LP3961ESX-3.3 NOPB ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125Block Diagram... 1012 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable7.3 Feature Description.... 11Information ..
LP3961ESX-3.3/NOPB ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125 SNVS056J–MAY 2000–REVISED JUNE 20155 Pin Configurations and Functions5-Pin NDC 5-Pin NDH 5-Pin KTT ..
LP3961ESX-5.0 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications. The LP3961/LP3964 are de-n Available in SOT-223,TO-263 and TO-220 packagesveloped on ..
LP3961ET-1.8 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorLP3961/LP3964 800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsNovember 2004LP3961/LP3964800mA Fast Ul ..
LP3961ET-2.5 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorBlock Diagram LP396410112929
LP3961ET-3.3 ,800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorBlock Diagram LP396410112929
LT103412 ,Micropower Dual Reference
LT1034CS8-1.2 ,Micropower Dual Reference
LT1034CS8-1.2 ,Micropower Dual Reference
LT1034CS8-1.2 ,Micropower Dual Reference
LT1034IS8-1.2 ,Micropower Dual Reference
LT1034IS8-1.2 ,Micropower Dual Reference
LP3961EMP-2.5/NOPB-LP3961ES-2.5/NOPB-LP3961ES-3.3/NOPB-LP3961ESX-2.5 NOPB-LP3961ESX-2.5/NOPB-LP3961ESX-3.3 NOPB-LP3961ESX-3.3/NOPB
800mA Fast Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulator 5-SOT-223 -40 to 125
Sample &
Tools &
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LP3961, LP3964SNVS056J–MAY 2000–REVISED JUNE 2015
LP396x 800-mA Fast Ultra-Low-Dropout Linear Regulators Features 3 DescriptionThe LP396x series of fast ultra-low-dropout linear Input Supply Voltage: 2.5Vto7V regulators operate froma 2.5-Vto 7-V input supply.A• Ultra-Low Dropout Voltage wide range of preset output voltage options are• Low Ground Pin Current available. These ultra-low dropout linear regulators
respond very fast to step changesin load which• Load Regulationof 0.02% makes them suitable for low-voltage microprocessor• 15-µA Quiescent Currentin Shutdown Mode applications. The LP3961 and LP3964 are developed• Specified Output Currentof 0.8-A DC ona CMOS process which allows low quiescent
current operation independentof output load current,• Output Voltage Accuracy ±1.5% well as operation under extremely low dropout• ERROR Flag Indicates Output Status (LP3961) conditions.• Sense Option Improves Better Load Regulation
Dropout Voltage: Ultra-low dropout voltage; typically(LP3964) 24 mVat 80-mA load current and 240 mVat 800-mA• Extremely Low Output Capacitor Requirements load current.• Overtemperature and Overcurrent Protection
Ground Pin Current: Typically4 mAat 800-mA load• −40°Cto 125°C Junction Temperature Range current.
ERROR Flag: ERROR flag goes low when the output
2 Applicationsvoltage drops 10% below nominal value (for LP3961).• Microprocessor Power Supplies
SENSE: SENSE pin improves regulationat remote• GTL, GTL+, BTL, and SSTL Bus Terminators loads (for LP3964).• Power Supplies for DSPs
Precision Output Voltage: Multiple output voltage• SCSI Terminator options are available ranging from 1.2Vto5V and• Post Regulators adjustable (LP3964), witha specified accuracy of High-Efficiency Linear Regulators ±1.5% at room temperature, and ±3% over all
conditions (varying line, load, and temperature).• Battery Chargers Other Battery-Powered Applications
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
LP3964 Typical Application Circuits LP3961 Typical Application CircuitSD pins high
through pullup
the groundis