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USB/AC Adaptor, Single Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger IC 14-WSON -40 to 85
1 PF
10 PF
LP3947 USB/AC Adaptor, Single Cell Li-Ion Battery Charger IC
Checkfor Samples: LP3947
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3947 isa complete charge management
23• Supports USB Charging Scheme system that safely charges and maintainsa Li-Ion
• Integrated Pass Transistor battery from either USB power sourceor AC adaptor.
Near-Depleted Battery Preconditioning In USB mode, the LP3947 supports chargingin
poweror high power mode. Alternatively, the LP3947
• Monitors Battery Temperature can take charge from AC adaptor.In both USB
• Built-In 5.6 Hour Timer AC adaptor modes, charge current, battery
• Under Voltage and Over Voltage Lockout voltage, and End of Charge (EOC) point
selected viaI2 C™ interface. The LP3947 also
• Charge Status Indicators operate on default values that are pre-programmed
• Charge Current Monitor Analog Output the factory. The battery temperature
• LDO Mode Operation can source1 Amp continuously at the Ts pin to safeguard against
hazardous charging conditions. The charger also
• Continuous Over Current/Temperatureunder-voltage and over-voltage protectionas well
Protection an internal 5.6hr timerto protect the battery. The
pass transistor and charge current sensing resistor
APPLICATIONS areall integrated inside the LP3947.
• Cellular Phones The LP3947 operatesin four modes: pre-qualification,
• PDAs constant current, constant voltage and maintenance
Digital Cameras modes. There are two open drain outputs for status
indication. An internal amplifier readily converts the
• USB Powered Devices charge current intoa voltage. Also, the charger can
• Programmable Current Sources operatein an LDO mode providinga maximumof 1.2
Ampto the load.
KEY SPECIFICATIONS 1% Charger Voltage Accuracy Over
0°C≤TJ≤ 85°C 4.3Vto 6V Input Voltage Range 100 mAto 750 mA Charge Current Range,in
Charger Mode Charge Current Range,inin APPLICATION NOTES.