LP3966ES-ADJ/NOPB ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Pin Descriptions for TO-220-5 and DDPAK/TO-263-5 PackagesLP3963 LP3966Pin #Name Function Name Funct ..
LP3966ESX-1.8 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications sectionfor more information.** See Application Hints
LP3966ESX-2.5 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorApplicationsthe shutdown pin is pulled low.n Microprocessor power suppliesError Flag: Error flag go ..
LP3966ESX-3.3 ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorBlock Diagram LP396610126729
LP3966ESX-ADJ ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorBlock Diagram LP396610126729
LP3966ESX-ADJ/NOPB ,3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3963/LP3966 series of fast ultra low-dropout2• Ultra Low Dropout Voltagel ..
LT1054IDW ,Switched-Capacitor Voltage Converters With RegulatorMaximum Ratings.. 410.1 Layout Guidelines.... 246.2 ESD Ratings ...... 410.2 Layout Example....... ..
LT1054IDWR ,Switched-Capacitor Voltage Converters With Regulator SLVS033G–FEBRUARY 1990–REVISED JULY 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsP Package8-Pin PDIPTop Vi ..
LT1054IDWRG4 ,Switched-Capacitor Voltage Converters With Regulator 16-SOIC -40 to 85Features... 18 Application and Implementation...... 132 Applications..... 18.1 Application Informat ..
LT1054IN8 ,Switched-Capacitor Voltage Converter with Regulator
LT1054IN8 ,Switched-Capacitor Voltage Converter with Regulator
3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125
LP3963, LP3966
www.ti.com SNVS067H–APRIL 2000–REVISED APRIL 2013
LP3963/LP3966 3A Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
Checkfor Samples: LP3963, LP3966
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3963/LP3966 seriesof fast ultra low-dropout
Ultra Low Dropout Voltage linear regulators operate froma +2.5Vto +7.0V input
• Low Ground Pin Current supply. Wide rangeof preset output voltage options
Load Regulationof 0.06% are available. These ultra low dropout linear
regulators respond very quicklyto step changesin
• 15µA Quiescent Currentin Shutdown Mode load which makes them suitable for low voltage
• Specified Output Currentof 3A DC microprocessor applications. The LP3963/LP3966 are
• Availablein DDPAK/TO-263 and TO-220 developed ona CMOS process which allows low
Packages quiescent current operation independent of output
load current. This CMOS process also allows the
• Output Voltage Accuracy± 1.5% LP3963/LP3966 to operate under extremely low
• Error Flag Indicates Output Status (LP3963) dropout conditions.
• Sense Option Improves Load Regulation Dropout Voltage: Ultra low dropout voltage; typically
(LP3966) 80mVat 300mA load current and 800mVat 3A load
• Minimum Output Capacitor Requirements current.
Overtemperature/Overcurrent Protection Ground Pin Current: Typically 6mA at 3A load
• −40°Cto +125°C Junction Temperature Range current.
Shutdown Mode: Typically 15µA quiescent current
APPLICATIONS when the shutdown pinis pulled low.
Microprocessor Power Supplies Error Flag: Error flag goes low when the output
• GTL, GTL+, BTL, and SSTL Bus Terminators voltage drops 10% below nominal value (for LP3963).
Power Supplies for DSPs SENSE: Sense pin improves regulation at remote
• SCSI Terminator loads. (For LP3966)
Post Regulators Precision Output Voltage: Multiple output voltage
• High Efficiency Linear Regulators options are available ranging from 1.2Vto 5.0V and
adjustable (LP3966), witha specified accuracy of
• Battery Chargers±1.5% at room temperature, and ±3.0% over all
• Other Battery Powered Applications conditions (varying line, load, and temperature). high througha 10kΩ pull-up resistor. Connect Hintsfor more information.