LP3927ILQX-AJ ,Cellular/PCS System Power Management ICGeneral Description Key Specificationsn 3.0V to 5.5V Input Voltage RangeThe LP3927 system power man ..
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Cellular/PCS System Power Management IC
Cellular/PCS System Power Management IC
General DescriptionThe LP3927 system power managementICis designedfor
cellular/PCS handsetsas wellas other portable systems that
require intelligent power management. Each device contains
five low-dropout linear regulators (LDO’s),a reset timer,a
power-up control logic,a general-purpose open drain output
that canbe usedto light LEDs, anda CMOS rail-to-rail
input/output operational amplifier.
Each linear regulator featuresan extremely low dropout
voltageof 100 mV (typ)at maximum output current. LDO1
and LDO2are poweredon andoffby eitherthe KYBDorthe
VEXT pin. LDO3, LDO4 and LDO5 each haveits indepen-
dent enable pin. LDO1 and LDO4 are ratedat 150 mA each,
LDO2 and LDO5 are ratedat 200 mA each and LDO3is
ratedat 100 mA.All LDO’s are optimizedfor low noise and
high isolation.
The open drain output current sink canbe programmedupto
150 mAby usingan external low cost resistor. single supply, low voltage operational amplifier hasrailto
rail input and output with 600 kHzof gain-bandwidth product.
Key Specifications 3.0Vto 5.5V Input Voltage Range Two 200 mA, Two 150 mA and One 100 mA LDO’s 100 mVtyp Dropout Voltage@ IMAX 150 mA General-Purpose Open-drain programmable
current sinkfor back light LED Low Voltage Railto Rail Input/Output Operational
Amplifier28pin LLP package
Applications Cellular/PCS handsets PDA’s, Palmtops, and portable terminals Single–CellLi+ Systems2-or3- Cell NiMH, NiCdor Alkaline System
Typical Application CircuitVDD1,VDD2 and VDD3 mustbe tied together externally. Collectively called VDD.
November 2004