/ Single Supply/ Precision Op Amp
LP3985IM5-2.5-LP3985IM5-2.5/NOPB-LP3985IM5-3.3 NOPB-LP3985IM5-3.3#NOPB-LP3985IM5-3.3/NOPB-LP3985IM5X-285 NOPB-LP3985IM5X-4.7/NOPB-LP3985IM5X-5.0/NOPB-LP3985ITLX-2.7/NOPB-LP3985ITLX-2.9/NOPB-LP3985ITLX-285/NOPB
Micropower, 150mA Low-Noise Ultra Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator 5-SOT-23 -40 to 125
LP3985 OUT
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LP3985 Micropower, 150-mA Low-Noise Ultra-Low-Dropout CMOS Voltage Regulator Features 3 DescriptionThe LP3985is designed for portable and wireless Input Voltage: 2.5Vto6V applications with demanding performance and space• 100-mV Maximum Dropout with 150-mA Load requirements. LP3985 performanceis optimized for• 150-mA Verified Output battery-powered systemsto deliver ultra low noise,
extremely low dropout voltage, and low quiescent• 50-dB PSRRat1 kHzat VIN= VOUT+ 0.2V current. Regulator ground current increases only• ≤ 1.5-μA Quiescent Current when Shut Down slightlyin dropout, further prolonging the battery life.• Fast Turn-On time: 200μs (typ.) The LP3985 is stable witha small 1-µF ±30%• 30-μVRMS Output Noise (typical) over10 Hzto 100 ceramicor high-quality tantalum output capacitor. ThekHz DSBGA requires the smallest possible PC board area• −40°Cto 125°C Junction Temperature Rangefor - the total application circuit area can be less than2
Operation mmx 2.5 mm,a fractionofa 1206 case size. 2.5-V, 2.6-V, 2.7-V, 2.8-V, 2.85-V, 2.9-V, 3-V, 3.1- An optional external bypass capacitor reduces theV, 3.2-V, 3.3-V, 4.7-V, 4.75-V, 4.8-V and 5-V output noise without slowing down the load transient
Outputs Standard response. Fast startup timeis achievedby utilizingan
internal power-on circuit that actively pre-charges the• Logic Controlled Enable bypass capacitor.• Stable with Ceramic and High-Quality Tantalum
Power supply rejectionis better than 50 dBat lowCapacitors
frequencies and startsto rolloffat1 kHz. High power• Fast Turnon supply rejectionis maintained down to low input• Thermal Shutdown and Short-Circuit Current Limit voltage levels commonto battery operated circuits.
The deviceis ideal for mobile phone and similar
2 Applications battery-powered wireless applications.It provides up• CDMA Cellular Handsets to 150 mA, froma 2.5-Vto 6-V input. The LP3985
consumes less than 1.5 µAin disable mode and has• Wideband CDMA Cellular Handsets
fast turn-on time less than 200 µs.• GSM Cellular Handsets
The LP3985is available with fixed output voltages• Portable Information Appliances
from 2.5Vto5V. Contact Texas Instruments Salesspace for specific voltage option needs.
Simplified Schematic Device Information(1)(1) For all available packages, see the Package Option
Addendumatthe endofthe datasheet.