LP3893ESX-1.2 ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsFeatures@n Ultra low dropout voltage (270 mV 3A typ)The LP3893 is a high-current, fast-response reg ..
LP3893ESX-1.2/NOPB ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators 5-DDPAK/TO-263 -40 to 125FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LP3893 is a high-current, fast-response regulator2• Ultra Low Dropout Volta ..
LP3893ET-1.2 ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsLP3893 3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsSeptember 2003LP38933A Fast-Response Ult ..
LP3893ET-1.5 ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsApplicationsmum external capacitance is required to maintain loop sta-n DSP Power Suppliesbility.n ..
LP3893ET-1.8 ,3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear RegulatorsFeatures@n Ultra low dropout voltage (270 mV 3A typ)The LP3893 is a high-current, fast-response reg ..
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3A Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
LP3893 Fast-Response Ultra Low Dropout Linear Regulators
General DescriptionThe LP3893isa high-current, fast-response regulator which
can maintain output voltage regulation with minimum inputto
output voltage drop. Fabricatedona CMOS process, the
device operates from two input voltages: Vbias provides
voltageto drive the gateof the N-MOS power transistor,
while Vinis the input voltage which supplies powerto the
load. The useofan external bias rail allows the partto
operate from ultra low Vin voltages. Unlike bipolar regula-
tors,the CMOS architecture consumes extremely low quies-
cent currentat any output load current. The useof an
N-MOS power transistor resultsin wide bandwidth,yet mini-
mum external capacitanceis requiredto maintain loop sta-
The fast transient responseof these devices makes them
suitablefor usein powering DSP, Microcontroller Core volt-
ages and Switch Mode Power Supply post regulators. The
partsare availablein TO-220 and TO-263 packages.
Dropout Voltage: 270 mV (typ)@3A load current.
Ground Pin Current:3 mA (typ)atfull load.
Shutdown Current:60nA (typ) when S/Dpinis low.
Precision Output Voltage: 1.5% room temperature accu-
Features Ultra low dropout voltage (270 mV@3A typ) Low groundpin current Load regulationof 0.04%/A60nA typical quiescent currentin shutdown 1.5% output accuracy (25˚C) TO-220, TO-263 packages Over temperature/over current protection −40˚Cto +125˚C junction temperature range
Applications DSP Power Supplies Server Core andI/O Supplies Linear Power SuppliesforPC Add-in-Cards Set-Top Box Power Supplies Microprocessor Power Supplies High Efficiency Linear Power Supplies SMPS Post-Regulators
Typical Application Circuit20069701 least10µFof inputand output capacitanceis requiredfor stability.
*Tantalum capacitorsare recommended. Aluminum electrolytic capacitorsmaybe usedfor restricted temperature range.See application hints.
Connection DiagramsTO-220, Top View
TO-263, Top View
September 2003